“You love him a lot,” said the rolling tear. “Give him another chance,” said the heart. “Forget him and enjoy life,” said the brain. “You don’t have much time,” said life….
You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them. You can miss a person every day and still be glad that they are no longer in your life…
I had tried but couldn’t hold you on. It was my mistake for which you had to pay. For your peace everyday; I still pray. I never wanted to lose you. I love you. This fact will stay always true. I know you are very far away from me, but every time I close my eyes, it’s only your face I can see…..
He is going to come. The one who is going to make you feel like everyone else was just practice. The one safe enough to show your girlfriends. Smart enough to show your mother. Strong enough to show your flaws. He will love your mind first. Heart second. Body always. He will prove to you that trust isn’t just a word. That love isn’t just a feeling. That boyfriend isn’t just a title. The only questions is “Will you be ready?” There is nothing worse than having a king on your doorstep while you’re in bed with a joker….
Love when you are ready, not when you are lonely. Relationship don’t only fail because the person you are with turns out to be the wrong person; they also fail when you yourself aren’t yet the person you need to be. If you aren’t yet capable of being in a loving relationship, then the two of you are doomed. Sometimes, it’s vital to work on yourself before looking to date. There are so many people who are walking around and not ready to be the best version of themselves, yet want to be with the best versions of other people….
Every relationship will get “boring” after you’ve been together for years. Love isn’t a feeling. It’s a commitment to love every day physically and emotionally. It’s difficult. It’s not always laughs, smiles and fun. People tend to quit when it stops being fun, and they go look for someone else because “the spark is gone.” No. That’s not how it works. You want somebody to never give up on you, and love you unconditionally, then do the same. Be the change. This isn’t Hollywood. This isn’t the movies. That shit isn’t real. Love someone when you don’t want to, when they aren’t the easiest to deal with, when they are hard to love. That’s the realist shit there is….