jpcanada.comについて / 広告募集中 / トップ

by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/12 01:01:55


Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/12 02:20:40

I can’t be convinced by that.
I don’t agree with that.  
Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/15 12:38:26

No deal under the circumstances/conditions/terms

Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/10/15 16:10:30

I’m not impressed.  
Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/15 18:31:35

Res.3 You don’t have to impress it, why don’t you stay out of this?

Oh boy! Here he comes again.
Assuming, you’re Res.1 (as well as many other responses), aren’t you?
You won’t give up for anything.

Well, I must tell you this, you’ve been monkey around all over the places giving out nothing but direct translation of Japanese. However that is not English conversation; even grammar school kids can do much better than you are.
If you don’t admit it what you’re now, that’s your tough luck, and I don’t give a damn.

Tell you this once and for all, “Your English conversation here doesn’t measure up to the North American standards.” Take it or leave it, it’s all up to you.
No comment allowed.

Res.5 by ええ?? from バンクーバー 2003/10/15 18:56:01




Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/15 19:18:33

Res. 5さん、ご心配要りりません。ここ1,2週間久しぶりにJPCanadaをのぞいたのですが、いい加減なレスポンス(英会話)をみてビックリしたのです。これは英会話ではない、こんなものをトピック主は望んでいない、もっと本当の英会話みたいな解答を望んでいるのに、、と思いこの頁のを幾つか返答したのですが、それが気に入らない、と。他のトピックでも攻撃だけなのですよね。本人は幾つかの「名前」を使ってあちこち返答してるけど、全てが「日本語の直訳」なのでそれは北米の会話ではない、と書きましたら、それは凄い攻撃でして、、、。ここに自分の英語を載せる事に楽しみを発見したみたいですよ。でもねえ、それは残念ながらいわゆる英会話ではありません。そんな事お構い無しにこの掲示板に何時も書き込むのは英会話の勉強にはならない、と思いまして、、、。基準が余りにも日本語直訳ですから英会話とは違うのですよ。
Res.7 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/15 19:34:55

この欄でさかんに「I..., I...」、多くの「I」は典型的な日本語直訳、それを観れば直ぐ解ると思います。その個所を北米式の会話に書いたのは私ですが、勿論完璧ではありません。しかし映画やテレビのジョークもこなせる私には日本語直訳は一寸変な?響きですよ、一寸この頁の幾つかの内容を見てください。
Res.8 by トピ主です。 from バンクーバー 2003/10/15 23:40:44

知らない間に、話が違う方向にいってるみたいですが、res 1, res 2さんのを参考にさせてもらいました。返事が遅れましたが、res 1, 2さん、どうもありがとうございました。
Res.9 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/10/16 11:21:15

This is Res 3.

Hey Res 4, what the fuck is your problem? I mean for one thing, I can’t really understand what you are pissed off about because both your English and Japanese are so incoherent it’s hard to get what you are trying to say.

As Res 5 kindly pointed out, “I’m not impressed” was my version of 「納得できない」 in English. Did you take it as me saying “I’m not impressed by previous responses”? If so, you are a fucking dumbass.

And let me tell you this. I’m not Res 1 and I have only posted 2 or 3 (including this one) times on this forum in my entire life. What the fuck are you basing all these accusations on anyway?

My English doesn’t measure up to North American standards? That’s news because I’m a native English speaker with university degree. 「映画やテレビのジョークもこなせる私」 my ass. Your overconfidence makes me laugh so fucking hard.
Res.10 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/16 17:23:12

To: Res.9

After reviewed the scolding message with a lot of “f” words, I realized the message sent to the wrong person.

I should’ve known the fact before that you’re not Res.1, and you did not impress both of Res.1 & Res.2.

If so, then, I wonder why not given your appropriate response to this topic after “I’m not impressed”, it’s a piece of cake, isn’t it?
Well, welcome aboard whoever you’re, it’s not too late; let me see your response in native English. I can hardly wait.

In last, sorry for “mistaken identity”, and please refrain from coarse (f….) language

Res.11 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/10/16 21:53:18

Can somebody explain to me what’s going on?
I’m an innocent bystander and I don’t mean to jump in here, but I’m curious as to what’s started all this chaos?

I understand there’s a native English speaker who enjoys profanity (don’t worry, I do too), and who is upset over a poster who has insulted him ( I’m assuming you’re a guy), and this poster has aplogized for criticizing the wrong poster??? The original criticism (written in terribly broken English) sounds really harsh, and I haven’t got the slightest idea whom it has initially been directed to.

I don’t need the backlash, but I want to know just what’s been going on in this thread. Just outa curiosity, but if you don’t want me here I’ll be gone as soon as possible.  
Res.12 by トピ主です。 from バンクーバー 2003/10/16 22:55:30

Res.13 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/17 11:25:58

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