by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-04-06 18:15:40 CA
“Pretty” is an accident of nature. “Elegance” is a self-created work of art… Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude and lady with class…. Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt but chooses not to show it… Being a “female” is a matter of birth. Being a “woman” is a matter of age. But being a “lady” - that’s a matter of choice…. The woman you pursue is a reflection of you. Your ambition and your level of class, or lack thereof….
A "real woman" is a freak in bed, a chef in the kitchen, a therapist during hard times and a coach when you are off your game.... She is badass with a good heart: Soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She is the type of woman you go to war beside. The type of woman, you marry...
「可愛い」とは、自然の偶然。 「優雅」とは、自ら創造した芸術作品。頭が良い、生きる姿勢を持つ、品格を備えた、女となれ。品格を備えるとは、女が誇示すべき物を全て持っているにも関わらず、それを見せびらかさないと選択する事。「女の性」とは、生まれつきの事。 「熟女」とは、年齢の事。しかし、本物の「女」とは、それは、貴方の選択。貴方が追い求める女は、貴方自身を反映した物。あなたの野心と階級のレベル、あるいはその欠如。