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Rooms for rent, flats, roommates, relocation, homestay... For more information on housing in Toronto

'Renting and Sharing' reserves the right to delete without notice any postings that deviate from the main purpose of the section. It is prohibited to repeatedly post replies with no intention to rent or lease a property for an extended period of time. Multiple new posts with similar content by the same person must be made after deleting the previous topic.

Title, Icon, Comment

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※Please make the title easy to understand.

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Note for Yes.:The Notification function email is private, so please make sure to specify how to contact you in the comments below. If you do not understand what this means, you can leave it as 'No'.

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You can upload Up to 7 JPEG or PNG format files of 4 MB or less. Photos are effective in increasing the probability of being viewed. Photos deemed unsuitable by the site administrator may be removed without notice.

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Address optional

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Email optional

*The "Email" field at the top of the posting screen is not open to the public, but you can receive emails directly from users through our message board. Note, however, that users contacting you via "Email" will not be able to attach their resumes or other documents. We recommend that you also include your contact information in the job posting.

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→Please select categories below.(Multiple choice)

【Attention】You can choose multiple categories, please chose appropriate ones.
【Attention】We may remove a topic if the topic is categorized in inappropriate sections.

Date of moving in
Funiture you want to sell
Room type

Please double check the Terms of Use
Please be careful not to post defamatory, slanderous, harassing, inflammatory, invasive of privacy or overly emotional posts.
Please post with moderation and compassion.
Submissions that are prohibited by law may be reported to the appropriate authorities with the necessary information.

Note:If more than one person is using a single computer, please log out after use.