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Farm stay at Saturna island


by Bill  
from Saturna island 
2024-04-07 15:45:38 JP

We are looking for people to work at our farm on Saturna Island from now, length of stay is flexible! Our farm name is Breezy Bay Farm
We have a minimum of a 2 weeks stay.
, you can eat a lot of delicious food here, and everyone is really Mr./Ms. kind-hearted.
Saturna Island is one of the Gulf Islands between Vancouver and Vancouver Island, a small and beautiful island with a population of just over 350 people.
* Other Gulf Islands include Salt Spring Island and Pender Island.
From the ferry terminal in Vancouver to Satuna Island, it takes as little as two hours.
Whether you're new to island life or working on a farm, you're welcome! Since it is in the farm of a work exchange here, there is no salary.

Instead of working, they give you a place to sleep and food. During your stay, you can enjoy the organic life and English environment in the great outdoors with almost no money.

In addition, the period is flexible, such as a long period or a few weeks!
Working time: 5 hours per day
(9-12 am, 1-3 pm), 2 days off per week Work

If you google wwoof Canada you will see our ad and woofing arrangements.

Maintenance of fields and greenhouses (sowing and harvesting vegetables, soil preparation, etc.), repairing buildings (painting and concrete, helping to repair fences, etc.)
Number of people required:
1 or 2 people You can borrow
work clothes and everything you need for the job. In addition, there are few jobs that are not too difficult to do. You work 5 hours a day on the farm, but you will also be asked to help with simple things at
such as preparing dinner and cleaning up. It may be good if you can enjoy such things.
The hosts are Flora and Bill who is pro-Japan, and Flora, who loves to cook. Bill and Flora have hosted more than 100 Japan so far. Even if you are not confident in your English, he speaks in an easy-to-understand manner and explains the content of his work clearly.

In the past, there were people who liked life here and stayed for 9 months, and people who came from Japan to see their hosts even after leaving the island. There are countless people who have improved their English skills by talking to the host.
As a place to sleep, you can use a private room in the dormitory. Showers and toilets are shared.

A 5-minute walk from the private beach (where you can swim in the summer, wetsuits and bicycles are available, hiking, fishing (Bill goes lure fishing by boat, etc.

They will take you to collect shrimp and crabs, where you can see seals and, if you're lucky, killer whales). On the hiking trails, you can see beautiful vineyards and islands floating in the sea along the way.
Depending on the day, there are also local activities where you can interact with the islanders. Everyone is very friendly, Mr./Ms..
If you are interested, please send in English and send it to the email address below.

Also, please refer to the the website for photos of the farm and directions to the island.
In addition, the client of this topic is the host, and we are posting on behalf of the host, so we cannot reply to any posts.
Thank you.


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