Res55の日本人に同意。 前にもどっかでカナダ人とつき会うのはカナダの文化を知りたいから、日本の文化を紹介したいからってあったような気がするけどやめとくれ〜〜!。どうせ君達日本でまともな高校も卒業しないで援助交際かなんかしてお金ためてカナダに遊びにきているんだろう?。君達に日本の文化がどうのこうのっていって欲しくないよ。まぁ多分君達の会話 Lick me 、Suck me などでいそがしくて文化の話をする暇もないだろうから心配することもないんだろうけど、君達にひっかかるような君達と同様に教養もない彼等もそんな会話に興味ももたないだろうけどね。君達は彼等がカナダ人だと思っているだろうけど、カナダ人なんか君らにひっかかる馬鹿はめったにいないよ。
I can’t believe that topics like these can go on for so long.
What everyone is saying, I have to say is true. If Japanese people think that simply speaking to Canadians in English does not guarantee that you will be able to speak english. Even if you do learn how to, its basically useless both here in Canada and in Japan.You can’t use enlgish that you learned on the streets in the business world.
Look at people like Nitobe Inazo... Granted that he studied english since he was very young but reading his book ”The Way of the Samurai,” the level of english is very high, and he studied in Japan. How about Mishima Yukio, he didn’t even leave the country to study english yet he speaks very well.
I know I gotten a bit off track from the topic, but these Japanese girls have to realize that your just wasting time. DO NOT MISTAKE MOTION WITH PERSONAL GROWTH.
Those Canadians that prey on Japanese girls hoping that they will score? F__Kin get a life. Most of these Canadians just have way too much time on their hands.Have you Japanese girls even thought why this person likes me? Most of these Canadians can’t even get dates with other Canadian girls so they go after people like you.
If those who really want to study english aim high like get a degree from SFU or UBC or something. If you think its too much work then don’t even bother studying english. Life is just too short. Or may be you wern’t interested in English in the first place just just want to get away from your parents?
Everytime I walked along the streets of DT and listen to conversations between Japanese and Canadian’s GOD they are so boaring and reduntent. You will be surprised at how many of these conversations between Japanese and Canadians are so alike.
What other people talk is their own business but as I said before, these converstaions that you think is good practice for your English is worthless.
Go read a good book or something. Even Harry Potter is a good start.
It just so sad to see so many Japnese girls being sell outs to Loser Canadian guys.