jpcanada.comについて / 広告募集中 / トップ

by Cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/16 19:30:12

私は日本の友達(女性25〜32歳)ができるのこと欲したい。ペラペラ日本語を話せるようになりたい。I’m not looking for a girlfriend but instead someone I can hang out with and practice my Japanese. I just asked for a female friend as they are softer on the eyes... lol... So if you want a white male friend to hang out with and go snowboarding, maybe to Seattle, or just watch movies and hang out please email me. Let me practice Japanese... email me at:

Res.1 by ジョ二デ from バンクーバー 2006/01/16 21:06:24

Why you can’t meet with male ? Why not ? Just you want to speak Japanese that you study somewhere. So, you might want to speak or meet male. I can’t understand like that ?
Res.2 by Cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/16 21:20:21

I’m guessing you are just a jealous japanese boy asking a silly question worried that the white boys are dating Japanese girls... it’s a bit amusing you feel threatened.

Why not find someone in my age group... don’t think it’s a crime to prefer to talk with ladies than some immature guy that has to ask such a silly question. Besides, I wrote that I’m not looking for a date.. maybe I’m gay and want to hang out with people who think like me... ever thought of that????  
Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/01/16 21:40:04

but you know what?
if you learn japanese from girls, you’re gonna speak like girls.
is that what you want?  
Res.4 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/16 21:42:54

If I’m gay would it matter..

no more dumb questions please  
Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/01/17 05:30:50

Res.6 by 無回答 from トロント 2006/01/17 06:58:33

If you really wanna study Japanese, why don’t you go to school?
That is how we learned English.  
Res.7 by おまめ from トロント 2006/01/17 07:18:42

Yup, you are the dumb one. If you really want to learn
Japanese, why do you specify the age of person or gender?

Instead, you should’ve asked for an experience or qualification, or something on that line.

You are one of those, who think of themselves, "I am so cool"

Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 07:45:12

"So if you want a white male friend to hang out with and go snowboarding, maybe to Seattle, or just watch movies and hang out"
that means have sex after that!  
Res.9 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 08:14:47

What he wants here, from the title of topic, is to learn Japanese and speak like native. So...
Res.10 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 08:27:03

Looks like everyone needs a lesson in English as you didn’t read his replies... stupid jealous japanese boys...  
Res.11 by you cool ? from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 11:39:57

↑ I don’t think so. Im just sick’n tired of those"Japa-Sen".He wanna some Japanese piece of @@@,it’s ok.But never use the Japanese language or culture as excuses pls.  
Res.12 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 12:22:00

you’re just jealous... go back to japan..

who cares what his motives are.. what do you care. What business is it of yours? If he wants to practise english and have sex with a boy or girl who really cares? All you jap boys are just jealous because the white woman aren’t stupid enough to date you. Your comments just show how immature you all are... like 12 year old children. If guys and girls want to meet, exchange their languages, go for drinks, hang around and have sex everyday - good for them. I hope they enjoy themselves.

It’s so funny, ever time a serious or non-serious foreigner writes on this board jealous jap boys do nothing but complain. Maybe you’re feeling a bit of pressure... just look in your pants and you’ll see why you have a complex! Be a man and stop complaining.. do something about your lack of success with woman.  
Res.13 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 12:23:39

thanks mooman!  
Res.14 by sty from 無回答 2006/01/17 13:03:45

ya mooman is right. you japanese dinks do nothing but complain. I just feel sorry for you japs  
Res.15 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 16:45:07

Hey, cool_o_five.

I think it’s a good thing that you want to learn Japanese language.I can give you a piece of advice.

As somebody already said in this topic, this is very much true that you better get boyfriends whose can teach you the right way to speak Japanese language, since Japanese men and women speak differently.If your Japanese teacher were a woman, you might speak womanly like a gay person.

Hope you can get nice boyfriends!  
Res.16 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 17:07:40

I can’t believe how dumb you all are.. is there anyone over 12 on this site? Maybe it’s because you are writing in English that you sound so stupid... ignorant jealous boys.  
Res.17 by Are you ?? from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:15:54

Stupid is stupid does.

You’re the one created the scene of all.

don’t you get it?

you call stupid for all this?

cut off the crap!

you must be a stupid.

it has nothing to with jealous.

I am a woman,

but I think you are not smart.

Be wise! if you can.

Thank you.  
Res.18 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:23:37

another 12 year old writes... great english... ??  
Res.19 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:24:29

Res.20 by Are you ?? from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:24:58

Thats why we all say you are stupid.
(You still dont get it do you?)
Res.21 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:25:05

Res.22 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:25:45

Res.23 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:26:10

Res.24 by cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:26:58

Res.25 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:28:01

are you chatting to yourself?

HA Ha Ha---  
Res.26 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:29:47

Res.27 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:30:02

Res.28 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:30:23

Res.29 by みなさん from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:31:50

Res.30 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:32:11

Res.31 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:34:18

Res.32 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:34:31

Res.33 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:34:41

Res.34 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:34:55

Res.35 by Cool_o_five from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:36:10

this is not a topic... it’s an invitation only... just like you all want to speak english some of us want the opposite  
Res.36 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:36:29

Res.37 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:36:40

Res.38 by みなさん from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:38:38

Res.39 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:39:03

this is not a topic... it’s an invitation only... just like you all want to speak english some of us want the opposite  
Res.40 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:39:50

Res.41 by from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 18:40:07

Res.42 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:00:48

Res.43 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:01:02

Res.44 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:01:22

this is not a topic... it’s an invitation only... just like you all want to speak english some of us want the opposite  
Res.45 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:01:44

Res.46 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:01:57

Res.47 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:02:18

Res.48 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:02:28

this is not a topic... it’s an invitation only... just like you all want to speak english some of us want the opposite  
Res.49 by   from バンクーバー 2006/01/17 19:02:42

Res.50 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/18 02:32:04

これってres12-res14ってトピ主っしょ?かわいそうな奴やね。かなり理屈っぽそうやから日本語で書いとこう。よめますかあ〜?as if.  
Res.51 by Leo from 日本 2006/01/19 08:34:46

Why is it your business if he is looking for a Japanese female between the ages of 25 and 32, stay out of his business. Isn’t the reason you’ve left Japan, to experience freedom, you’re unlikely to enjoy back in your straightjacket society? Why create obsticals and be xenophopic in Canada? You’ll be back riding the subway in your salaryman suit for the rest of your life soon enough, enjoy now and let others do likewise. Leave the dude alone, and maybe he’ll meet someone very nice and develope a good relationship with her on whatever level.  
Res.52 by Leo from 日本 2006/01/19 09:21:26

Oops, made a couple of spelling and syntax errors, here is an improved version: Why is it your business if he is looking for a Japanese female between the ages of 25 and 32, stay out of his life. Isn’t the reason you’ve left Japan, to experience freedom, you’re unlikely to enjoy back in your straightjacket society? Why create obstacles and be xenophopic in Canada? You’ll be back riding the subway in your salaryman suit for the rest of your life soon enough, enjoy now and let others do likewise. Leave the dude alone, and maybe he’ll meet someone very nice and develop a good relationship with her on whatever level.  
Res.53 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/02/03 10:03:38

yaki...... White guy, put your penis back into your pants.  
Res.54 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/02/03 12:19:49

you’re right, the white guy should put his penis back in his pants because he’s making you japs look small. But then you never know.. the guy could be black?...

All japs boys have small dinks... you’re just jealous because you haven’t found a dumb enough white girl to fuck you... loser!  
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