JAPAN ’S Fault
バンクーバー 2005/09/17 16:47:45
Japanese people studied with wrong history book.
Japanese killded lots of people in South Asia side.
Japanese government they never told them and they fixed their
history book because they are shame on their history.
Young Japanese people doesn’t interest about this cus they
don’t know it, but young people of South Asia they never
forget these things.
JAPAN’s High class people !!!!!!!
You guys must say " SORRY " to South Asia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Res.1 |
日本 2005/09/17 22:05:08
I think U dont know anything about that. Ask your goverment! The answer is easy eh.Everything is for money !!! You are the dog of Pavlov in your country.Study more carefully!
Res.2 |
日本 2005/09/17 22:05:41
I think U dont know anything about that. Ask your goverment! The answer is easy eh.Everything is for money !!! You are the dog of Pavlov in your country.Study more carefully!
Res.3 |
バンクーバー 2005/09/17 23:30:12
I do not think you have read Japanese history textbook ever.
Res.4 |
江戸 2005/09/17 23:44:46
99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Res.5 |
世界 2005/09/18 00:17:53
Someone said Asian people have formed a bad opinion of Japan because the Japanese Army did bad things during WWII. Is that true?
Which country comes to mind? There are a lot of countries in Asia. Here are some of those Asian countries’ opinions about Japan. To find out more about these countries, click on their national flags.
Talks about the three and a half years of the Japanese military government, the victory nations’, i.e. Dutch, Chinese and American, scholars or people who learned in Europe or US, and came to dislike Japan. These people spread an over exaggerated Japanese bad reputation. However, they do not tell the truth or the whole story. -----
Aramsha, A former third-deputy prime minister of Republic of Indonesia
A Japanese teacher said to me "I believe that Japanese Army slaughtered Malaysian. I came here to research the fact." I was very surprised and I said Japanese did not kill one Malaysian. Japanese Army killed British the Army as an enemy and anti-Japanese Chinese-Malaysian guerilla assisted them. -----
Raja Dato Nonchick, A former Senator of Federation of Malaysia
Myanmar (Burma)
Japanese, as an up front on Asia, battled to get their social and economic progress and its development of education. They fought for the people who were fettered politically and economically, and were suppressed in India, Burma, China, Philippine and Sumatra -----
The Voluntary Army for independence of Burma
European countries and the United States must have a purpose to demonstrate their legitimacy of invasion to Asia. I cannot pass over without embarrassment t hat Japanese descendants have had a distorted guilty feeling and became snools and spent decadent life-styles. Sweep away those propagandas that give wrong impressions of Japan! This wrong history has to be rewritten. -----
Radhabinod Pal, A judge of International Military Tribunal for the Far East
All Asian country could become independent under the favor of Japan, our mother. Her body was damaged for its difficult birth. However the children grew up quickly and healthily. Today, Southeast Asian people can talk as equals with the US and UK. By whose obligation can we do that? Our mother, Japan, sacrificed herself for all Asian independence. We must remember December 8th, when our mother showed us the great thought she was forced to take upon herself.
Kukurit Pramoj, A Former Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Thai
Res.6 |
世界 2005/09/18 00:20:38
In war there are winners and losers. The media on the winning side eventually takes hold over the loser, carefully filtering information -- as well as re-writing history, to reshape the loser’s thinking in accordance with the winner’s ideology. Thus, any account of war by the defeated is usually dismissed as "revisionist history" or brushed aside as grousing. Indeed, recounting the tales of the victors of World War II is still lucrative business, even 50 years after the end of the war, and the "moral lessons" of the war are dove-tailed into contemporary issues by the media (e.g. Pearl Harbor and September 11), even if the circumstances are quite unique. The official version of events eventually fossilizes as dogma, but because it excludes accounts of the losing side, it stands without a solid foundation. The official version of history then forms the basis of current and future policies, with disastrous consequences.
A peculiar offshoot of modern war is the concept of victor’s justice, or vigilantism disguised as is justice, punishment based on dubious allegations that is enforced on both civilians as well as combatants. The post-war experiences of the Germans, and more recently, the Serbs and Arabs serve as good examples of the concept of victor’s justice. The exact origin of the need for extreme vengeance is not clear, since civilians in previous centuries were not usually targeted for post-war retribution. The ancient Hebrews, however, have shown a propensity for mass enslavement and slaughter following victory. Since Jews have significant influence over U.S. military and foreign policy, perhaps some of these ancient lessons have been carried over into modern times. It would not be a stretch to suggest that American post-war policies may be an extension of the Jewish experience.
The other loser of the Second World War was the Japanese. The end of the war brought "regime change" and the summary executions of "war criminals." After a period of democratization, including the adoption of a Marxist constitution (co-authored by Jews), Japan signed a peace treaty with the U.S. and most of the Allies in 1951. A separate peace treaty with the nationalist Chinese was signed the following year. The communist Chinese, however, were determined to extract their revenge. Although the communist Chinese and the Japanese issued a joint communique in 1972, in which the Communists would drop the matter of reparations against Japan, organized and individual Chinese are still demanding that Tokyo address compensation for alleged war crimes. Curiously, other Asians, such as the Filipinos, who gained their independence from white colonialists as a direct result of the Pacific War, were also jumping at the prospect of further punishing Japan - despite signing onto a peace treaty in which they waived the right to seek further reparations. Those signing onto the treaty were allowed to seize Japanese assets and receive fair compensation in the form of reconstruction aid. Although the Japanese were alleged to commit numerous atrocities in Asia, especially in China, the rallying point for disaffected Asians centers on the events that occurred in late 1937/early 1938 within and around the then-capital city of Nanking, the "rape of Nanking" or the "Nanking massacre."
Res.7 |
世界 2005/09/18 00:21:29
As alluded to earlier, history is written by the winners. On the ground, Japanese troops attacked the Chinese capital city of Nanking on December 10. The city fell on December 13 with the defeat and withdrawal of Nationalist forces and an entrance ceremony was conducted by the Japanese on the 17th. City administration was handed back to the Chinese in January, 1938. The official version of what occurred in Nanking is that following the fall of Nanking, the Japanese conducted a systematic program of "ethnic cleansing," killing and raping civilians in the process, lasting until the beginning of February. Though the numbers are ambiguous, the number of civilians murdered range anywhere from 40,000 to 300,000. Until recently, the official version of the "Nanking massacre" was accepted as the truth. However, two books, What Really Happened in Nanking, by Masaaki Tanaka and The Alleged ’Nanking Massacre,’ by Tadao Takemoto and Yasuo Ohara, discuss and carefully evaluate the events surrounding the so-called massacre. Unsurprisingly, the accounts of events in 1937 written by the "losers" drastically conflict with the official version.
Oddly, the contemporary accounts do not mention a massacre. The military accounts from both the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as well as the Nationalists chronicle the fall of Nanking but fail to mention either a concurrent or subsequent massacre. In addition, Japanese news reports of the time do not suggest or hint that a massacre occurred. In fact, the first time anyone that was involved in the military operations in and around Nanking heard of a "massacre" was 9 years later during the "Tokyo Trials." Prior to the arrival of Japanese forces, Nationalist government officials and the wealthy fled Nanking and withdrew to Chungking. The International Committee of the Nanking Safety Zone in Nanking was established by foreigners to manage a civilian refugee area within Nanking. The "Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone," a collection of documents prepared by the International Committee, does not report systematic murder of civilians, rape and looting by Japanese soldiers. Several months after the "massacre," in 1938, nationalist Chiang Kai-Shek published appeals to win support in his struggle against the Japanese occupation. In his appeals, he mentions the "cold blooded" Japanese aerial bombardment of Canton, but fails to mention a "Nanking massacre." Neither a publication by General He Yingquin, one of the top-ranking Nationalist officers and former minister of defense, Modern Chinese History: The Conflict with Japan, which contains military reports covering the period between 1937 and 1945 nor China Year Book 1938, published by the "North China Daily News & Herald (Shanghai)," which chronicles official Chinese speeches and events, mention the occurrence of a massacre in Nanking.
Japanese press and government reports do not mention widespread atrocities or large-scale breakdown of order in Nanking. Naturally, detractors will discount anything published by the Japanese government as propaganda or that the press in occupied China was muzzled. The Japanese military did report that looting and arson was encountered in Nanking, events that were due to the collapse of authority brought about by the retreat of Chinese forces and the earlier evacuation of the Chinese civilian authorities and not by Japanese soldiers. The international as well as Japanese media were allowed to tour Nanking, unescorted, in the summer of 1938. Aside from military secrets, the Japanese media freely reported on Nanking in December, 1938, and reports and photographs of the occupation depict a population going about its business in the midst of war.
Res.8 |
世界 2005/09/18 00:22:15
In the few cases of unlawful conduct by individual soldiers, the offenders were severely punished. In fact, the Japanese military was keen on maintaining strict discipline since they were about to, for the first time in their history, capture a foreign capital. The Japanese high command admonished its solders to abide by professional conduct in dealing with civilians after the capture of Nanking. Rather than encourage atrocities, the Japanese had good reason to ensure that the occupation of Nanking (and the rest of China) was performed within the existing guidelines of warfare. Since Japan was dependent on importing raw materials from the U.S. and European colonies in Asia, maintaining good relations, in the midst of a war in China, was critical.
The European colonial countries, the U.S. and the Soviet Union saw Japan as a threat to their economic and territorial interests in China. The major powers, prompted by the Nationalists, used the League of Nations at every opportunity to condemn Japan’s actions in China. In May 1938, The League adopted a resolution condemning Japanese military aggression in China, but the League failed to also condemn "massacre" or "atrocities" committed by Japanese forces in Nanking. This is surprising, since the Nationalists had previously used the world body to highlight other Japanese "atrocities."
The key pieces of evidence against the Japanese are the eye-witness accounts of the massacre. Several examples of confused or fabricated memories in context of the European holocaust exist. Similarly, it is likely that the "witnesses" to the Nanking massacre were either reciting rumors or were recounting fictionalized events. A case of John H.D. Rabe lends itself as a valuable lesson in objectivity. Rabe was the Chairman of the International Committee of the Safety Zone in Nanking, which was organized prior to the fall of Nanking. Rabe was a member of the Nazi party and president of Siemens’ Far East operations. The International Committee regularly reported to various embassies and Japanese military officials on the needs of the people within the Safety Zone and on any alleged mistreatment meted out by the Japanese military.
One of the functions undertaken by the International Committee related to care of the civilians was to keep a population census. Before and immediately following the Japanese attack, the number of civilians within the Zone was estimated to be 200,000, "nearly all the civilian population of Nanking." By the middle of January, 1938, the population increased due to an influx of refugees to about 250,000 (Based on the numbers alone, it is difficult to see how the number 300,000 came about.) Although the Committee reported about 50 murders and 300 rapes occurring from the fall of Nanking to the beginning of February, 1938 (most of which were recorded based only on second-hand information), Rabe recounted in his diary that "thousands of innocent civilians" were killed and "20,000 women and girls" were raped. Rabe did not witness any of the atrocities he alleges, basing the numbers on hearsay. Indeed, his numbers killed changes with each telling, from 49, which he reported to Japanese officials in Nanking, to "hundreds," which he reported to the British ambassador in Nanking, to 60,000, which he reported directly to Adolf Hitler. Other examples of his perfidy exist, such as telling the Japanese authorities that the Safety Zone was free of Chinese soldiers when in fact he knew it was not, thus endangering the lives of the refugees. It is likely that Rabe had selfish motives behind his actions. The bonds of allegiance between Japan and Germany during the 1930’s were minimal at best. The Germans were fully supportive of the Nationalists, supplying them with arms and military advisors in exchange for Chinese raw materials. In fact, Rabe sold military hardware to the Nationalists. Thus, Rabe’s efforts to cast the Japanese in the worst possible light were understandable in this context. (Hitler eventually stopped arms shipments to China and allied with Japan as a strategy to contain the U.S.S.R.)
Res.9 |
世界 2005/09/18 00:23:15
Claims that "ethnic cleansing" was Japanese policy do not make sense. National Socialist Germany had laws specifically designed to encourage non-Germans to leave Germany and plans to deport non-Germans to the U.S.S.R. In contrast, Japan had no official policy against the non-Japanese races (including Jews). In fact, Japan promoted racial egalitarianism. Japanese immigrants were subject to numerous restrictions in white countries in the early 1900’s. Japan felt that they were being restricted in implementing policy in their own back yard, particularly China, whereas Europeans had significant control and influence over vast regions of Asian. In response to these realities, the Japanese representatives at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference requested that a clause stipulating racial non-discrimination in international affairs be added to the Covenant of the League of Nations. Given the anti-Japanese climate, however, the non-discrimination clause was not passed. Rather than dominate, one of the goals of Japan’s expansionism in Asia was to liberate it from white colonialism, which would not only result in freeing Asians from colonialism but also serve to protect Japan against U.S. and European encroachment. However, the natives, wary of Japan’s intentions and supplied with U.S. arms, waged a brutal guerilla war. The Japanese military were under strict orders to respect civilians and their property. As the war progressed, however, local commanders started using extreme measures to deny the terrorists civilian support. (The German military was also faced with combating guerillas during their war and used harsh measures to deal with the both the guerillas and their supporters.) Japan had no plan for systematic mass murder within their empire.
One key issue not discussed, falling outside of the scope of the books, is the motive behind the current drive to humiliate Japan into paying "reparations." Some have noted the greed and chauvinism that Jews have displayed in their quest for "reparations" from Europe and U.S. Several hundreds of millions of dollars from Germany and Austria and billions of dollars in grants and loans from the U.S have been paid to Israel. Jewish groups have extracted several billion dollars more from other European countries and companies. Add to this the "psychic" currency that non-Jews pay every day - unchallenged acquiescence to support Israel and reverence for Jewish interests. It is possible that the Asians have assimilated the lesson that it is never too late to make your (former) enemy pay. It may be a co-incidence, but it appears that the Asians making claims against Japan tend to be poor. While Singapore and Malaysia had their share of the burden of occupation, much of the noise comes from the Chinese and Filipinos. Japan has paid billions of dollars in restitution as well as developmental aid to all of the countries under its occupation. Obviously, the clamor for more reparations is not to make amends but to punish. The Jewish lesson has taught that continuous wailing and breast beating, combined with economic and political pressure, will eventually lead to results. Japan has steadfastly refused to buckle under (whereas Germany and other European countries have caved in). However, given the importance the Japanese place on harmonious existence, it is not clear if the Japanese will continue to resist.
Both books by Takemoto and Ohara and Masaaki offer fascinating insights into one chapter of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). Aside from the need for careful consideration when the charge of genocide springs up, there are other lessons that may be learned from Japan’s wartime experience. There are parallels between Japan’s experience in China and the experience of a former foe, the U.S., in Iraq. The Japanese entered China with the hopes of effecting "regime change," replacing the current leadership with one that is more accommodating. Although the Chinese nationalist military quickly collapsed from the onset, the war dragged and the Japanese were unable to suppress a guerrilla war. Following the war, the communists took control, secured an arsenal of nuclear weapons and built up the world’s largest army. It is likely that members of the former Iraqi regime, as did the losers of the Second World War, will be charged with "crimes against humanity." The resolution of the current conflict in Iraq is in doubt, but it is likely that, following the withdrawal of U.S. forces, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East, will become more unstable. If the fate of China at the end of the Second World War serves as a model, the future for Iraq is not encouraging.
Res.10 |
バンクーバー 2005/09/18 10:53:59
Res 3 you mother fucker.
Japan’s history textbooks are all fake.
Res.11 |
トロント 2005/09/18 11:27:10
How do you know that?
Res.12 |
トロント 2005/09/18 11:27:53
How do you know that?
Res.13 |
バンクーバー 2005/09/19 23:43:29
only crazy china and korea have crazy history. most of asian countries like japan. you guys always say about history, war.
you guys like monkey. always do same things.hahahaha-.
but, i like that your governments are crazy. go ahead! be crazy.
why we have to be sorry? tell me why--? why you guys dont be sorry for another country?
Res.14 |
バンクーバー 2005/09/20 04:05:47
I think we are sorry and that’s why we’re compensating these countries. What you don’t realize is that you’re own government isn’t honest with its own people and it’s people like you who get totally brainwashed by their bullshit. Yes, I am talking about the chinese and korean government. Just like the US government who scare the americans of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction when it’s really about money and oil. Americans actually believe the crap that’s fed to them. Get my drift? All this talk about history and war really cracks me up. China and Korea have both invaded and started war in the past as well so it’s not only the japanese. Perhaps you should study history or politics more before you start a discussion. There will never be peace and happiness in this world because there will always be ignorant dumb fucks like you. I’ve been seeing a lot of anti-japanese threads on this site lately but reading it always makes me laugh because they sound so stupid and uneducated........pretty sad that there are still people like you in our generation.
Res.15 |
Japan is no.1
How smart japanese 2005/09/20 04:17:02
Question 1. Is it true that Japanese Army killed no less than 300,000 Chinese in Capital Nanking, when Japan-Chino war happened?
Answer 1. No, it’s not true. This is the issue so-called "Nanking Massacre(or Rape of Nanking)", but thanks to study about it much deeper recently, it comes to conclusion that the issue is clearly lie.
Answer 2. Because Chinese (the Kuomingtang) army induced to the war against Japanese army in Shanghai, and as the result it became the war.
There is a big city Shanghai in China. The city had free area "Sokai" under foreign sovereignty of France, England, the US and Japan in 1937 when the war happened. So every country sent the own army to stay in the free area. In those days relationship between Japan and China became worsen and several conflicts happened. Chinese government sent enlarged army(150,000 soldiers) around Shanghai. And Japanese government had to dispatch more army in order to protect Japanese citizens in the city.(total 4,000 army)
As the result at last, Chinese army stepped forward to start the war against Japan, raiding on Japanese sovereignty by airplanes. For the beginning Japanese army had a hard time because of fewer soldiers. On the other hand Chinese army already fulfilled their armament under instruction by German military advisory group. But Japanese army got out of the difficult situation little by little by enlarging the soldiers. And the Japanese armed forces struck a Gulf of Hangzhou. Chinese armed forces nearby Shanghai were attacked from the rear, then they retreated to Nanking, the capital of China. The Japanese armed forces pursued them.
Res.16 |
Japan is no.1
How smart japanese 2005/09/20 04:17:36
Answer 3. Before attacking at Nanking by Japanese Army the population was 200,000, and one month after the occupation it increased up to 250,000.
According that the battlefield came near to Nanking, most of citizens took refuge from Nanking, only poor citizen(refuges) were left in the city. Before the fall of the city there were 22 western people stayed and 15 of them set up "the International Committee [or the Nanking Safety Zone Committee]". They provided the area of no more than 4 square kilo-meters as "Safety Zone", the most of civilians were made accommodated [as refugees] in this area. It might follow suite the "Safety Zone" set up by French priest Giacchino at Shanghai Battle, and as the result it was successful to prevent casualties expanding to Shanghai civilians
The people who are claiming ,"Nanking Massacre was historical fact" sometimes said that the population was 500,000 before Nanking attack, but it is groundless. There are about 130 materials regarding to the population of the city those days, but in the light of these materials it is very clear the population of Nanking was about 200,000. Moreover there are 50 materials concerning to the distribution map of the population, and most of civilians stayed in the Safety Zone.
Of course this numerical value was about, without the census. However, as for the important thing, there was not decrease after Japan force’s occupation of December, 1937. Decrease of population is not recorded in any documents of those days. On the contrary, the population increases by 50,000 people in one month, after the Japanese armed forces occupied. For example, foreigners of an international committee of those days were going to ration food to refugees. Therefore, they recorded as for the population of Nanking, it was about 200,000 before occupation of the Japanese armed forces and it became 250,000 after occupation. The record of population by International committee were many in three months, by another person or another day, but this number was always consistent.
Question 4. Was there any eye-witness for the massacre?
Answer 4. According to any materials those days, no one in Nanking saw the mass murders.
Such Nanking case as is focused on international politics or ideological conflicts, is refrain from discussing on the ground of materials made a few decades later, because their witness may uncertain, fabricated or deliberated witness influenced on after information, political and ideological intention. That’s why it is very important of studying in the light of actual materials recorded those days.
The westerners of "the Safety Zone Committee" in Nanking those days have very few eyewitness at the spot. Besides those few western witness were deeply and friendly to Chinese, and rather pro-Chinese. Moreover some of them were asked by Kuomintang government to work for anti-Japanese propaganda campaigns. They sometimes contacted such anti-Japanese agents who recorded any miner or intentionally fabricated Japanese war crimes. And later these records come to be the reasons of accusations by Chinese after the war. Back to "the Nanking Massacre", even those pro-Chinese westerners gave any witness of slaughtering civilians by Japanese soldiers except two(2) cases. Even the two cases were not illegal murders.
@One of them was the witness of Reverend John G. Magee’s at Tokyo court. As a members of International Safety Zone, he was freely walking around in the refugee Zone. And he endlessly sued for the brutalities done by Japanese Army. But he was asked, "Did you really see them?" at the court, and his answer was the murdering Chinese happened in front of him was only one who was shot to dead because of running away when Japanese soldiers on the alert asked to stop.
If the massacre happened against civilians, it only must have happened in the Safety Zone, in which most of Nanking citizen sheltered. But No foreigners who supervised and watched carefully walking or driving around the Zone saw any such mass murders. If the hellish mass killings lasted for several weeks [the 6 week Nanking Massacre from December 13, 1936], it was just impossible that there were no eye-witness of mass murder there.
It was John Rabe [he was a chairman of the Committee] who claimed that Japanese Army killed scores of thousands at the court. However, he reported not only the number to Garman government, but also few hundreds of death to England embassy, or the different report of 49 murders to Japanese embassy at the same time. The report to German government had something to do with political purpose. Anyway he didn’t saw any murders at spot in the Zone. The western members of the Safety Zone may have had malicious feeling against Japan.
That’s why they gathered those hearsay rapes or robberies and recorded them without verifying if those were true or not, and accused for Japan criminals. Even those were all true, it was too far from scene of the mass murders. Because the records of serious accusations were included, for example, robbery of a cooler box, tea pots or plates done by Japanese soldiers. Strangely enough they gave no claim against the records [if there was] of mass killing the civilians. Repeat again, in about 980 cases recorded by the foreign members those days there were only two murders before their eyes.
Res.17 |
Japan is no.1
How smart japanese 2005/09/20 04:18:10
Question 5. How was the situation of Nanking just after Japanese surrender in 1945? The Nanking people picked up the topic of the massacre in their mouths and revenged Japanese?
Answer 5. No, such cases never happened.
Not like present Japanese or Chinese, the citizens (settlers) or Japanese in Nanking those days didn’t have any ideas about "the event" at all. [Even they didn’t hear of the rumor of mass killing done by Japanese army in this city before.] Many years after the war, thanks to the continual propaganda of Koumintang government, many of Japanese and Chinese came to believe as the historical fact of "the Nanking Massacre".
After Japanese surrender, Koumintang government(China) advised Chinese people to indict the crimes@done by Japanese Army in Nanking in order to report the evidence to prove "the Nanking Massacre" for Tokyo Court. But at that time according to China, there were "only too few accusers" and "many people to deny" against Japanese cruel actions, and at last next year in January the testimony they could report was only one as "the evidence". So that China made a great effort to correct the evidences during the court and finally eleven(11) testimonies could only be reported. However, judging from present eyes, those testimonies or evidences themselves are too far enough to prove that there was "the Nanking Massacre".
After Japanese occupation in Nanking(in 1937) there were ten and a few thousands Japanese resided in the city together with Chinese. But there were no Japanese heard of rumor of "the mass killing in Nanking" In 1945 after the war more than ten thousand Japanese residents were concentrated in a part of the city for a half year. But they never heard of the incident nor suffered from Chinese revenge. Nor Chinese authority notified Japanese for the event. They came to know the cruel incident done by Japanese Army after coming home. In short they knew it from news, books or the propaganda of "the Nanking Massacre" in Japan.
As for Japanese Army head quarter in Nanking after the war, they stayed in the city for more than one year for succeeding procedure and got in touch with Chinese authorities. But no one picked up the incident and broke the friendly relationship. It may have been considered a kind of performance only for the court, and the leaders of Koumintang government those days never meant it as "the Nanking Massacre".
Some Japanese soldier of the headquarters strolled in the Nanking city after defeat every day, but he was not harmed anything. Many of Japanese armed forces changed to a ship after defeat at the Nanjing outskirts, went down Yangtze River and returned to Japan. Some Japanese soldier was made to labor of sewage cleaning in the Nanking city. Japanese soldiers surrendered, did not have weapons, so they was looked with contmpt by Chinese. However, they were not heard about Nanking Massacre, and they were not retaliated in the city.
Res.18 |
Japan is no.1
How smart japanese 2005/09/20 04:18:43
Question 6. Were the most of the testimonies for "the Nanking Massacre" brought to light long after the war?
Answer 6. Yes, that’s true.
Two things one of which is "When was it recorded?" and the other is "Is it possible to examine again?" are the most important whether the testimony is reliable or not. There were testimonies of Japanese witness eye-watched "the Nanking Massacre". But those who testified came all to be clearly lies. For example, one soldier who testified it was disclosed that alived soldiers in the same unit testified that they were not in Nanking at that time. So if those testimonies examined carefully among the people with them or their records, it easily came to know they all were fabrication.
That’s why, as for Japanese accusations these days, a lot of anonymous testimonies are made up. On the other hand as for Chinese ones, most of testimonies of the incident were only recent ones(1990s) just after People’s Rep. of China decided to take advantage of the incident and widely started campaigning "the Nanking Massacre" as means of political propaganda. Only we can say it is reliable evidence after examining whether the accuser is real and he was in the city, or when the evidence was recorded, and the contents he testified is really reliable or not.
Please, you too, don’t believe their accusation easily without examining these testimonies or evidences from all the points with your bear eyes as the judge. So you’ll know "the Nanking Massacre" is doubtful, rather than real. As for the testimony the first you must check is the time when it was written. For example do you accept the accusation of anonymous person or person who has no witness prove he was there? Does it make sense if you are called a criminal a half century with such an evidence?
Question 7. What really happen in Nanking those days?
Answer 7. A lot of Chinese soldiers died in the battle. And there are many disguised Chinese soldiers executed after arrested.
@At Tokyo trial the burial records as the most crucial evidence of "the Massacre" from China were mostly men dead and only 0.3% were women and children. And they were found mainly outside of the castle(city), there was fierce fight between Japanese and Chinese. That means the dead bodies were mostly war dead, and besides it also proves civilian dead were quite few.
And once soldiers in Chinese Army were beaten in the battle, they changed their uniform to civilian clothes and entered in "the Safety Zoon", so sometimes Japanese Army arrested them and executed some of them. In the light of International Law these executions were regally right those days. If in the battle field a military man takes off clothes and be arrested, he is not POW any more [and it is regarded as espionage who] has no right to complain, if he is killed.
Because of disguising civilian no one distinguishes soldiers from civilians, and it may course more casualties among civilians. In order to arrest them in "the Safety Zoon", the 7th Infancy Regiment was dispatched and searched in 4-day-daytime. The research in the Zone was done under control of the higher officers. No soldiers or low-rank officers were forbidden to enter "the Zone" freely.
@The other accident was happened at Japanese name "Bakufu-san". Chinese POW raised a riot on the way of carrying them and many of them were killed and some of Japanese guard soldiers died.
Res.19 |
Japan is no.1
How smart japanese 2005/09/20 04:19:08
Question 8. Anyhow, are there so many people believe there was "the Nanking Massacre"?
Answer 8. Yes, there are.
Most of Chinese these days believe the number of 300,000 civilian were killed by Japanese soldiers by way of visiting "the Memorials of Being Butchered by Japanese Cruel Army" or "the Memorial of Anti-Japanese Fronts" and by means of teaching anti-Japanese campaign in National history textbooks. And as for Japanese they believe some kinds of massacre at Nanking, though the number of 300,000 is too much.
But the study of the incident has much advanced in Japan, it became academically impossible to prove the incident that such number of all gender civilians were killed. Moreover the pictures or films reported as the evidence of "the Massacre" those days were proved that they have nothing to do with the incident. Some were like proving the massacre, but some were tricky(framed-up) pictures, such as be-heading style is not according to Japanese martial arts or army uniform different, and the captions only saying the brutality. On the other hand there are a lot of pictures or films implies that nothing especially happened in Nanking. For example, one picture is Japanese soldiers sit eating something by Chinese peddle women and watching children.
At present, some of the propagandists accuse there were mass execution of Chinese soldiers disguised civilians or mass killing POW rioters at accident on the way of carrying them. On the other hand they are campaigning the image as the indiscrimination mass killing of Civilians at Nanking, Moreover some scholars say the massacre far expanded period from Shanghai to Nanking battle. It doesn’t make sense. It’s ridiculous to study or prove the massacre.
At last some scholars argue against our testimonies there was no mass murders of civilians in Nanking. But the most of them are not able to show any new convincing materials to prove it, and only they are repeatedly saying the propaganda of "historical fact" just like the Jew Massacre by the Nazis. It’s sorry but the propaganda seems successful even now.
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無回答 2005/09/21 01:37:05
I never say "sorry" !
Why we have to apologize ???
We don’t need to do that.
Idiot !!!
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バンクーバー 2005/09/28 22:56:23
Who did what?? WHO KILLED who??? WHO STUDIED WHAT??
South ASIA????
The reality is...You just took the issue personally and blame somebody like us born after WWII, BUT WE HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG TO YOUR FUCKING A HOLE. WE CANNOT SAY SORRY FOR WHAT WE HAVE NOT DONE TO YOU.
YOU need to understand...YOU CAN NOT blame anybody in the war
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バンクーバー 2005/10/01 18:10:48
We, Japanese, know what really did happen in the war. It’s the stupid government which pretend that nothing bad had happened in the war. Educated Japanese citizens know the truth that Japanese did the most terrible thing in the war against Chinese and Korean people. Please just ignore stupid moronic Japanese people who disrespect your messages on this site. I am very sorry for people in China and Korea to face the dishonor from our stupid Japanese government. We are sincerely sorry for what our ancestors had done to yours during the war. We should definitely follow what Germany is doing, educating young generation honestly so that young generation does not repeart what had happen in the past.