6月1日に引っ越すことになり、1か月前notice だったため5月1日に引っ越す旨を伝えました。
すると、6/1に家を出るなら4月末までに伝えてもらわないと1ヶ月前notice にはならないとのことでした。
入居前には1ヶ月前notice しか伝えられておらず契約書も見せられていません。また入居時にできた日割りも、出て行く時にはできないとのことでした。
5.1 Notice to Move Out
Periodic Tenancies
A tenant can end a periodic tenancy agreement - more commonly known as a
"month-to-month" tenancy agreement - by giving the landlord one-month notice no later than the day before the rent is due. For example, if you pay rent on the 1st of the month and would like to move out by May 31 st, your notice must be received by your landlord no later than April 30th. Periodic tenancies can be established on a weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis, but month-to-month agreements are by far the most common type. Throughout this course, the terms "periodic tenancy" and "month-to-month tenancy" will be used interchangeably.
The Residential Tenancy Act requires a tenant's one-month notice to be in writing, so avoid text and social media messaging. You must also consider the rules about service of