Well furnished One Bedroom to Rent
by Viney Email
from Vancouver
2024-09-24 07:41:46 US
This is a well furnished three bedroom house, I want to rent out only one room to any young man or woman that is responsible and friendly. My name is Viney, 27 years. I was born and brought up in Vancouver. I’m the only daughter of my late father. We have a 3 bedroom house at 5896 Lincoln St, Vancouver, BC V5R 4P7 but only one is available for rent.
The rent is $700 monthly with utilities included gas, water and internet. Security deposit is $200 The house is fully equipped and you’ll have access to your private bathroom. The kitchen is big and well equipped. I need someone that can rent this month or next month because I will be moving in fully to my own room this month. I already make arrangement to make it easy for my roomie to be comfortable. The house directly near a bus stop. Kindly send email if you are ready.
by 無回答
from 無回答 2024-09-24 15:35:59 CA
これは詐欺なので、気をつけてください!この人、何回もjpcanada にこの投稿をしています!
by 無回答
from 無回答 2024-09-24 15:58:28 CA
by 無回答
from 無回答 2024-09-24 17:19:21 JP