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Are Japanese racists?
by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/27 23:22:18

I originally wrote this on the other post as a reply but have decided to post this as a separate topic so I can hear some mature answers from you guys. Especially the ones who are studying/working in Canada.

To put it bluntly, you Japanese are soooo racist.
Personally I have both Japanese and Korean friends and I do know that some Koreans have feelings against Japanese due to the historical problems, but I don’t think they actually discriminate Japaneses in public especially the young Koreans who live in Canada. I’ve seen them making light jokes about Japanese but not this... wow..

Now, when I read this board, (I don’t speak Japanese and had to use a Japanese->English translation) it’s all about racism on Koreans and Korean Japaneses. You blame everything on them for Japan’s national problems? WTF... Nazis’ from 1940’s Germany would awe at you guys. Basically you put anything and everything negative on Koreans. Let’s say I have never met a Korean before and judge them based on what I read here - they are evil, ugly, nasty people whose only goal is destroying Japan from inside and out.

Until now I thought Japanese were very kind, warm-hearted people who are so polite to us Canadians, damn, even my ex-gf is Japanese. ...Thank you very much for showing me the "honne"

Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/27 23:28:44

In addition, based on what I see here, I feel that this racism against Korean is not limited just few people but actually is the general consensus of most people. Is this so?  
Res.2 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/27 23:28:56

Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/27 23:31:55

Can you please clarify?  
Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/27 23:37:11

Res.5 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/27 23:42:34

   どう       でも    いいよ     そん      な        ことっ
  彡⌒ ミ     ミ⌒彡    彡⌒ミ    彡⌒ミ     彡⌒ ミ       彡⌒ミ
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  ( つヽ   ⊂   )   ( U  )つ  ((( つ )つ  ⊂__ へ つ     ⊂ ∩ つ
  (__(___) .(_(_)   (_)___)    (_Y___)    彡(_)      (__ノωヽ__)
Res.6 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:03:43

Go read up on your own country’s history first and THEN talk about racism.  
Res.7 by Gon from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:16:04

hmm...i saw some but i dont know which one exactly you are talking about. the thing i saw wasnt that bad. I dont know, thats totally depend on each person. Some people dont like Korean or Chinese because of the image. such as North Korea. they treat us really bad ( not all people but the president) Even though, we have a impression and thats not easy to get away. maybe thats the reason we are kind of agressive to them and some are true. i mean we are polite and basically neat compared with Korean. I dont know maybe thats also depend on the person. I have good korean friend too. Some Japanese loves Korean and really kind and polite. Some are not. same as all other nationality. Its not a big deal as long as you have nice Korean friend and Japanese friend. Dont judge the people just because you saw one side.  
Res.8 by Rob from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:17:19

Are you referring to the Canada’s policy on Japanese immigrants during the second world war? That certainly was a grave mistake of the Canadian government and many Canadians feel sorry what had happened.

...okay, so becuase I am a Canadian I don’t have the right to talk about Japanese’ racism, is that it? That is like the worst answer ever. I am seriously disappointed. I really, really hope not all Japaneses are like you.  
Res.9 by Rob from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:26:45


Thank you for your input. Yes, I do realize that it’s mostly caused by some "bad apples." So political conflicts cause Japanese to look down on Koreans eh? There are lots of immigrants from Iran, Iraq, and Afghan in Vancouver but I can assure you that they don’t get discriminated because of their nationality, maybe in the states, but not here. Heck, my neighbors were from Yugoslavia. To sum it up, I could say JP is the "bad" side?  
Res.10 by Rob from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:36:10

>Go read up on your own country’s history first and THEN talk about racism.

so if I were German I can’t talk about racism (against jews)
so if I were American I can’t talk about racism (against blacks and natives)
so if I were Chinese I can’t talk about racism (against tibetans)
so if I were South African I can’t talk about racism (apartheid)

I can go on almost forever.  
Res.11 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 00:36:56

>So political conflicts cause Japanese to look down on Koreans eh?


> lots of immigrants from Iran, Iraq, and Afghan in Vancouver but I can assure you that they don’t get discriminated because of their nationality

Res.12 by Rob from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:43:53

You can suffer disadvantages if you don’t speak English, that is very possible. But you don’t get discriminated becuase of the nationaliy or skin color. What are you trying to say? Becuase there is racism in Canada, Japanese are free to discriminate Koreans??  
Res.13 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 00:45:15

Res.14 by Rob from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:49:54

I am talking about what I see here written on this board, right now, with my very own eyes.
Please stay with the topic.  
Res.15 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 00:50:41

Res.16 by Rob from 無回答 2008/05/28 00:55:58

I know you are infamous for posting ridiculous replies. So I am going to ignore your replies from now on. I have absolutely no intention of fooling around with you. Anyone else is welcome to post their opinions/discuss. Thank you.  
Res.17 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 00:57:19

Res.18 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 00:58:23

Res.19 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 00:59:58

Res.20 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 01:03:06

I think your problem is that you want to generalize "Japanese". Just as you said, just because you are Canadian doesn’t mean you are responsible for what Canada did to Japanese, Chinese, and a whole bunch of other nationalities before, during, and after the second WW. By the same token, I would like you to stop saying thing like "oh I am disappointed in you Japanese, oh I hope not every Japanese is like you..." etc!

OF COURSE we are not all racists against Koreans! OF COURSE there are MAJOR issues between the Japanese and Korean governments and their people! You are the one who had this rosy notion that we were all "nice and kind" and were "disappointed" when you found out that we were HUMAN after all, just like you Canadians!

That’s what I meant by go look at your own history. And by the way, what Canada has done to immigrants probably pale in comparison to what it has done to the First Nations people. I was surprised you did not even mention the dark ages of Canada’s history.  
Res.21 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 01:07:13


>your problem is that you want to generalize "Japanese".

そうそ、Rob本人が"Japanese were very kind, warm-hearted people who are so polite to us"なんて言ってるもん・・・それも差別だしね・・  
Res.22 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 01:09:38

I just read res 12...WOW. Do you seriously believe that people do not get discriminated in this country due to their skin color? Seriously? Wow.

I think you have to go read up on some books. Just because there are human rights charters doesn’t mean racism does not exist. Just because Canada has an official Multiculturalism doesn’t mean Canada is truly "multicultural" the way the Act suggests. Please stop being in denial and start to see the reality. Please go educate yourself.  
Res.23 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 01:22:28

Res.24 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 02:10:30

Well, I’m not. I see no color or race. People have to tell me what color I am.  
Res.25 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 02:16:35

>Are Japanese racists?

Yes, some people.

>Are Canadian racists?

Yes, some people like you, because you wrote down Japanese as so racists. This is obvious racism.
It is unwise to assume from only a board.  
Res.26 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 02:23:39

Res.27 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 02:30:25

Res.28 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 02:32:08

Res.29 by H2 from またへんなの登場しとるし 2008/05/28 05:43:40

>Nazis’ from 1940’s Germany would awe at you guys.
Uh, uhh! I beg to differ!

There are definite and marked differences how the responsibilities and blames for the infamous war atrocities said to be committed by both Japanese and Germans, were handled right after the war. In the case of Germany, it is now agreed and understood that only the high-ranking Nazi officers were to blame, especially A. Hitler for personally masterminding the whole thing from a get go, and ordinary German citizens were simply brain-tweaked or forced into the decent into hell. Even most Germans talk and believe as such, they were the poor victims of the mad men, as if it happened to someone else.  Their conscience seems pretty clear, almost.

In comparison, it almost seems like world sees as entire Japanese of the era were in it all together. They could’ve just shifted whole blame to Army guys. Well, actually they tried, I guess. Remember that Tojo dude? But, Japanese mentality prevented them to go through all the way. They decided to take on the blame for themselves. Japanese, especially old ones are taught and raised that way; be responsible, apologize everything, it doesn’t matter you weren’t involved, say sorry anyways!..lofl One guy skipped out cleanin’ up the classroom after school? Well, he is your buddy, and ya all responsible. Teacher’ll slap all ya faces for lack of dicipline. Corporal punishment is all the

Anyways, selfless sacrifices made by ordinary citizens and soldiers are like, seemed very fanatical to outsiders. Especially, extraordinary ones such as Kamikazes reinforces such a belief. I see no difference in actions of these two nations, just how they were handled after the fact. Tactful German politicians were brilliant, I should say.

By the way, I bet you didn’t know, Japan, The Nation, corporations, citizens and at all levels, we have paid millions and millions of monetary restitutions, so many tech. giveaways, tons of sweat equities in the form of volunteering, etc., but other nations almost always never hear about them. Why? Because, Japanese virtue dictates, if you brag about your good deeds, benefit will diminish.. You know, just like the good book says, When you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,…kind a…lol
But, in the international arena, Japan should throw a tantrum,

God Dung It! How many times do we have to apologize! How much Yens enough!??

In a way, it feels like the Japanese virtue turned around and bit us in the ass.

Besides, it was a simple world, then... Media, information easily controlled, awful truce easily hidden & simple to sanitize. To this day, it was The Last Righteous War, wasn’t it? The Evil vs. The Good. Heroic American boys saving the freakin’world from da Mojo-Tojo. Yeah, right! Thanx to the freedom of information act, so many lies made then finally coming out of Ying Yang. I see no difference between WWI, II, Vietnam, Gulfs. It’s always the same old same old. Good ol’ boys busy makin’ mula and people at the bottom of the pyramid taken for a wild rice. Wake up and smell the greed! System has not changed for 2k years and it’s not gonna change. Don’t bother thinkin’ revoin’. Even if the majority the bottom, gets on top, the pyramid just rolls over and a shape remains.

Sorry for da irrelevant rant, I’m tired.
I’ll come up with better ones later.  
Res.30 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 06:03:29











Res.31 by 大学院博士課程 from 無回答 2008/05/28 07:34:09



















Res.32 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 07:46:29




Res.33 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 10:13:29

Yes we are! so you are too!! Don’t you hate Japanese now?
Welcome to the world of foolish technology Otakus!
We Japanese, are going to kick your ass!!

Be on time, work hard spoiled Canadian!!

Sorry, just our mind works better in this world.
Look! Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda,
How do you think we come out to this world, huh?

We don’t need hippies, we don’t need "nobody tell me what to do" mind,
You guys are just lazy and confused people.

Go out side of country you will be surprised!
and just let you know, rest of the world is like that.

Are you disappointed in this world now?

Res.34 by Jingle from Vancouver 2008/05/28 19:05:11

you sir, are a moron. i refer to only the original poster, who i believe may be this rob meathead. brother, take ur head outta ur ass for a few minutes, and realize how racist our society truly is.

i love the way u pretend that our "racist incidents" are in the past, isolated, and of course, completely unrelated to u, or anyone uve ever known. of course, ur hands will always be clean, cuz ur a progressive, modern canadian.

but check the facts bro...lets skip the historical record for a moment. (tho rich it is, what with aboriginals, asians, blacks, and many other perhaps differing with ur view of canada, and the state of race relations in this country)

1. canada, along with australia and the us, are currently blocking the ratification of the un treaty on aboriginal rights. mainly cuz all 3 countries do not want to face their reprehensible pasts.

2. many canadians look down on the japanese people, due to the fact that their government allows the harvesting of whale meat. we seem to think its ok for our inuit, but the japanese must b monsters to kill these poor creatures. apparently, u only get ur traditional cultural rights, if u have been f*cked hard enough by the white man in the past.

lets not even get into the hypocrisy inherent in the fact we allow and condone the barbaric seal hunt, which has no purpose other than fur sales, and condemn our peaceful friends the japanese, when at least they eat the shit they kill.

3. u can sit there, n think to urself...well, much like my countries history, these dont affect me either, as i dont agree with, or condone these actions. unfortunately, we know this not to be true. so when ur precious positive stereotype bubble was burst, u immediately switch to an extremely negative stereotype.

wake up son, realize, people are people...some are great, and some suck ass. there are good n bad people in every race, culture, or creed. stop generalizing, and open ur eyes to the world of individuality. yes, some japanese are racist, but so are some canadians. and, i hate to tell u this bro, but not only are u racist, but ur also ignorant. thats a lethal combination.  
Res.35 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 21:04:52

↑So true!
I’m not a racist, I just generally hate everyone.  
Res.36 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/28 21:26:03

This person has personal issue, then why he wrote that message?  
Res.37 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 22:29:12










Res.38 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/28 22:48:53

I so agree with u Jingle...
When U find out what Koreans in Korea do&say to, its WOrse. I couldn’t believe it.
See? we are humans.For every good there would be evil. We simply just can’t go on without racism in this world can we?Tough luck..
You better do some research & THInk before u talk SHIT.and maybe"YOU are soooo racist" freakin’ hypocrite.

Res.39 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 00:21:38

yo, didn’t know japs are actually hardcore racists? you should check out some of their other sites - 2ch anyone? They look up us whites but look down on any other races especially other asians! its rather ironic since their rice eyes look are the same to us lol. the japs here are just mad because you stabbed right at their soft spot. they are infamous for acting all tough on weaklings but yelping and obidient to the stronger like the USA  
Res.40 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 01:07:21

Res.41 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 01:10:37

↑ can’t speak english jappy? then go back to the shithole you came from bro!  
Res.42 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 01:31:43

Res.43 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 01:45:19

Как о русском языке?  
Res.44 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 01:51:07

Res.45 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 01:57:14

Привет. Вы жили в России?  
Res.46 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 02:24:56

Res.47 by H2 from 右も左も白黒黄赤、みなみな様平等攻撃 2008/05/29 02:25:13










Roby, Robibieee, Robiliya, Robin-mystor!

Even though, you haven’t said anything regarding my prev. post, this H2 rants on…

Granted, some postings here are definitely racists. This said however, please don’t forget, there are some like yours truly, who guns those reversed卍 tattooed racist moza Fockewolfies-190s down. And for that I get branded as an Ultra-Leftie. (I hate da Ultra Lefts.. Actually, I hate Ultra either chicken wings. )

>You blame everything on them for Japan’s national problems? WTF...

WTF: Wildlife Torturing Federation? .. :P

Actuali, me don’tco leali sinki ahhhh soooo.

They hate Chinese & Koreans alright, but-ox often times blamie; people like me, the Equal Opportuniti Offendi, as well as Leftities(lol), Spineless politicians, Cultits(lofl!) such as Sucker Gakkai Intl., Aum Suprites., Moonie Goonie, also Korean Japanese, no pinkie lickie Yakuzas, at last but not least, our own, Gen. MatkkaSir(inside joke) force fed, Consti-choo choo-No.9,(not a Beatles’ song..) to name a few.

As some already has pointed out, You, Sir!, a moron. No, no, no, a racist!, without realizing that you are, at least a dog gone biased. Those blatant blazing racists here at least admit they are.

Me believe the most dangerous and scariest kind of all racisms are, the ones not realizing being so, or believing they are being ethically righteous and moral. Kind like Americans, you see what I meant before? God’s watchin’ over them, or kill in a name of Gooooood!!!!

Below’s an Excerpt from da ‘White’ Album…

No.9, No.9, No.9, No.9……….
Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
No.9, No.9, No.9, No.9……….
(take from Wiki -No.9 intro & postro.)

So, instead of going to wars, we now just bitch instead….

Siri-ass-ly tho,
Did you know that, since WII, Japan is the ONLY ONE among the G-10 nations who hadn’t gone to a war as a combattant? Did you? Did you really? Only One, for God sake! Still yet, for crying out loud, you whinners still call us dangerous! I am sick of it!

This song sent to me by my good friend, Pinkie:

Our No. 9,
O.K., it’s just a little pin prick and they’ll be no more, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We may feel a little sick…. Relax, I do believe it’s been working good...Come on now, it kept us comfortably numb for over half a century. When I was a child, I had a fever. I caught a fleeting glimpse of a Mushroom cloud out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look, but it was gone. I cannot put my finger on it now. The country has grown, the dream is gone. As Korea and especially China quickly becoming important players, yet still keep chastising us, we have that feeling once again, you wouldn’t understand. This is not how we are. Populous have become comfortably numb….

以上でR! 翻訳サイト使ったって訳分からんやろ、ケケケ・・


>They look up us whites but look down on any other races especially other asians!

Mnnnn, true. But, don’t flutter yourself, YCab-Pussommeat! You honkin Canadian are full of inferior complex towards Yanks, always afraid ur big tuff brotherrrr gon kick ya pale

Besides, Canadian Honkie, reading 2-ch!??? That’ll be the freakin’day my riceie eyecie plied wide open.

Say, ah….U know what? U all lookie likie to us, too..Dumbass!

Are you realie starchie whitie? I can believe you’re an overweightie plumpimpin’ tummie, toastie tanned behind your neckie, Canadian, all right. But, judging from your impeckerable English, are you an English professor or something?.. :P I sure envy your superlative intellect…Not!

Wahoo!, keep drivin’& rockin’‘em Y-cabs, Limp Dong Silver!

Res.48 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 03:05:32

三三||  //  //                 ||三三| |           ミ☆
三三||        、、、、、、           .||三三| |
三三||   ∧∧,´::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ∧       ..||三三| |
三三||   (´:::::`):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)::)     ||三三| | 世界が平和でありますように…
三三||  (:::::::::::):::::::ノノノノノノ人:::))       ||三三| |
三三||   (::::::::)(6,リ ´・ ・`(ノ::)       .||三三| |
三三||   (:::::))::::ヽ、" ‐ " ノ:::)         .||三三| |/‾\__/‾‾\  /‾‾‾
三三||    リノ (⌒‾l⊃⊂l⌒) // //   .||三三| |::::[][]::::::::::::::::::::[]::::[][]:::|_|:::[][]:::::
Res.49 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 07:29:31

Res.50 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 09:57:10

無知からおきる = X
Res.51 by Human from 無回答 2008/05/29 18:14:47

they are just worms  
Res.52 by van gangsta from 無回答 2008/05/29 18:53:25

well if you have problem with Canada, go back to Japan; it’s simple as that.
no one’s begging for you to stay.
Res.53 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 18:58:29

Res.54 by H2 from 首赤すぎ、サンブロッカー塗れよ! 2008/05/29 21:11:43

Who said anything about having problems with Canada itself?


If you are so into getting rid of people having different opinions than you are, why didn’t you leave the country when natives told you to get a funk out! Instead, you force fed them your language, religion, customs.. Whiping and washing their mouths with a bar of soap when they were caught speaking the language of their own. Imprisoned, tortured, massacered, rape and pillage them. European descent belief system isn’t the only way nor rightous. Your ancestors killed and destroyed so many and so much over this misguided belief.

So often the times I have expressed, that I am very glad and pride myself being in the country "sort of" unbiased, at least compared to other nations anyways.

However, I did clearly say, I have a stinkin’ problem with rednecks and biggot worshipers like you fistf*cked wreckedtum assholes and brown nosed boot f*cked vulvian shit cunts.  
Res.55 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 21:23:29

> You blame everything on them for Japan’s national problems? Basically you put anything and everything negative on Koreans. Let’s say I have never met a Korean before and judge them based on what I read here - they are evil, ugly, nasty people whose only goal is destroying Japan from inside and out.

Well said, some (or most? because I rarely see a Japanese poster disagreeing with such topics) people here are really sick...  
Res.56 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 21:50:20

I think everyone on this planet is a racist including you.....but whether he or she is considered to be a racist or not will depend on his or her choice of behavior to descriminate others.

The important thing is not the racism per se, but one’s behavior to discriminate others is the problem.

... and other thing is...your topic is nothing more than a discriminatory behavior towards Japanese. Before you accuse them for being racists, why don’t you look at yourself?

You are not any better or different from anybody else....Do you think your shit doesn’t smell? How arrogant of you...  
Res.57 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 22:09:20

I can assure you that I did become a racist toward Japanese after visiting this place. Now we are racist brothers, I love you all.  
Res.58 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 22:13:28

Finally, you monkey realized.  
Res.59 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 22:15:36

>I can assure you that I did become a racist toward Japanese after visiting this place.

Res.60 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 22:38:15

>Finally, you monkey realized.

kinda ironic since japaneses are often called ’monkey’ in other countries due to their looks and height  
Res.61 by 無回答 from トロント 2008/05/29 22:40:11

Res.62 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 22:47:33

Res.63 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:00:44



Res.64 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 23:00:48

Res.65 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:05:13

>kinda ironic since japaneses are often called ’monkey’ in other countries due to their looks and height

Dose your ex-girlfriend look like monkey? Did you call her "monkey"?  
Res.66 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:06:12

Res.67 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 23:14:10

Res.68 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:31:12

>Dose your ex-girlfriend look like monkey? Did you call her "monkey"?

ROFL I am not the poster dumbass
don’t assume that there is only one person who posts in English at this site moron lol  
Res.69 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:33:40

Res.70 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:33:40

Res.71 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 23:35:19

Res.72 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/29 23:44:53

not sure about the whole monkey thing above
but why do some jap chicks pose like monkeys when they take pics?
their arms and legs twisted while standing on a single feet. never understood that alright  
Res.73 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:49:38

>kinda ironic since japaneses are often called ’monkey’ in other countries due to their looks and height

Then, which animals do you look like?
I guess you look very much like cockroach or fly.
not only the looks but the intelligence.  
Res.74 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:52:48

Res.75 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/29 23:52:48

Res.76 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 00:04:43

>Then, which animals do you look like?
I guess you look very much like cockroach or fly.
not only the looks but the intelligence.

hehe funny.. you really don’t like being called a monkey aren’t ya little chippy monkey lol
it’s true that I don’t have rice slant eyez and a nose that looks like a tiny bloated bun! moreover I don’t squeak gibberish in high tones like you do
btw you speak like those jap actors from cheap hollywood movies
you are so entertaining :)
Res.77 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 00:10:00

>not sure about the whole monkey thing above
but why do some jap chicks pose like monkeys when they take pics?
their arms and legs twisted while standing on a single feet. never understood that alright

yeh.. I was always wondering about that lolz
they often do that stupid motion when taking pics
does remind me of a monkey alright lol  
Res.78 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 00:12:00

Calm down, Mr. Fly.  
Res.79 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:12:13

Res.80 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 00:13:19

sucks to be you eh? lol  
Res.81 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:17:39



Res.82 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 00:20:35

Res.83 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:22:48


Res.84 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:23:50

Res.85 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:29:53

Res.86 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:31:58

あ・・・もしかして自分も見た事あるかもw 深夜にTVでやってたような・・  
Res.87 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 00:40:33

Res.88 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 00:43:09

Mr. Fly flew away to a cesspool.
Then peace returns to this thread.

Res.89 by 無回答 from 日本 2008/05/30 01:04:29

>sucks to be you eh? lol

you’re a bad loser.
don’t behave shamefully anymore.

Res.90 by H2 from Baby Ach豚、Hitler Lovers! 2008/05/30 02:11:46




>kinda ironic since japaneses are often called ’monkey’ in other countries due to their looks and height

日本人はよく猿と呼ばれる、な〜んてうそぶいてる奴は、かなりの高確率で一般的な白人じゃぁ無い。・・生粋の白人のほとんどはそんな事言わないし、知らないもの・・・Yellow MonkeyとかWhite Pigなんて日本人の造語じゃん・・爆! 短足=Short Leggedなんつーのも通じない・・H2狂喜。





爆! to the Swine Mud Pond, Porky!


>Did you call her "monkey"?

LOFL! Very Nicely Put!


You’re a HIV laden Monkey F*cker!....LOFLROF!!!!

I can almost picture you two going at it;

"Come on! Squeak, Squeak for your daddy! You Jap Monkey!"

" Oh, Yeah! Come on, Squeak louder! I know you’re loving it, don’t you?, my cheeky monkey!"
"Eeeee! Eck, Eck, Eeek!"

" Give me all HIV virus you got, you Green/Yellow monkey!"
"Ahhh! Oh, my geek! Eeeeeeek!"!

"Few! How was it? Was it good for you as it was good for me, Baby?"

" ...........................
Oh, by the way, can I borrow 3 bucks for the bus ride home?"

At least you moved up in the evolution ladder, to a monkey from all those poor sheeps, cows and horses. Does she know it’s puss coming out of your open sore covered dick? That’s what you get for f*cking monkey!  
Res.91 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 02:39:34


           ⊂ ROBヽ ウッ..
            /( 。A。 )っ
            .U ∨ ∨
   ∧_∧ ∩  :: :.
  ( `□´)/  :: ::
  (つ   /  :: :’
  人⌒l ノ  :: ::
              by H2  
Res.92 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 02:45:30

Res.93 by (゜∀゜)(登録済) from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 02:51:46


Res.94 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/05/30 04:10:01


Res.95 by H2 from らりれろほ〜 2008/05/30 18:53:26



Res.96 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 20:59:19


Res.97 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/05/30 21:33:42

Res.98 by Yusuke from 無回答 2008/06/06 03:12:06


In both Germany and Japan there were individuals with clear consciences that resisted the policies of their governments and the relentless sweep of fascism-- these people stood up to their beliefs and paid for it in their blood.

The band-wagon mentalite does not anull or absolve the complicity of individuals in war.
post-world war two Germany (both) were split along generational lines-- those who had participated in the Nazi regime and the post-war generation.

I agree with your the Tokyo trials were a farce, that served the victors-- Curtis Lemay should have been hung along with Commander Ishii from unit 731-- did you know that he can be considered the father of the American biological weapons program.

The tactfulness of the German leadership you say-- to single out a single race for extermination-- has its analogue in the Japan’s construction and attempt to deconstruct its own "Other"--of course-- a fairly futile effort to subordinate a country vastly larger than itself.

ODA, I must agree-- Japan deserves much more credit than it gets.

then again, some of it serves local corporate interests at the expense of disenfranchised people in host nations. Case in point, Japanese constructions building hydro electric dams in Indonesia at the expense of the livelihood of indigenous peoples whose traditional lands were flooded out.

Sometimes ODA comes at a price.

We all have selective memories--

how come you sound much more intelligent when you rant in English?

Res.99 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/06/08 21:49:26

Res.100 by H2 from バンクーバー 2008/06/08 22:42:02

>individuals with clear consciences

My fav is Inazo Nitobe. Anyone marrin’ a Quaker at that time, must have been He died in Canada, did you know?

>Curtis Lemay should have been hung along with Commander Ishii from unit 731-- did you know that he can be considered the father of the American biological weapons program.

Ahhh?...Lemay or Ishii...? Oh, Lemay was the dude organized the Manhattan(sp) Project in record time, wasn’t he?

I’ve heard Japanese Army Bio-Dudes were secretly pardoned to help American develop killer germs further.. Does it have anything to do with it? So were Nazi Rocket-Boys under Op.Paper Clip. So many double standards. It really stinks..

>Sometimes ODA comes at a price.

Then, and then
Japanese also gives a lot to some God forsaken African countries, which has nothing to offer...This is a display of genuine compassion. Especially compared to the country like U.S., who seems to give only to countries with something to offer in return, let it be as in resorces or in strategic values, etc.

And of course, you said sometimes, so...

>how come you sound much more intelligent when you rant in English?

Wha, whaaaaat? You mean to tell me my Japanese rants aren’t intelli enough!?..lofl I thought they were at par...Mnnnnnn.

Funny...You say that was intelligent, and a lady tells me to go see a phycho doc....

Don’t know..It sure rhymed, though, didn’t it?
’cause, I don’t know much English swearing words, maybe?
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