by Yuki
from バンクーバー
2024/03/15 09:39:26 CA
Word porn….
Write me something beautiful without a single sheet of paper or the use of tedious pen. I want the ink to spill from your tongue as your lips against mine become the words and the fluidity your hands create the punctuation. Our breath will craft the diction as our kisses slowly turn into paragraphs allowing the movement of our bodies to create the chapters of this perfectly written novel....
Touch me with your words. Penetrate my mind. Hollow me out. Leave me gasping, scratching, wanting more. Touch me with your words. In all the places that your hands cannot reach....
I crush her against me. I want to be part of her. Not just inside her, but all around her. I want our rib cages to crack open, and our hearts to migrate and merge. I want our cells to braid together like living thread…...
Relax. Slow down. Have you ever just watched her undress? Let her. Take your time. Pick her up, sit her on your lap and run your hands down her spine. Grab her by the nape of her neck and kiss her once and for all. Kiss her throughly. This is as close as two bodies can get, figuratively and literally. It’s not about making her scream. It’s about making her forget to breathe. Make these minutes and moments matter. Make her remember. It’s not a race. Leave your mark on her body. Leave your mark on her heart and memory. Let her ride. Go deeper. Slower. Longer. Make heat where your bodies meet. There’s passion. There’s sex. There’s love, and then there’s this….
リラックス。減速する。彼女が服を脱ぐのをただ見たことがありますか?彼女にさせてください。ゆっくりしてください。彼女を抱き上げ、膝の上に座らせ、背骨に手を這わせます。彼女の首筋を掴んで、きっぱりとキスをしましょう。彼女に徹底的にキスしてください。これは、比喩的にも文字通りにも、2 つの体が可能な限り近い値です。それは彼女を悲鳴を上げることではありません。それは彼女に呼吸を忘れさせることについてです。この数分間を大切にしましょう。彼女に思い出させてください。それはレースではありません。彼女の体にあなたの痕跡を残してください。彼女の心と記憶にあなたの足跡を残してください。彼女に乗ってもらいましょう。さらに深く進んでください。もっとゆっくり。より長いです。身体が接する部分で熱を発生させます。情熱があります。セックスはある。愛があって、そしてこれがある…。