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by Yuki  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-03-15 09:57:32 CA

You say you love the rain, but you open your umbrella. You say you love the sun, but you find the shadow spot. You say you love the wind, but you close the windows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too….

“Love” is something you do for someone else, not something you do for yourself….

Some people are good at “being in love”. Some people are good at “love”. Two very different things. I think. “Being in love” is the romantic part - sex all the time, midday naps in the sheets, the jokes, the laughs, the fun, long conversation with no pauses, overwhelming separation anxiety… Just the best sides of both people, you know? But “love” begins when the excitement of being in love starts to fade; the stress of life sets in, the butterflies disappear, the sex becomes a chore, the tears, the sadness, the arguments, the cattiness… The worst parts of both people. But if you still want that person by your side through all of those things… that’s when you know - that’s when you know you’re good at love…..

Do you know the difference between “loving someone” and “being in love?” No? Let me tell you. “Loving someone” is selfish. “Being in love” with someone is selfless. Let me explain. When you “love” someone, you don’t listen. You care more about your love for them and your happiness that you disregard what they want, their needs. When you are “in love”, their happiness is your happiness. You listen carefully to what they want and need and you give it to them, even if that means giving them up….

They say love is blind. I disagree. Infatuation is blind. Love is all-seeing and accepting. Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them. Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms and working around them. Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities and knowing your role is to comfort. Love is working through all the challenges and painful times. Infatuation is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect. Love is strong and it strengthens because it is real…..



「恋愛する」のが得意な人もいます。 「恋愛」が得意な人もいます。 2 つのまったく異なるもの。私は思う。 「愛し合っている」ということはロマンチックな部分です - 四六時中セックス、シーツで昼寝、ジョーク、笑い、楽しい、休憩のない長い会話、圧倒的な分離不安… 二人の良い面だけですよね。 ?しかし、「恋」は、恋をしているときの興奮が薄れ始めるときに始まります。人生のストレスが始まり、蝶が消え、セックスが面倒になり、涙、悲しみ、口論、嫌味…二人の最悪の部分。でも、そんなことを乗り越えても、あの人をそばにいてほしいと思うなら…そのときがわかる――そのときが、あなたは恋愛上手だとわかるとき…..

「人を愛すること」と「恋をすること」の違いを知っていますか?いいえ?言っておくけど。 「人を愛する」というのは利己的です。誰かを「愛する」ということは無私のことです。説明しましょう。誰かを「愛する」とき、人は言うことを聞きません。あなたは彼らへの愛と自分の幸せをより重視し、彼らが望むものやニーズを無視します。あなたが「恋をしている」とき、彼らの幸せはあなたの幸せです。彼らが望んでいることや必要としているものに注意深く耳を傾け、たとえそれが彼らを放棄することを意味したとしても、あなたはそれを彼らに与えます。



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