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by ポッ from 日本 2004/11/12 17:41:26

 ってどう言いますか? 自分でも考えてみましたが… i’m so sad that you make my heart tear to pieces. なんか文法も滅茶苦茶で恥ずかしいですが。 こんなんではダメですかね?どなたか教えて下さい。

Res.1 by rose from バンクーバー 2004/11/15 09:41:55

I feel my heart got broken to pieces to hear that. It’s so sad.  
Res.2 by rose from バンクーバー 2004/11/15 09:45:29

I’m sad and feel like my heart got broken to pieces. It’s your fault  
Res.3 by 無回答 from 日本 2004/11/15 16:06:50

Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2004/11/15 17:03:39

英語ではこんな言葉は使わない、おまけにRes.1 & 2は日本語直訳英語そのもの(爆笑)いい加減それは卒業しなよ、同じ事ばかりを繰り返し、全く進歩が見えない
Res.5 by いじわるですね from 日本 2004/11/16 04:11:04

Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2004/11/16 11:34:35


散々皆で寄って集って日本語直訳英語(日本語式英作文)が英語だと言い張ったではないか? 知りもしない癖して、寄って集って叩くのが趣味でその為に生きているのではないのか? もっと悪いのは知らない事を学ぶ姿勢が全く見えない、視野が余りにも狭過ぎて相手にしてるのが馬鹿らしくなる。取るに足らない事に余りにも執着しすぎ、これは国民性なのか馬鹿なのか、その両方か?和英作文の漫才レスだけで、誰も寄り付かなくなったのはあなた達のせい。  
Res.7 by H2 from いぢわるぅ〜 2004/11/17 05:51:30


Shattered Pieces
by Cherenee

Inside my sleeve, I pull out my heart,
handing it to you, ”careful it’s fragile,
and easily falls apart.”

Extending your arms, you take the heart in
your tender warm hands.
It falls into a million shattered pieces - on
the floor it lands.

You begin to bend down to pick it up, sorrow and
sadness in your eyes.

Apologies are not enough.

Looking at you with tears in my eyes,
I ask you not to pick up the pieces of a heart
that has fallen apart.

I am the one who needs to pick up the pieces of
my shattered heart - one by one, piece by piece.

I need to put it together again, some how. some way.

Each piece of my heart has a memory so true.
Each piece of my heart has part of you.

You are the one who is leaving to start a new lease on life.
I’ll just be here on my knees picking up the pieces of a
heart that feels like it’s being pierced with a knife.

All my tears won’t keep you near
All my tears won’t mend what’s not here.

Again I look at you with a whisper in my voice,
The only way my heart will mend and finally be complete,
is if you and I can come together without being discreet.
You see, what we have here and today, helps me face the
world, with a love for you that gives a glow -
but now, my darling, you made a choice.

My heart is on this floor, shattered and broke.
With each piece I pick up -
I need to learn to let go.
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