My bursting heart must find vent at my pen…. Pain creates “writers”. Hurt creates “art”. It enters your soul and ignites your heart. Paint with your tears. Write with your blood. Pour out the anguish. Wash off the crud….. Tell me about your passions. Tell me what makes you tick. Tell me all the things you’ve discovered about yourself after all these years of searching. Why do you do the things you do, and how did you get to be such a beautiful creature? I want to get to know you so I can justify this love I already feel for you…..
There is one thing you should know about “writing.” It will inevitably lead you to terrible places, as you cannot write about something if you have not lived it. Though the most important thing to bear in mind is this: You are there as a tourist and must always remain one. There was a very specific reason why you were blessed with the ability to translate your sentiments into words. It is to bring a voice to suffering and torment. But do not be too indulgent with your experience of these things, despite how addictive suffering can be, how easy it is to get lost down the twisted path of self-destruction. You must emerge from adversity, scathed but victorious, to tell your story and in turn, light the way for others……
A Good Writer:
Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright…. As a writer, you must never indulge your audience. The audience is your adversary. You must defeat them, which means your writing must have the power to change them…. Go inside where silence is. Stay there. Let words bubble up. Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon….