by Yuki Email
from バンクーバー
2024-03-14 08:44:25 CA
True Love vs Exploitation:
True Love:
True love evolves. It doesn’t appear spontaneously, but grows and develops, mostly through two people working things out together (FYI: “staying around” is not the same thing as “working it out”). Only when you’ve been through trials and tribulations, and to hell and back again several times with that person (and made it out hand-in-hand), do you respect and admire each other. That is love….
Love when you are ready, not when you are lonely: Relationship don’t only fail because the person you are with turns out to be the wrong person; they also fail when you yourself aren’t yet the person you need to be. If you aren’t yet capable of being in a loving relationship, then the two of you are doomed. Sometimes, it’s vital to work on yourself before looking to date. There are so many people who are walking around and not ready to be the best version of themselves, yet want to be with the best versions of other people….
Now, there is such a thing as infatuation, but it’s temporary. As soon as things get a little difficult or the other person starts showing who they really are, the relationship takes a turn for the worse….
Dear Woman: He is going to come. The one who is going to make you feel like everyone else was just practice. The one safe enough to show your girlfriends. Smart enough to show your mother. Strong enough to show your flaws. He will love your mind first. Heart second. Body always. He will prove to you that trust isn’t just a word. That love isn’t just a feeling. That boyfriend isn’t just a title. The only questions is “Will you be ready?” There is nothing worse than having a “king” on your doorstep while you’re in bed with a “joker….”
真実の愛 vs 搾取:
真実の愛は進化します。それは自然に現れるものではありませんが、主に 2 人で協力して取り組むことによって成長し、発展していきます (参考までに、「そこに留まる」ことは「取り組む」ことと同じではありません)。試練や苦難を乗り越え、その人と何度も地獄に行ったり戻ったりしたとき(そして手を取り合って乗り越えたとき)にのみ、お互いを尊敬し、称賛できるのです。それは愛です…。
親愛なる女性へ: 彼は来るつもりです。他の人はただ練習していただけだと思わせる人。ガールフレンドに見せるのに十分安全なもの。お母さんに見せられるほど賢いよ。自分の欠点を見せるのに十分強い。彼はまずあなたの心を愛してくれるでしょう。心臓二番目。いつも体。彼は信頼が単なる言葉ではないことを証明してくれるでしょう。その愛は単なる感情ではありません。その彼氏は単なる肩書きではありません。質問は「準備はできますか?」だけです。 「ジョーカー…」と一緒にベッドにいるときに、玄関先に「王様」が現れることほど最悪なことはありません。