Beautiful Room available on October 31 in Downtown Eastyork
by Ying Email
from 6476695118
2024-09-08 17:58:05 CA

Room for rent.on Downtown EastYork
-Gerrard and Greenwood —— Rent $950per month Room available on October 31
- Big room on second floor
-near by Student of Language schools, ILAC, George Brown
- Bus 31.506.83.72.,5minute to Greenwood station
-5 minutes walk to —Walmart.food basics
-minimum 4 months
- kitchen and washroom share with one persons
-include: furniture,utilities, high speed wifi .laundry.
-Please reply with a little bit of information about yourself along with how long and with whom you'd stay with. very clean room .
If you interested please contact to me:+16476695118 Ying
Thank you!
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