international lovers
Terry toddler
日本 2005/06/24 06:45:28

Hi im English guy i live in Japan now i met my wife when she was in Vancouver on the world of internet,im interested what you think about Japanese,English relationships & canadian too? i think Australian,English and Canadian make good match for Japanese because i think some simularities,but i think American’s are so noisy & a headache :p (sorry if your American) me & wife met on computer and now after first meeting 2 months later we got married and our true soul mates,sometimes i think Computer is good to get to know someone? my wife’s ex was iranian she had hard time very much he cheated on her and never give her freedom made her stay home like a prison? i think not good match iranian kinda countries they seem to be good at telling lies? mayb you will say depend on the person but i think we can generalise of course about certain things about all cultres for example Japanese we can say are polite,if you are interested talk about these kind of things im happy to share thoughts? can u reply in English if possible? dont trust the middle east :p

Res.1 |
無回答 2005/06/24 07:22:48

How many Americans/Iranians/Middle easterns have you met? You can generalize only when you have enough evidence for the statistics. I bet you will generalize Japanese in bad way if you break up with your wife.
Res.2 |
無回答 2005/06/24 13:53:39

Res1. neiled the point!
TT seems to start the topic about the international relationship, but ended with rasism.
Shall I say English people are rasist? :p
Res.3 |
無回答 2005/06/24 19:26:07

トピ主さんがEnglish guyと自称してしまうあたりは、もはや痛いを通り越して、、、
Res.4 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/25 00:57:12

Dude, you’re english sucks for an English person. I highly doubt that you are English. I mean, who are you trying to kid here?
Res.5 |
terry toddler
日本 2005/06/25 05:09:15

hey its true im not trying to kid anyone dude ;), do i have to talk about English football just to prove it? but you might get so bored as you may not know what im talking about? but if you want next time i can talk till the cow’S come home about England my beautiful home country.
Res.6 |
無回答 2005/06/25 14:27:38

Hi, I have a question for you.
Has your wife been with a canadian guy,like 4〜6years ago...?
Res.7 |
terry toddler
日本 2005/06/25 17:54:36

No she wasn’t with Canadian guy, My wife was 18 6 years ago. So how could she have relation with Canadian guy too young for her & she wasn’t in Canada that time, Actually in Uk but we didn’t meet sadly that time. Why you think so? did you think you know somebody who might of been her? Im interested.
Res.8 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/25 18:52:43

Do you know a guy named Morgan? I heard he’s thinking of coming to Canada someday...Are you interested too?
Res.9 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/25 19:22:05

I’m sorry for asking you a wired question.
I just know someone who was with iranian and he used to abuse her...
Never mind!!
Res.10 |
terry toddler
日本 2005/06/25 20:13:11

Hey my real name isnt’t morgan just i like to stay in the background :p, yes i’d like go Canada anyplace where i wont see illegal immigrants here there & everywhere, wherever that place may be? ermm know some Japanese girl who was abused by Iranian b/f? can you identify the person? what is her name? my wife lived Canada so maybe she knows who it is? her friend was abused by Iranian b/f?
Res.11 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/25 20:30:52

I’m sorry, I don’t know her name...
What I know is just she was abused by Iranian guy.
And I think he was her husband but not boyfriend and they got divorced 3,4 yeas ago. I’m not sure though.
And before they got divorced, she was with a canadian guy.
He(canadian guy) was like 18,19 or something.
But why are you interested in my story?
Res.12 |
Hi ya!
バンクーバー 2005/06/25 21:02:19

Hey, you shouldn’t generalize Middle Eastern people. I understand that you do it because your wife was abused. But I have some nice friends from Middle East and one of my friends got married with Iranian but I’ve never heard she got abused.
Some people tend to see others with a stereotype( include me, I’m trying not to though). But we really shouldn’t do that in a bad way. Especially the Middle Easterns are having hard times everywhere mainly because of 9.11. Hope you’ll take it into your consideration.
I was in England before. Then I had an American boyfriend. Well, he IS but fun to be with.
Now I have a Canadian boyfriend but in general, Canadians are very both of good and bad ways. Sometimes I wish he had more ambitions.
Res.13 |
無回答 2005/06/25 21:29:40

Ms.Hi ya!,If I made you feel bad, I apologize but I didn’t mean to generalize middle eastern people.
I was just wondering if he(Terry) knows the person who I know little bit.
Anyways, I agree with you and I have a Canadian boyfriend, too.
So I understand that you wish your boyfriend had more ambitious;)
Res.14 |
terry toddler
日本 2005/06/25 22:14:42

Hello there you don’t need to apologise anything to her? of course we cant put everybody into the same box, but to say we can’t generalise about people’s countries is so mistake? we as humans all know certain things about people’s cultures whether it sounds bad or good? for example everybody in this world who visited Japan knows how polite & respectful people are & they love electronical gadgets especially..cell phones,latino’s italians are regarded as passionate lovers (very romantic) Americans are known to be extreme & noisy,south east asian countries tend to be so friendly even they are poorer than there Big neighbour countries, British are cold & reserved (when i was in Tokyo some ozzi’e guy told me whats wrong with you English guy’s you always drink in the corner of the pub & dont talk so much with people? he said whats wrong your people? I didnt tell him how can you generalise? this is his experience of mixing with people so i think he can say what he said to me no problem? we are all different blood latino, British whatever? middle east guy told my wife we are all cheats from even the nice one’s? i think he knows more that you or me?
Res.15 |
無回答 2005/06/25 23:52:43

I bet TT is not very good at Essay writing since he is getting away and away from the topic. My English teacher would say to you "Stick with your topic!"
How about start a new topic titled "Racial Generalizations"?
Res.16 |
Hi ya!
バンクーバー 2005/06/26 12:41:19

Well, we can generalize people in good ways and make fun of ourselves of doing that. Also maybe we can ask whe are you guys be so cool like your aussie friend, because he said that to you straightly.(and what he said is funny :D ) But I don’t like speaking ill of people with generalizing behind them, especially people in weak positions.Don’t you think so? But res6, don’t be sorry. I appreciate your being polite to me though. I’m doing that too ;)
For example, Canadian young girls are sometimes very arrogant...! Ooops, sorry. See? But they are strong...!
And no.15, we can go far from the topic. This is not an essay.
Ok, I have Terry,a British person here. So I can say "Yeah, the British seems to be cool and like being individuals, sometimes, but those are what I like about you. I also thought British people are socialized and their accents sound elegant!( except some regions) Once I talk to them, they are very friendly.
As for my boyfriend, he is talkative and a good listener but he hardly tell me how he is feeling. It’s sad, you know.
How about your partners?
Res.17 |
無回答 2005/06/26 19:10:41

だからさ〜、皆さんつたない英語で無理するのはやめようよ、、、、なんだか読んでいるとこっちが恥ずかしくなってきちゃうんだよね。ま、読まなきゃいいんだろうけど、、、。そんなに無理して疲れないのかな〜? といらぬ心配をしてしまうわけですよ。余計なお世話か、、、
Res.18 |
Terry toddler
日本 2005/06/26 19:27:01

Hiya its cool no 16 you can get somebody to listen & stuff to you, for me my Partner tells me how she feels exactly but sometimes the truth hurts when they tell how they feel exactly i think? and yes i agree with you we are not typing essay mayb no 15 got too much stuck into thinking were in Englsih class still? here we can say what we want & how we want & tell about our cultures. Wouldnt it be boring if the whole human race had no difference’s?
Im thinking go Oz next year i met many Ozzy’s when i lived London there accent is cool i think & the slang in oz is great too, they are always laid back & enjoying life, even the most serious & sensible ozzie’s seems like enjoying a drink & party when possible? i met few Canadian guy’s and i thought they are always friendly too so i had nice chat how do Candian guy’s compare to Japanese guy’s?(although everybody is differnt) do canadian guy’s like cooking too?In Uk i dont have one single English friend who enjoy’s cooking only one & he is Chinese but almost all my Japanese guy friends enjoy cooking this is something so different to an English guy. Also in Uk we can break appointments with friends anytime and it doesnt matter? however with my Japanese firends if i broke appointment it was like i was bad person or something? so i didn’t like this way of thinking? i like to be free & not feel so responsible to friends who are not so close friends? if i have too many Japanese friends i feel headache my wife too even she is Japanese? how about you?
Res.19 |
日本 2005/06/26 23:29:20

Hey... stop talking about Iranians badly. My b/f was an Iranian. He’s a nice guy. tried to understand me.
Racism!! Not all the Japanese are polite&punctual! Not all the Canadian are friendly! Don’ u think so!? Nobody can difine personality b/c of nationality!
Res.20 |
To Res.17
無回答 2005/06/27 01:49:35

そうです、余計なお世話です。 いいじゃん、カナダにいて英語使う努力してんだから。
Res.21 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/27 02:05:23

Hey fucker, don’t you think that some Japanese people can write much better than your boring topic? correct your English before you show your hates,idiot.
ps/ I really doubt that you have a japanese wife. what happened is, you like a girl, but you couldn’t get her from her persian boyfriend (: Kawaii sou :)
Res.22 |
Terry toddler
日本 2005/06/27 04:13:23

Go f**k yourself stupid b***h, as a matter of fact i knew a Japanese girl (friend) who got married to Iranian & even he is very nice he was doing illegal Job or something to get in the country so dont tell me otherwise, Iv’e heard & seen this s**t all my life, you should try living in Uk and you will know how England has lost its culture slowly since illegal f****g immigrant’s entered the country so easily! maybe if you were from England you’d feel the same way? after all England was & still is someplaces a Beautiful royal country but when you see the s**t taking over you can think like me too, I had friends in Uk who were just getting in the country so they were lying many times just to live there, now they are laughing at the english goverment for been so stupid, so shut up you stupid girl you dont know s**t!
Res.23 |
無回答 2005/06/27 04:24:38

NOBODY still understands what you actually want by posting stupid topic here. What do you want? All you have done here so far is showing how stupid you are. You sad bastard.
Res.24 |
無回答 2005/06/27 14:42:56

The reason I thought Terry should stick with his first topic is that this message board is for love matters. It is not for rasism. Yes, I’ve been struggle to study English, so may be that’s why I can’t stand your bad English (not only the grammer, but also the swearing) and your derailing of tipic eventhough you are the native speaker.
I feel that you used your Japanese wife just to get attension from Japanese people. Don’t think Japanese people would react nicer to you if you mension about your Japanese wife.
Your writing is full of rasism and hate, and that’s why people don’t react nice to you. By the way, I have a question. Do you speak or at reast try to speak to your wife in Japanese? Or it is only her who pays all the effort to communicate with you in your language?
Res.25 |
日本 2005/06/27 14:48:37

Love Terry toddler!! Love Terry toddler!!
L is for LOVE ,baby O is for ONLY you that I do V is for loving VIRTUALLY everything that you are E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do R is for RAPE me M is for MURDER me A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers N is for KNOWING your loverman’s going to be the answer to all of yours
Love Terry toddler!! Love Terry toddler!!
L is for LOVE, baby O is for O yes I do V is for VIRTUE, so I ain’t gonna hurt you E is for EVEN if you want me to R is for RENDER unto me, baby M is for that which is MINE A is for ANY old how, darling N is for ANY old time
Love Terry toddler!! Love Terry toddler!!
Res.26 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/27 17:09:04

Ok, quit nagging. The guy who keeps complaining aouut others’ English skill in Japansese, that’s unfair and you sound miserable. There are always someone who starts nagging here. They just want attentions. Poor guys.Must be having a hard time abroad. Congratulations, you got some attentions ;)
Res.27 |
Hot dog man
バンクーバー 2005/06/28 01:09:20

I may not agree with everything you said but I can see some connections to some of those stereotypes. Of course they apply to a good percentage of people; on the other hand, there are others they don’t apply to and I think we all know that... and if not well mabey your parents raised you wrong or beat you (or dropped you on your head and made you eat lead paint chips as a baby and caused them brain damage). But anyways, what’s with the question marks at the end of every sentence? The grammer I can get over, not everyone can spell small easy words and know how to put together a sentence (even when they’re between the age of 24 to 65). I haven’t met any besides mentally retarded people but I am not judging. Just end your sentences with a period. See? One of these-->. It’s so easy, just one button. I hope I have been of some help. I am personally Canadian and I hope people can understand my English. I also think 2 months is too quick to marry but that’s just me and if it works for you great! But for me it’s like getting married before having sex, you can’t always tell it’s what lifes going to be like if you get married before you try it. My g/f is japanese and she has the most amazing ass I’ve ever seen on a japanese woman(they usually don’t have one!) But if you use periods I will be pleased. And on a completely unrelated topic, can you speak or write any japanese? I can but we’ve been together two and half years and I care about her language and culture. Well please respond. Thx
P.s. If you understand japanese translate this (kusai kuso atama) no offence. Just easy uncommon words.
Res.28 |
日本 2005/06/28 05:55:31

HI thats cool you found the biggest baddest ass good for you,your probably right 2 months is quick but life’s a gamble and then again we did have 11 months communication from internet,post & phone too so we had a good idea what we were getting into? ermmm.. about Japanese i do speak a little people say im good but it’s not true,i cant have converstation. But i know many words & i tend to just get by,I dont think just because im not learning Japanese it doesn’t mean im not interested in the culture? were not actually going to be spending our lives in Japan much so i dont give it the time & energy, i actually am crazy about the culture i like all things mostly from the samarui films & video games and kabuki puppets & the 4 seasons & mountains in Japan,my Japanese friends tell me i know more about the geography of places than they do? so i think my appreciation stretch’s far & wide, people may well laugh but i was actually an English teacher@mount fuji, I loved that mountain man, it was huger than your girls ass even it rocked for sure :p, i just taught friendly & warm English there which was more important than my poor grammar students were happy & comfortable, but people in here dont know me they just look at my terrible grammar & thats all these what looks like boring students care about & talk about? so i dont care for there time in here? your message was more fair & to the point so i replied.I’ll talk anyhting sure man, especially about Japan if thats what your feeling too? you could tell me have you been to Japan yet? and if so where & what did you do? be cool to share experience’s man? i did some wicked ass things out here before partying@trance & techno raves outdoors in the middle of nowhere all night long at Mount fuji & i took part in a new year ceremony in a temple (Gifu ken) which made me the first gaijin in the history at that particular temple, even with my poor Japanese it rocks & i enjoy the people too.
Res.29 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/28 18:09:56

まぁ、結局なんだかんだ言ってトピ主の母国語は英語じゃないね。。書き方で分かる。笑 単にライティングが出来ないからとか、そういうの関係なしにね。
Res.30 |
日本 2005/06/28 20:41:06

Oh yah
You wanna fuck with us
You Little young ass mutha-fuckas
Don’t one of you japs got sickle-cell or something
You fucking with me, jap ?
You fuck around and catch a seizure or a heart-attack
You better back the fuck up
Before you get smacked the fuck up
This is how we do it on our side
Any of you japs from Vancouver that want to bring it,
Bring it.
But we ain’t singing,
We bringing drama
fuck you and your mother fucking mama.
We gonna kill all you mother fuckers.
Well this is how we gon’ do this:
fuck jap,
fuck jap-wannabe,
fuck whity,
And if you want to be down with japs,
Then fuck you too.
T.t, fuck you too.
All you mother fuckers,
fuck you too.
All of y’all mother fuckers,
fuck you, die slow mother fucker.
My fo’ fo’ (.44 magnum) make sure all yo’ kids don’t grow.
You mother fuckers can’t be us or see us.
We mother fuckin’ Thug Life riders.
West Side till’ we die.
Out here in Tokyo, jap
We warned ya’
We’ll bomb on you mother fuckers.
We do our job.
You think you the mob, jap, we the mother fuckin’ mob
Ain’t nuttin’ but killers
And the real japs, all you mother fuckers feel us.
Our shit goes triple and four quadruple
You japs laugh cuz our staff got guns under they mother fuckin’ belts
You know how it is and we drop records they felt
You japs can’t feel it
We the realist
fuck ’em.
We jap ass killas.
Res.31 |
To no.20
バンクーバー 2005/06/28 21:57:51

ok, before you disscuss if Terry is native English speaker, let us see your WONDERFUL English ability and give me the reason English writing here must be perfect for you. I don’t like a timid guy like you...!
Res.32 |
To no.29
バンクーバー 2005/06/28 21:58:55

heh the previous one’s not to you, no20 but you, no.29!
Res.33 |
Hot Dog man
バンクーバー 2005/06/28 23:03:52

Well terry thanx for replying to my response but i’m dissapointed about your question marks. You never learned so i urge everyone to complain about it till you change! Use this (.) not this (?). Got it? <--- (used in the right pretence!)
Res.34 |
バンクーバー 2005/06/29 09:59:17

What an interesting read... I don’t want to get involved with all the racial stuff, but it sure is interesting! Surprisingly your English is not very good (pardon me) for an Englishman but hey just because it’s your 1st language doesn’t mean you have to be good in it! Haha... good luck with everything.
Res.35 |
日本 2005/06/29 20:24:01

Yea cheers innit ha ha, you know sland good about UK,do you know innit comes from Pakistan people living in England they always say like that i dont know why, but its not from the white people but Originate’s from the pakistani people, but there are ton’s of sland from the white English of course, like wicked as in good was alos once dark,mint,sick,sweet all thease words simply were a street way for saying good ha ha, anytway time to go i gotta give my wife some hugging :p
Res.36 |
日本 2005/06/29 20:27:59

oh damn i typed to quick and this hot weather made me mistake i spelt sland meaning slang & typed these wrong plus also too, its the weather man nothing else :p Smashing pumpkins rock! how random is that lol!
Res.37 |
無回答 2005/06/29 22:46:40

Just as I thought, thoese international couple, in which one of them is non native English speaker, English speaking one doesn’t care to speak their partner’s mother language because all they care about is physical stuff (ex. good ass.) That’s up to you, but don’t tell me you are interested in their culture. That’s just so fake. Samurai movies are great, but can I say I’m interested in American culture because I’m into the cowboy movies? That’s shallow man. Well, all the people have different value, so if you and your partner is happy that way, that’s great.
Res.38 |
日本 2005/06/30 05:58:26

Hello your wrong again i know it sounds shallow to say about samurai etc..but i did say other things too apart from that, i understand you don’t know me so i can sound like f****g gaijin so i little bit understand that but i have many many Japanese friends who i mostly lost touch with now but all of them appreciated my interest in there country, and they always impressed that i knew so much & took an interest in Japan, they often laughed and said you know more than me about Japan so i dont need to hear from you im not interested in Japan sincierly. I especially interested in the mountains especially Japan alps Hakuba in Nagano i went there & matsumoto i visted many castles including in Shiga, I lived at fuji san & often immersed myself with Japanese cultre always never going boring gaijin bars etc.. im quite opposite if you know me to tell you straight, i took part in a new year ceremony at a local temple to where iwas living with homestay family i was the first Gaijin in the history to take part in this ceremony(in that particual temple) im very proud of that i had no Gaijin connections at all Japanese culture & friends was enough for me. I served sake& told many people omedetou gozaimasu! i enjoyed lots i let myself to enter completley into another cultre without keeping my own cultre with me i opened myself to it all & i can’t even tell how many experience’s i had which were very unique, anyway i have dream still in here to see Yakushima which is a world heritage site & see the thousand year old cedar tree’s etc..did you know the miyazaki animation director based princess mononoke on thta island most of my Japanese friends didnt know that,but i studied lots about places & geography in Japan,i know there are about 7 Volcano’s and sakurajima is active usually i think? iwould like to go kagoshima and also see mt unzen in Nagasaki & aso too,the samurui thing is not the reason i can say i like Japan as i said i like kabuki puppets, onsens are great, some of the traditional music on koto & festivals or performance’s especially star festival is nice i think, i guess in Canada of course you cant see it there right? but i hear there is a Japan town in Toronto i wonder if it can be saw there? sorry you misunderstood me but you are right the ass is great :p