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Japanese are the Asian Nazis
by Burn Tokyo Burn from 日本 2003/04/15 23:52:21

You bow down to the white man but you look down at other Asians and blacks.
Why hasn’t your government compensated its world war 2 victims like Germany has to victims of the holocaust? You people have no shame.
You will never gain the respect you deserve as the world’s second greatest economic power without first admitting that it was wrong what you did in the past.
Perhaps North Korea will teach you a good lesson.

Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/16 00:17:32

Res.2 by Japanese are Japnanese in the past and future from バンクーバー 2003/04/16 00:20:32

You are a fucking stupid man.
Who look down Asians and Black people?We new generation of Japanese don’t look up and look down nobody. Because we can live together. but you can’t!!

We don’t distinguish people like you. We are standing on the past. not living in history. We are aiming at new goal. We already finished a compensation long time ago.

I don’t know you and your nationality.
but you should start to have new goal. you are chained by old ghosts.

hahahahahahahaha. Can you set yourself free.

Res.3 by I AM CANADIAN from 無回答 2003/04/16 00:39:30

They might have done wrong things but who didn’t: the Spanish, the British, the French, the Russian, the American all used their power for their own advantage. North Korean is not going to do anything to Japan or anybody if they launch missiles North Korea will be wipeout the by the next morning, only a smell might be left for historians... _M  
Res.4 by Burn Tokyo Burn from 日本 2003/04/16 07:36:49

Compensation has not been paid to all Asian comfort women or ”iamfu”. Don’t get your history mixed up. You learned from incorrect text books censored by your own government. That is the worst part of it. You young people don’t even know the truth.
Perhaps textbooks from China, Korea and the Phillipines should be translated into Japanese for you.
One more thing. Japanese youngsters have no idea how to communicate with foreigners. That is why most working holidayers and exchange students only make friends with other japanese. You people are horrible at communication and are way too sensitive to hang out with.
Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/04/16 10:11:40

I have heard Japanese government gave money to Korean government for the compensation...but the thing is ...Korean gov used all the money(for theirown leisure) without telling their people...
Burn Tokyo Burn,where are you originally from?if you are Japanese you don’t say this thing. you are in Japan and something bad happened to you?
how can you say ”all japanese have bad communication?SO WHAT?? thats why we came to learn English.why can’t we have other Japanese friends in Canada?thats not your bisuness,right?
by the way,i know im not good at English but i have many foreign friends here.your thoughts and mind are sooo narrow.  
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/04/16 10:45:46

FYI, Burn.
So called comfort women applied their positions themselves.

You koreans are the ones that faked history.
Have you Koreans ever thanked to Japanese government that built hundreds of school in korea?
You are still using those schools.
Do you know that Seoul University is formerly Seoul Imperial University?
Why don’t you Koreans destroy Seoul University?
You Koreans destroyed Former GHQ in Seoul because the building was constructed by Japan.
Do you have a double standard?

Study right history first, then express your opinion, Burn.  
Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/16 12:38:29

おい No〇h 君!! 
Res.8 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/16 13:45:49




You need critical thinking.  
Res.9 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/16 14:33:44

Res.10 by 金正日 from バンクーバー 2003/04/16 14:43:00

Res.11 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/16 15:13:40

Res.12 by Alex from バンクーバー 2003/04/16 16:52:53

I have taught english in Japan in the past and I would have to agree that the treatment of foreigners is quite appalling.  
Res.13 by うふふ from モントリオール 2003/04/17 01:03:44

>> I have taught english in Japan in the past ...
No denying that we turn Caucasian high-school dropouts into teachers, and at the same time, look down on non-Caucasian foreigners. It’s the two sides of the same coin. Since you taught English, you’re probably in the former category.  
Res.14 by well from 無回答 2003/04/17 02:25:34

i know japanese people did the crazy things in the past, but what you are saying is way too oversimplified. You need to study history first like another person suggested earlier. Your homework is going to be a research essay, worth 100% of your grade,10-15 pages, double spaced, the due is in two weeks, alright, kid?
Oh, one more thing, you are the RACIST. It’s kinda sad cuz you were at least interested in Japan and taught there(if it’s true) and now you’re bashing not only political matter but also japanese people who live here. Well, this is simple enough to say that you are the racist.
If you have biased ideas during your research, it’ll no use cuz you just collect your information to justify and present your narrow ideas. Just relax and do your research.
Res.15 by I am not someone from 2 who you said from バンクーバー 2003/04/17 21:27:12

To Burn or res 14th (same person??)

I am ineterested in your opnion. so, could you send a your opinion and things which you read.

First, I would like to know something important because probably you speak just I am collecting information what I want. I am waiting for your mail. and I will appreciate if you sent a mail.  
Res.16 by 坂田俊夫 from オーロラのかなた 2003/04/18 01:30:29

the strength of Japanese econimy, and US economy are not because of their ethic and efforts, but rather by exploiting workers in less developed countries and sarcrificing earth environment. We should know how japanese companies abuse workers in such countries. We treat them like slaves. Not only japan, USA is the most terrible country for the abuse of slave-like labours. Anyway, it is clear USA is the world most arrogant country, and Japan is just a limb of evil US empire. Japan is the 51th state of United states. We look down on other asian people. But i dont understand this. Japanese laugh at the way of other asians, but what is the way of japanese? Imitating USA? Shame on japanese attude.(sorry i am not geenralizing all the japanese people)
Chinese, korean, other asian people at least have dignity unlike most of japanese who suck up to usa without having appropriate reason.
In japanese education, we emphasize on the tragedy and victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but slaughter in China is less emphasized.
I don’t know how much japanese people think their goverment and their country is wonderful, but they just see the good side of the country, and neglect to see the darkside of the country. We are still in emperialism. But it is now vailed. We should understand each other. To do this, we have to learn more.
Although it is kind of stupid to admire, or support Northkorea as you say. The incompetent leader can’t even feed his own falks. At least Hussein didnt kill people who didnt oppose to him. In northkorea, it doesnt matter.
And you dont understand, Northkorea is not just targeting japan, but also Korean and china, maybe russia too.
And please remember, many japanese are not like that as you think. They appriciate to compensate for victims of war.  
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