8/13 リッチモンドからバンフへ移動、8/14~17に登山を一緒にしませんか?カープール募集中!
by Shiao Email
from バンクーバー
2024-08-09 23:41:47 CA
8月13日にリッチモンド(BC州)からバンフへ車で移動します。登山は8月14日から17日の間の1日または2日を予定しています。登山ルートはまだ決まっていませんが、Tent RidgeやHorseshoeなどのトレイルを考えています。初心者向けではないので、ある程度の経験と基本的な装備(登山靴など)が必要です。
E-mail: scarlet725469@gmail.com
I will be driving from Richmond, BC to Banff on August 13th. I’m looking for hiking buddies for one or two days between August 14th and 17th. The exact hiking location hasn’t been decided yet, but it could be trails like Tent Ridge or Horseshoe, or similar. The hike won’t be for beginners, so having some experience and basic gear like hiking boots is preferable.
I can offer a carpool, but you will need to arrange your own transportation for the return trip, as I will be continuing with other travel in the area afterwards.
I’m not Japanese, but I can speak some Japanese. Feel free to message me. You can also find this post on Poparide.
Email: scarlet725469@gmail.com
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