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Question for Japanese females
by Gar from バンクーバー 2009/10/16 21:10:11

Konbanwa! Sorry I cannot fully understand all of the topics on this board so I made my own. My friend recommend this site. I would like to hear from only Japanese females on this topic. Please no men.

* While you are here in Vancouver studying, have many local men come up to you and tried to ask you for a relationship?

* What is your opinion about dating in Vancouver?

Please email me or reply.

Domo arigato gozaimasu!

Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/10/18 11:52:49

lots of guys have asked me out. I wasnt the cutest one in Japan, but I think I can be very popular in Vancouver. dunno why.  
Res.2 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/10/18 12:18:41

When I was very new to here, yes. Everywhere like in a grocery store, cafe, library and at the beach etc...

They all said the same: "I am interested in Japan, Japanese or Japanese culture." I was so fed up with those guys....they all looked ugly. Even though I didn’t fully understand English at that time, I could sense they tried to took advantage of me or they thought I was one of those easy Japanese girls who innocently believed in them.

I don’t trust any guys talking to me in the same manner. It’s so unnatural.  
Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/10/18 12:57:23

I think the same way as above.
I think that lots of Japanese women are feeling that way.
It is annoying, disgusting!
There is something very unnatural about their manner.
And I feel that those guys are making fun of Japanese women.
When they speak to Japanese women I feel that they are thinking that Japanese women are stupid and disrespecting them.
Res.4 by mukaitou from バンクーバー 2009/10/18 13:08:14

Res.5 by Gar from 無回答 2009/10/18 13:09:02

Thank you all for your responses. Also thank you to the people who emailed me.

I am a Canadian guy myself. I never have asked a Japanese girl out. But I do have a Japanese female friend who told me of the Canadian men who approached her for dating... which she did not like. There are some good Canadian guys out there, but for the Japanese women who are approached by the bad ones... Stay strong! I wish the Canadian men with the false intentions would just leave you girls alone... It makes the rest of us Canadian guys look bad! Haha.

Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/10/19 22:03:27

Be aware of slutty, naive J-girls who only think of dating Canadians. They are the same as asshole Canadians who only pick up Asian girls. They’re only taking advantage of Canadian guys, because they think it’s cool to date with Canadian and they just want to show off. I can say those girls are either someone who can’t speak English well, or they are obsessed with daiting gaijin.  
Res.7 by Gar from 無回答 2009/10/19 22:14:18

Wow really? I have noticed some Japanese girls who were flirty to me. Even touchy! Maybe these were the Japanese girls you speak of. Thank you for informing me! haha.

I would be happy to date a Japanese girl...but me personally, would never date a Japanese girl with very poor English. If I cannot speak freely to her, I cannot be myself...  
Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/10/19 22:47:19


You’re a loser. All the posts on this topic are written by you!!! Who are you trying to fool.....fool! lol  
Res.9 by Gar from 無回答 2009/10/19 23:04:01

I’m afraid you’re mistaken... These were the voices of Japanese females.... or at least I believe they were all females, haha!

But in all honestly, no I did not write any of them other then my own.  
Res.10 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/10/19 23:39:32

You’re Canadian?
That’s very hard to believe.  
Res.11 by Gar from 無回答 2009/10/20 00:05:50

Yes I promise you I’m Canadian. Haha. =) Why is that hard to believe? Because of this website?  
Res.12 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/10/20 14:15:23

Res.13 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/10/20 14:50:07

"doesnt sound like he is canadian"
by canadian  
Res.14 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/10/20 16:25:33

Personally I don’t get the impression from Gar that he’s a loser Canadian. He is probably not a type of man who just wanna have sex with Japanese girls. That’s why he asked this type of question. Right,Gar? I’ve seen some other Canadian guys posted seeking Japanese girls though. Some of them are real womanizers, especially if it’s someone who says "I’m a cool, sweet and handsome Canadian guy." and stuff like that.

Stay away girls!  
Res.15 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/10/20 16:50:51

カナダジンはちといなかもーん(‾∀‾)女の子のメルアド3 300えんでかわせたY  
Res.16 by Gar from 無回答 2009/10/20 19:23:42

Thank you for this reply. Yes I wanted to hear from the Japanese females perspective so I made this post.

I heard many things like: (in terms of seeing Canadian men)
Japanese girls want to date.
Japanese girls don’t want to date.
Japanese girls are just looking for fun.
Japanese girls are looking for long term.

It was very confusing for me! There isn’t a 100% single answer, but I was curious to hear from the Japanese females.

I would only date a Japanese girl if I liked her for her personality....Never for sex. Also only if she liked me for my personality.... not because I’m Canadian...

Res.17 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/10/20 21:36:58

はぐされたら、ぃいにおいがしたさ〜(>_<)むらむらきたくどがまんした!しかしながら次回は間違いなく頂戴しますよ はは。また首筋がセクシーやん  
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