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by Yuki  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-03-14 08:58:51 CA


The act of passionate kissing should never be taken lightly. A kiss when done right can ignite a fire within. It can do more than any touch. It can breathe life into a soul and fan embers long forgotten or as yet discovered….

I crave the kind of kisses so intense that end up leaving you disoriented and simultaneously make you feel there isn’t any other place you’d rather be….

Kiss me with all of the desires you’ve kept away and all the emotions you’ve been holding back. Kiss me without restraint or hesitation. Let nothing stay between you and me but love…..

Make me immortal with a kiss…..

There is a moment between a glance and a kiss where the world stops for the briefest of times, and the only thing between us is the anticipation of your lips on mine. A moment so intense; it hangs in the air as it pulls us closer. A moment so perfect that when it comes to an end, we realize it’s only just beginning…..









by Yuki  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-03-14 08:54:06 CA

Exchange of power…..

When a man truly loves a woman, she becomes his weakness. When a woman truly loves a man, he becomes her strength. This is called “Exchange of Power…..”


“Broken men” want fixers. “Immature men” want mothers. “Good men” want partners. “Hard-working men” want supporters. “Lazy men” want enablers. “Insecure men” want puppets. “Abusive men” want objects. “Men of God” want their rib….

The strength of a man isn’t seen in the width of his shoulders. It’s seen in the width of his arms that circle you. The strength of a man isn’t in the deep tone of his voice. It’s in the gentle words he whispers. The strength of a man isn’t how many buddies he has. It’s how good a buddy he is with his kids. The strength of a man isn’t in how respected he is at work. It’s in how respected he is at home. The strength of a man isn’t in how hard he hits. It’s in how tender he touches. The strength of a man isn’t in the hair on his chest. It’s in his heart that lies within his chest. The strength of a man isn’t how many women he’s loved. It’s in can he be true to one woman. The strength of a man isn’t in the weight he can lift. It’s in the burdens he can carry…...


“Pretty” is an accident of nature. “Elegance” is a self-created work of art… Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude and lady with class…. Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt but chooses not to show it… Being a “female” is a matter of birth. Being a “woman” is a matter of age. But being a “lady” - that’s a matter of choice…. The woman you pursue is a reflection of you. Your ambition and your level of class, or lack thereof….

A "real woman" is a freak in bed, a chef in the kitchen, a therapist during hard times and a coach when you are off your game.... She is badass with a good heart: Soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She is the type of woman you go to war beside. The type of woman, you marry...




「壊れた人間」はフィクサーを求めています。 「未熟な男性」は母親を求めています。 「善良な男性」はパートナーを求めています。 「勤勉な男性」は支持者を求めています。 「怠け者」は実現力を求めています。 「自信のない男性」は操り人形を欲しがります。 「虐待的な男性」は物を欲しがります。 「神の人々」は自分たちの肋骨を欲しがっています…。



「きれい」というのは自然の偶然です。 「エレガンス」は自ら創造した芸術作品です…心を持った女性、態度を持った女性、品格を備えた女性になりましょう…。上品とは、女性が誇示すべきものをすべて持っているにもかかわらず、それを見せないことを選択することです。「女性」であることは生まれつきの問題です。 「女性」であることは年齢の問題です。しかし、「女性」であることは選択の問題です…。あなたが追い求める女性はあ​​なたを反映したものです。あなたの野心と階級のレベル、あるいはその欠如…。




by Yuki  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-03-14 08:44:25 CA

True Love vs Exploitation:

True Love:
True love evolves. It doesn’t appear spontaneously, but grows and develops, mostly through two people working things out together (FYI: “staying around” is not the same thing as “working it out”). Only when you’ve been through trials and tribulations, and to hell and back again several times with that person (and made it out hand-in-hand), do you respect and admire each other. That is love….

Love when you are ready, not when you are lonely: Relationship don’t only fail because the person you are with turns out to be the wrong person; they also fail when you yourself aren’t yet the person you need to be. If you aren’t yet capable of being in a loving relationship, then the two of you are doomed. Sometimes, it’s vital to work on yourself before looking to date. There are so many people who are walking around and not ready to be the best version of themselves, yet want to be with the best versions of other people….

Now, there is such a thing as infatuation, but it’s temporary. As soon as things get a little difficult or the other person starts showing who they really are, the relationship takes a turn for the worse….

Dear Woman: He is going to come. The one who is going to make you feel like everyone else was just practice. The one safe enough to show your girlfriends. Smart enough to show your mother. Strong enough to show your flaws. He will love your mind first. Heart second. Body always. He will prove to you that trust isn’t just a word. That love isn’t just a feeling. That boyfriend isn’t just a title. The only questions is “Will you be ready?” There is nothing worse than having a “king” on your doorstep while you’re in bed with a “joker….”

真実の愛 vs 搾取:

真実の愛は進化します。それは自然に現れるものではありませんが、主に 2 人で協力して取り組むことによって成長し、発展していきます (参考までに、「そこに留まる」ことは「取り組む」ことと同じではありません)。試練や苦難を乗り越え、その人と何度も地獄に行ったり戻ったりしたとき(そして手を取り合って乗り越えたとき)にのみ、お互いを尊敬し、称賛できるのです。それは愛です…。



親愛なる女性へ: 彼は来るつもりです。他の人はただ練習していただけだと思わせる人。ガールフレンドに見せるのに十分安全なもの。お母さんに見せられるほど賢いよ。自分の欠点を見せるのに十分強い。彼はまずあなたの心を愛してくれるでしょう。心臓二番目。いつも体。彼は信頼が単なる言葉ではないことを証明してくれるでしょう。その愛は単なる感情ではありません。その彼氏は単なる肩書きではありません。質問は「準備はできますか?」だけです。 「ジョーカー…」と一緒にベッドにいるときに、玄関先に「王様」が現れることほど最悪なことはありません。



by Yuki  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-03-14 08:40:26 CA

Rough love…

Hard, edgy love. Love that made you bleed. Love hard to find; the kind of love you fought to keep….

Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused…..

If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down….

The depth of love is truly tested in the roughest patches where both partners must decide if they are wiling to fight for what they have….

Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being in love, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.Those that truly love have roots that grow towards each other underground, and, when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two…..






愛は一時的な狂気であり、火山のように噴火してから静まります。そしてそれが落ち着いたら、決断を下す必要があります。自分のルーツがあまりにも絡み合っていて、別れることが考えられないかどうかを見極める必要があります。だってこれが愛というものだから。愛は息切れではなく、興奮ではなく、永遠の情熱の約束を広めることでもありません。それはただ恋をしているだけで、どんな愚か者でもできることだ。愛そのものは、恋が燃え尽きたときに残るものであり、これは芸術であり、幸運な偶然でもあります。真に愛する人は、地下でお互いに向かって成長する根を持ち、そして、すべての美しい花が彼らから散ったとき、枝を見ると、それが 2 本ではなく 1 本の木であることがわかります。



by Yuki  Email 
from バンクーバー
 2024-03-14 08:33:58 CA

There’s a difference between someone who likes you and someone who appreciates you.

There’s a difference between someone who thinks you’re convenient and someone who thinks you’re irreplaceable.

There’s a difference between someone who thinks you’re hot and someone who thinks you’re beautiful.

There’s a difference between someone who likes you for your body and someone who likes you for your soul.

There’s a difference between someone who wants to spend quality time with you and someone who’s just looking for someone to entertain them.

There’s a difference between someone who wants to keep you in their life forever and someone who wants you for a little while.

There’s a difference between someone who loves the idea of you and someone who’s in love with you.

There’s a difference between someone who keeps showing what you mean to them effortlessly and someone who shows you only when you ask them to.

There’s a difference between someone you can count on and someone who finds excuses for not being there.

There’s a difference between someone who sees a home in you and someone who only sees a vacation.

They both exist. They both fulfill a certain need, but you have to ask yourself first what you’re truly looking for and where this person is or where this person can meet you. You have to ask yourself if you’re asking for too much or you’re just asking the wrong person.

And most importantly, you have to be honest with yourself if you’re with someone who’s not on the same page. If you’re with someone who doesn’t love you the way you want to be loved. And if you know the answer and you’re afraid to make a decision, you just have to do it because nothing is worse than living a lie. Nothing is worse than trying to find love and happiness in the middle of heartbreak and chaos.

You can never bloom in the wrong environment. You can never shine with someone who doesn't see your light. Because it can only be one of two things; there’s no in-between. It’s either the real deal or another fraud....













間違った環境では決して花を咲かせることはできません。あなたの光が見えない人と一緒に輝くことはできません。なぜなら、それは 2 つのうちの 1 つしかあり得ないからです。その中間はありません。それは本物か詐欺か……。

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