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North American Pronunciation and English Tutor

by Anthony Urrello  Email 
from 1310 Walnut Street, Vancouver, BC
 2025-01-16 17:41:53 CA

Do you like learning English in a friendly, relaxed, and supportive environment? I am a native English speaker and a full-time ESL tutor with 24 years of experience. I am currently offering private online classes using Whatsapp, Skype, Wechat, Facetime, and more. If you want to meet in person, we can have classes in the Kitsilano neighborhood of Vancouver.

I would be happy to help you in several areas: English conversation (sentence structure, listening, and vocabulary); North American pronunciation; business English; and writing and grammar improvement. I also assist university students with writing skills, essay ideas and outlines.

In the first level pronunciation program, I guide you through a beginning evaluation, pronunciation exercises for difficult letters and popular words, word stress guidelines, pronunciation of sentences from dialogues, and accent corrections during our conversations.

My current rates are $25/hour for conversation and pronunciation, and $30/hour for writing and grammar. If you want to bring a friend, the cost is just $5/hour extra for each additional student.

Please email Anthony at or text (604) 782-8334 to find out more. I look forward to hearing from you.


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