East Vancouver / Killarney area
by 無回答
from 無回答
2025-02-07 19:05:26 CA
Furnished private bedroom for rent. Available in East Vancouver / Killarney area starting April 1.
Rent will be $850 per month which includes wifi, and utilities (water, electricity, heating).
One zone to downtown Vancouver. No takeover.
Deposit will be $500.
Shared clean bathroom and kitchen.
Public transport-friendly house. Close to the bus stop.
• Bus # 26 going to 29th Avenue Skytrain station and Joyce-Collingwood Skytrain station.
• Bus # 49 going to Langara/ UBC and Metrotown.
• Bus #430 going to Bridgeport Skytrain station/ Richmond Centre and Metrotown.
Near Champlain Square Shopping Centre, Library, and Killarney Community Centre.
For more information please email: roomson51st@gmail.com
East Vancouver / Killarneyエリアの家具付きのプライベートルームに住んでいただける方を探しています。
ダウンタウンまで1ゾーンで月$850 (wifi,光熱費込),テイクオーバーありません。
デポジット $500 です。
29th Avenue とJoyce-Collingwood スカイトレインの駅行きの#26 バス、
UBC、Langara、Metrotown行きの#49 バス、
Bridgeport Skytrain station/ Richmond Centre and Metrotown 行きの
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