~3000まで!3人で住める2bedroom or 3bedroom探してます!!
by 無回答 Email
from 無回答
2024-05-27 20:25:34 CA
I'm looking for the furnished house having 2bedrooms or 3bedrooms which I can share with my boyfriend and his friend from june 8th. Kitchin and bathroom share with another people are also fine.
We are 1Japanese female and 2 Taiwanese guy and all love to be clean, friendly and responsible.
Our budget is around 2500~3000.
zone1 area is preferred, but we would love to know zone2 area information as well(north Vancouver, Richmond, Bearnby so on)
こんにちは、6/1から、私とパートナー+友人1名の計3名で住める2bedroom か3bedroomのお家、アパートメントを探しています!
予算は3人で〜2800(光熱費込みで3000)まで、ビザのタイプは全員ワーキングホリデーです。車がないのでZone 1が好ましいのですが、駅までのアクセスが良ければzone2の家の紹介もいただけると嬉しいです。