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バンクーバー警察 (604) 717-3321 P募集+サポ募集

by 無回答 
from バンクーバー 
2024-05-02 03:30:39 CA

286.3 of the Criminal Code, this is a straight indictable offence, and you may receive up to 14 years in jail. However, if the victim is under 18 years of age, then you are subject to a minimum penalty of 5 years in jail but may receive up to 14 years in jail.

Prostitution Criminal Law Reform: Bill C-36, the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act,and%20the%20institutionalization%20of%20prostitution


1) Purchasing Offence:

Obtaining sexual services for consideration, or communicating in any place for that purpose (section 286.1)
Those who sell their own sexual services are protected from criminal liability for participating in the commission of this offence if the offence relates to their own sexual services (subsection 286.5(2))

Adult victim (subsection 286.1(1))

Dual procedure offence with maximum penalties of 5 years imprisonment if prosecuted on indictment and 18 months if prosecuted by summary convicton
Escalating mandatory minimum fines starting at $500 on summary conviction for a first offence, including higher mandatory minimum fines if the offence is prosecuted by indictment, is a subsequent offence or is committed in a public place that is or is next to parks, schools, religious institutions or places where children can reasonably be expected to be present
Child victim (subsection 286.1(2))

Indictable offence with maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and mandatory minimum penalties of 6 months imprisonment for a first offence and one year for subsequent offences


This offence criminalizes purchasing sexual services, or communicating in any place for that purpose, for the first time in Canadian criminal law. Since prostitution is a transaction that involves both the purchase and the sale of sexual services, the new purchasing offence makes prostitution illegal; every time the prostitution transaction takes place, an offence is committed by the purchaser.


バンクーバー警察: (604) 717-3321

Japanese speaking please と言えば、助けてくれます。

2) Advertising Offence:

Knowingly advertising an offer to provide sexual services for consideration (section 286.4)
Those who sell their own sexual services are protected from criminal liability for committing this offence if they advertise their own sexual services (paragraph 286.5(1)(b)), or for participating in the commission of this offence if the offence relates to their own sexual services (subsection 286.5(2))

Dual procedure offence with maximum penalties of 5 years imprisonment if prosecuted by indictment and 18 months if prosecuted by summary conviction


This offence criminalizes advertising the sale of sexual services, also for the first time in Canadian criminal law. This new offence applies to individuals who advertise the sale of another person’s sexual services, including in print media, on websites or in locations that offer sexual services for sale, such as erotic massage parlours or strip clubs.

The offence also applies to publishers or website administrators, if they know that the advertisement exists and that it is in fact for the sale of sexual services. The new laws also allow the court to order the seizure of materials containing advertisements for the sale of sexual services, as well as their removal from the Internet, regardless of who posted them. However, the new laws protect from criminal liability a person who advertises the sale of their own sexual services.



Sexual Services – Purchase of and Related Offences


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