No.194560 駅まで徒歩5分以内!5 minutes walk to the station! Master bedroom for $850 by 無回答 from 無回答 2024-11-19 10:32:55 CA こんにちは。 サレーもあるGateway 駅まで徒歩5分! 部屋はマスタールームで、家賃は月額850ドル(Wi-Fi, hydro込み)。 12月1日〜入居可能です。 ※女性のみの物件となります。 もしご興味があれば、Ireneまで604-338-3489(英語)、もしくはSaeまで778-554-1747(日本語)でお問い合わせください。週末いつでも訪ねて大丈夫です。 Hi everyone who interested or looking a shared house just female only, located Gateway Surrey very closed to sky train like 5 minutes walk to my place, the room is master bedroom, rent $850/month included Wi-Fi, hydro, available from December 1st. If you are interested, you can visit my place on weekend anytime. If you are interested, please contact 604-338-3489(Irene) in English or 778-554-1747(Sae) in Japanese. Thank you, see you soon.