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by おおおお from バンクーバー 2004/04/02 21:49:23

my guy friend had a huge crush on her!


Res.1 by ニックネーム from バンクーバー 2004/04/02 22:53:54

My male friend had a crush on her!
You dont put s after friend.
Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2004/04/05 08:56:41

guy は redundant。言わなくても分かるでしょ。普通じゃないときは言う必要がある。 ex). My lesbian friend  
Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2004/04/05 09:03:33

One of my friends crushed on her!  
Res.4 by Dana from 無回答 2004/04/06 01:28:12

Res 1-san is correct.
#My friend had a crush on her.
(one friend)

Res.3-san is almost correct,BUT!!

One of my friends HAD A crush on her!
(one friend)

If you want to talk about all your friends 男友””達””,then you can say;

1)All of my friends had a crush on her.

2)Most of my friends had a crush on her.
(75%-95% of my friends)

3)A few of my friends had a crush on her. (more than 2 but not all)

4)A couple of my friends had a crush on her.(2 friends)

””A Crush”” = Strong Quick feeling of love.

””To Crush”” = Verb to compress something.

For example - I crushed the grapes to make wine.  
Res.5 by Res3 from バンクーバー 2004/04/06 03:12:06

to crush on sb とは言わないの?聞いたことあるような気がするけど。。。
I kind of think I’ve heard, ”sb crushed on sb.” I’m not sure though.  
Res.6 by Dana from 無回答 2004/04/07 05:22:35

””A Crush”” = Strong Quick feeling of love.一目惚れ

””To Crush”” = Verb to compress something.

For example - I crushed the grapes to make wine

SB crushed on SB = Using Crush as a verb - this does not mean a strong quick feeling of love. It means to Compress something.
So ’Crushed on’ does not really make sense unless you mean to compress someone which is not love :)

’SB had/has A CRUSH on SB’’
is to say that someone has a strong quick feeling of love for someone.  
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