9月上旬から住める部屋を探しています Looking for a place to stay from the early September
by Lisa Email
from 日本
2024-08-11 10:26:00 JP
9月上旬からワーホリビザでバンクーバーに行くため、住めるシェアハウス、空き部屋を探しています。UBCに去年まで1年間留学し、寮での共同生活経験あります。22歳女、最低5ヶ月滞在、タバコは吸いません。予算は高くても900ドル代を想定しており、女性限定、バス停や駅の近くだとありがたいです。West Vancouver, Downtown, Kitsilano, East Vancouverを希望しています。
Hi, my name is Lisa. I'm currently looking for a shared house or an available room in Vancouver.
I've lived in Vancouver for a year in the past for an exchange program at UBC. I have experience living in a shared unit at the university dorm.
I am a 22-year-old female, tidy and responsible person. I'm planning to stay in Vancouver for at least 5 months. My budget is lower than $1000 and I'm hoping to find a place that is women-only and is located near public transportation.
If you have an available room or know some information, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance, I look forward to hearing from you:)
by 無回答
from 無回答 2024-08-11 21:39:51 CA
by Ken Email
from バンクーバー 2024-08-11 22:14:40 CA
If you are interested, we have a room available. Details can be found here: http://bbs.jpcanada.com/topic_dtl.php?bbs=3&msgid=188325&sort=0
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address provided in the link.
by 無回答
from 無回答 2024-08-12 11:20:21 JP