by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-03-24 10:22:42 CA
You are my blue crayon. The one I never have enough of. The one I use to colour my sky….
貴方は私の青いクレヨン。 私の空を彩る、かけがえの無い人…。
by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-03-24 10:22:42 CA
You are my blue crayon. The one I never have enough of. The one I use to colour my sky….
貴方は私の青いクレヨン。 私の空を彩る、かけがえの無い人…。
by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-03-24 10:14:03 CA
I need you here. It’s come to the point where the word “want” doesn’t even begin to suffice. I crave your presence just as I do everyday. And once I have you, forever will not be long enough….
僕には君が必要だ。 もう会いたいだけじゃ足りない。僕は毎日君を切望する。そしていつか君をこの手にしたら、永遠なんか全然足りない…
by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-03-24 01:14:25 CA
Someone once asked me what it felt like to love you. They may as well have asked me to describe the taste of water. So, in turn, I asked them to imagine living in absence of it. You can get by without it for about a day or so. You may even survive without it for a week. But eventually, the body will begin to wither away. And so, the idea of living without water is the equivalent of not loving you. Impossible….
以前、誰かが僕に、君を愛するとはどんな事かと聞いて来た事がある。この質問は、水の味を説明するのも同然。それで変わりに、水の無い生き方を想像してもらった。 1日くらいは、水が無くても平気。 1週間くらい水を飲まなくても、生きていけるかもしれない。でも、やがては体が衰え始める。だから、水無しで生きると言う事は、君を愛せないも同然。絶対無理…
by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-03-24 00:51:59 CA
Can I be that one person? The one that’s constantly on your mind. That one person you would always reply fast to. The one your friends hear about every day of their lives. The one you check up on every now and then just to see how their day is going. The one that makes your day, the one you’d do anything for. The one you smile non-stop about. The one you can be your complete self around. The person you love more than anything. Can I be that one person….?
私は、その人になれる? 常に貴方の頭の中にある、あの人。 いつも貴方がすぐに返信してくれる、あの人。 貴方の友達が毎日聞く話題の、あの人。 貴方が元気でいるかを毎日チェックする、あの人。 貴方の一日を充実させる、あの人。貴方がその人の為なら何でもする、あの人。 貴方の笑顔を一日中絶えさせない、あの人。 貴方が本当の自分で居られる、あの人。 貴方が何よりも愛してる、あの人。 私は、その人になれるだろうか…?
by 無回答
from 無回答
2024-03-24 00:29:19 CA
I will bruise your lips and scar your knees and love you too hard. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people….