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Maruhachi Ra-men Hiring New Kitchen Staff !!

by Maruhachi Ramen  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2025-01-21 18:05:37 CA

Maruhachi Ramen was founded in 2013 and currently operates 8 branches in Metro Vancouver. We are currently looking for staff in the following positions and locations:

●Surrey (9082 152 St unit 2, Surrey, )
-Kitchen Staff: $17.4 per hour + tips

●Richmond (2780 No.3 Rd, Richmond)
-Kitchen Staff: $17.4 per hour + tips

●Coquitlam (1190 Pinetree Wy #108, Coquitlam, BC V3B 0J5)
-Kitchen Staff: $17.4 per hour + tips

Benefits : Tips, Staff meals, Vacation pay, Holiday pay (Statuary Holiday Pay), Uniform and Kitchen shoes provided, Paid sick leave (Up to 5 days per year)

Executive Employee Benefits : Bonus, Health Insurance (Company will pay including family members), Transit fees, New phone provided, Long term vacation, etc.

Hours : Between 6:00~22:30 (Hours and positions differ on location)
All locations are closed on statuary holidays. We will pay staff holiday pay as following BC Employment Standards.

No experience is needed, but workable visa that is 3 months or longer is required.

We are looking for someone able to work full time, who is outgoing and takes initiative. Part time is welcomed as well! We also support anyone who would like work visa permit or permanent residency as well.

If you are interested please send us your resume to
Let us know which location you are interested in, your visa expiry date, also with a short introduction about yourself.
Once we receive your documents, we will contact you via email about the interview. We will only contact those who have passed the screening after reviewing their resumes.

Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!


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