You shall recognize the crime rate difference between your country and Japan.
Remember, Canadians white males are acquitted in raping Japanese women.
You can check with each Japanese conculate general in Vancouver/Edmonton/Toronto and Embassy in Ottawa.
How can you explain about 6 rape incidents in Calgary in 3 months?
In the history there is only one Canadian woman raped in Japan. That rape was committed by Korean origin Che Il Kyoppo, not Japanese, although he was naturalized to Japanese, in the name of Joji Obara who raped and killed Australian and British girls as well.
Respect Human Right(s)さんへ Canada and especially Vancouver, have the same problems.There is a special police unit that deals specifically with these types of problems.
Res 8 さんへ I just got back from living in Japan for awhile. There was lots of crime in Japan. Just like Canada. You open the newspaper or turn on the news and its all about crime.
バンクーバー 2003/11/29 17:04:35
Canada and especially Vancouver, have the same problems.There is a special police unit that deals specifically with these types of problems.
The poroblem of Canad ais, white Canadian men are never prosecuted when theyb rape Japanese women. Japanese men are accused of their behavior as sexual harrassment at all times while the same conduct by white are never accused.