Japs are racist pigs... you were brought up in japan, got your education in japan, write perfect japanese but you’ll always be a 支那人. It’s a sad thought but that’s the way it is... as you know, japs are racist pigs that can’t see past their front doorstep... their excuse = we are a small island nation
トロント 2006/02/03 13:02:47
Mooman is racist pigs... you were brought up in japan, got your education in japan, write perfect japanese but you’ll always be a 支那人. It’s a sad thought but that’s the way it is... as you know, mooman is racist pigs that can’t see past their front doorstep... their excuse = we are a small island nation
バンクーバー 2006/02/03 16:14:52
kimu - why even bother to write in English.. .your english doesn’t make sense at all.. try writing in jap or can you not do that either?
I’m not much of a racist... I only hate japs. in fact if you could understand what I wrote you’d understand I’m making fun of japs and not chinese people. I personally think it’s sad that japs are racist pigs.. maybe I was wrong for using the word "pigs".. I should have said "racist monkeys"
What is a jap.. a jap is a piece of shit born and raised in japland... if a jap is born and lives their whole life in canada I consider them canadian and not a dumb jap. it’s the fucked up culture that makes you a savage and not your skin color.. or your short legs... or your sloped eyes.. those are just cosmetic things that have no meaning. It’s the thoughts that I disagree with.
kim so-yong
トロント 2006/02/03 16:25:11
mooman - why even bother to write in English.. .your english doesn’t make sense at all.. try writing in mooman or can you not do that either?
I’m not much of a racist... I only hate mooman. in fact if you could understand what I wrote you’d understand I’m making fun of mooman and not chinese people. I personally think it’s sad that moomans are racist pigs.. maybe I was wrong for using the word "pigs".. I should have said "racist mooman"
What is a mooman.. a mooman is a piece of shit born and raised in moomoo-land... if a mooman is born and lives their whole life in canada I consider them canadian and not a dumb mooman. it’s the fucked up culture that makes you a savage and not your skin color.. or your short legs... or your sloped eyes.. those are just cosmetic things that have no meaning. It’s the thoughts that I disagree with.