by Yuki
from バンクーバー
2024/03/14 08:33:58 CA
There’s a difference between someone who likes you and someone who appreciates you.
There’s a difference between someone who thinks you’re convenient and someone who thinks you’re irreplaceable.
There’s a difference between someone who thinks you’re hot and someone who thinks you’re beautiful.
There’s a difference between someone who likes you for your body and someone who likes you for your soul.
There’s a difference between someone who wants to spend quality time with you and someone who’s just looking for someone to entertain them.
There’s a difference between someone who wants to keep you in their life forever and someone who wants you for a little while.
There’s a difference between someone who loves the idea of you and someone who’s in love with you.
There’s a difference between someone who keeps showing what you mean to them effortlessly and someone who shows you only when you ask them to.
There’s a difference between someone you can count on and someone who finds excuses for not being there.
There’s a difference between someone who sees a home in you and someone who only sees a vacation.
They both exist. They both fulfill a certain need, but you have to ask yourself first what you’re truly looking for and where this person is or where this person can meet you. You have to ask yourself if you’re asking for too much or you’re just asking the wrong person.
And most importantly, you have to be honest with yourself if you’re with someone who’s not on the same page. If you’re with someone who doesn’t love you the way you want to be loved. And if you know the answer and you’re afraid to make a decision, you just have to do it because nothing is worse than living a lie. Nothing is worse than trying to find love and happiness in the middle of heartbreak and chaos.
You can never bloom in the wrong environment. You can never shine with someone who doesn't see your light. Because it can only be one of two things; there’s no in-between. It’s either the real deal or another fraud....
間違った環境では決して花を咲かせることはできません。あなたの光が見えない人と一緒に輝くことはできません。なぜなら、それは 2 つのうちの 1 つしかあり得ないからです。その中間はありません。それは本物か詐欺か……。