I can’t understand the mantality of the younger generation trying to live here in Canada. All I hear is sue sue sue!!! You have no respect for the managers/owners. Yes I do under stand that there may be a few bad managers out there, but in general most are reasonable. I do know that there are more bad tenants than managers. For example A one bedroom apartment in downtown is rented to you then you rent this room out to 3 more people now ther are 4 of you living in a 1 bedroom apartment. Do you think that everything should revolve around you the tenant. Have you ever lived on your owne in Japan? I think not! If you did you would know what I mean. Do you think that it is fair if you ask the manager to fix some thing and he or she has to wait for you to decide when the repair can be done? If this is the case then many things will never get fixed. Maby the rule here in canada should be changed to the same rental rules you have back home in Japan, Then you guys wouldn’t be saying so many stupid things.
バンクーバー 2004/05/08 10:59:01
>部屋の鍵って毎回変えられるの?そうじゃない気がするけど。 >特にtake overした時とか。 >鍵にDO NOT DUPLICATEって書いてるのは鍵の複製を禁止して安全を守るためかと思ってた。
Do you understand english? Does you land lord speek Japaneese? Did you have a miscomunication problem? I found in most cases that it all boils down to the language barrier. I know the japaneese are known for saying yes to everything even if they do not know what they are saying yes to.