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Beautiful Private Room at Kitsilano Beach

by Kits Beachhouse  Email 
from Vancouver
 2024-10-19 16:59:12 CA

We are looking for a responsible, reliable, honest, clean, quiet, female roommate to rent a beautiful peaceful beachside home with three other international female roommates. The room is fully furnished w/ private bathroom (shower & bath). Our quiet, private house is located near Kitsilano Beach and Jericho Beach, just a few meters from the ocean. UBC Campus is 15 minutes away by bus number 84 or 44.

Our modern, private home is just steps from the ocean, nestled in a friendly neighborhood amidst the scenic Westside beaches, vibrant coffee shops, delightful restaurants, and various retail outlets of Kitsilano.

The house location is in Kitsilano which is a very safe neighborhood close to all the wonderful Westside beaches, yoga studios, gyms, cool coffee shops, excellent restaurants, and varied retail outlets in Kitsilano.

The room is extremely private, super clean, and exceptionally quiet. Other features of the room are proximity to a warm bathroom and warm shower. The building is well maintained and is also very secure.

Our room share would be the ultimate location for a serious student wanting to focus on their studies, or a person wanting a lot of privacy and quiet time. UBC buses are approximately 3 minutes away. Downtown buses are 4 minutes away.

Home Amenities:
- Super clean, female-only bathroom and shower facilities.
- Quiet atmosphere conducive to study and privacy.
- Proximity to UBC (3 minutes to the bus) and downtown (a few minutes to the bus number 4 or 7).
- Included are all utilities, high-speed internet, and laundry access.

Ideal Candidate:
- A serious student or working individual valuing privacy and quietude.
- Someone who appreciates a tidy, honest, and mature living environment.

How to Apply:
- Email us with your inquiries, a brief introduction, and your essential needs for a room in Kitsilano.
- Please mention your mobile number for prompt communication.

Availability: Room is available starting November 1.

Please email us your questions and tell us a little about yourself including your main necessities for a room share rental in Kitsilano.

 Please let us know how many months you need the room.
 What do you do or study in Vancouver?
Also, if possible, some social media, Instagram, so we know a little about you.



by Jim  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-10-19 16:29:20 JP

* 学生向け家具付き個室、フルキッチンとバスルームは共用(他の入居者は男性)、広い庭あり
* 住宅街にありながらも、すぐ近くに買い物やレストランがあります
* 絶好のロケーション、ダウンタウンまで交通機関でわずか 20 分、カナダラインにもアクセス


One Bedroom in two-bedroom house fully Furnished

by Helen  Email 
from Vancouver
 2024-10-19 00:52:32 NG

I have a one bedroom available in my two bedroom apartment The 2 bedroom unit in the luxury building was owned by my dad before he died and it is fully furnished with your private bathroom, toilet access to kitchen laundry living room and car park Utilities are included in rent and it is $800 monthly and $200 security deposit, Lease Agreement is flexible and it is month to month. You’d be having your personal bathroom and toilet with private bedroom. you can as well bring in whatever you want for your own convenience.



by &(登録済)
from バンクーバー 2024-10-19 16:18:24 CA

Hi I'm wondering approximate address where the apartment is placed thanks!


11/1~ [ダウンタウン]治安の良いコールハーバー,高級コンド•デン

by 無回答  Email 
from 無回答
 2024-10-19 16:03:47 CA

とても立地の良いコールハーバーエリア(Coal Harbour)の綺麗な高級コンドミニアムのデンルームに入居していただける方を探しています。

バンクーバーで1番有名なショッピングエリア ”Robson Street”まで徒歩2分です!



* 入居日 : 11/1~
* 光熱費、水道代、インターネット、食器用洗剤、掃除道具込み
* 光熱費は一部屋$50分家賃に含みますが、使用しすぎた場合はルームメイトと折半となります。
* 最低滞在期間:3ヶ月


★家具&家電付きTake overなし
★ 炊飯器•フライパン•鍋•ケトル•トースターなどの調理器具&キッチン用品&食器完備
★ お部屋内に洗濯機&乾燥機完備(もちろん無料です)使用回数に制限はありません。
★ 24時間ゴミ捨て可能

★バンクーバーで1番有名なショッピングエリア ”Robson Street”まで徒歩2分
コンビニ屋(徒歩3分)、スターバックス(徒歩5分)、スーパー(徒歩2分)、Breka Cafe(徒歩3分)

- ペット不可
- 退去の際は1ヶ月前通知
- 室内での喫煙、ドラッグ使用禁止




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