Res.1 |
バナナンクーバー 2012/07/13 16:40:52

If you post to Canada, be prepared for English. (I want to write in Japanese, but this matter is too urgent!)
Listen, you know, you should not confess your feelings. The only feelings which are important are the girl's feelings toward you! Enjoy your own feelings: they are for you, my man.
Never say "I love you" to a girl, unless she says it first!!!
Okay. You talk together and do homework with this girl, which means she does not hate you. A girl will not do homework with a guy she can't stand. This is good! But you can end up as "just a friend".
Instead of words, use your hands. Next time you're doing homework, just pause for a moment, look into her eyes, and brush aside her hair from her face. Don't say anything, but pay attention to how she reacts. If she says どうしたの、just smile and say 何もない. Keep the situation light (気軽い).
Next time after that, touch her cheek and just say one word, like かわいい. That's it. A touch to her cheek will send a powerful electric shock to her body which will accomplish a lot more than any confession of love.
Let her wonder what is going on. Confuse her mind! That is the best. She will be thinking and thinking. By thinking about you, she will start to like you.
(Watch out. Once you do this, there may be talk on the G2G network. Be prepared for that. The G2G network has existed for millions of years, but now is faster and more efficient than ever now thanks to mobile devices. What is G2G? Girl-to-Girl. Oldest internet on the planet. Ignorance of G2G has caused generals to lose wars, my friend! Whenever you say something to a girl, you're possibly saying it to the G2G network!)