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Dareka Oshietekudasai...
by Yuki from バンクーバー 2003/04/03 14:09:25

I have a Canadian BF and we went out for alomst one year. 2 weeks ago something happened .

One weekend we went out for shopping, when I wanna buy something, I found that I didn’t bring my wallet, so I asked him if he can pay first and I will pay him back, he said it’s ok and paid first. It’s almost night and we had dinner together and later he sent me home.In the car I felt sick maybe because ate soemthing bad, I asked him if I can pay back tomorrow, but he insisted on paying back same day and said”You even don’t have one minute to write a check for me?” I told him that I didn’t feel good and just want to lie down have a rest. He still insisted, finally I suggested”Tonight I won’t take the stuff which you paid first, until I pay you back tomorrow”, he agreed and took my stuff with him and left. My feeling at that time was I was hurt and I think he thinks money is more important to him. Btw, the next day I paid back and got my stuff.

This thing passed already, but to me, I can’t understand a BF will request his GF to pay back at the same day even she was sick? And later when I asked him why he did that, he said it’s a Canadian way! Is there anybody who can tell me is it really a Canadian way? Is he not strange?? Why he did that way?

P.S. Sorry, I can’t type Japanese now, but if you could reply in Japnese, I can read it.Thank you.

Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/03 14:31:43

Canadian WAYであるかどうかはともかく、お金に関してシビアなのは、悪い事じゃないと思います。


彼が変とか、Canadian WAYだからしかたがないと思って根に持ったりしないで、水に流したほうが良いですよ、

Res.2 by I can't believe it! from バンクーバー 2003/04/03 15:06:13

Res.3 by こども from バンクーバー 2003/04/03 15:51:17

Res.4 by 無回答 from 日本 2003/04/03 16:44:11

Res.5 by ed from バンクーバー 2003/04/03 18:55:31

no way girl! he is wrong so you should lose him. even if you are not sick he should be able to wait, you wanted the item and I am sure that it was either something you need or something that makes you feel good, so he has to help if he cares about you. I am a Canadian guy and have never heard such a thing, say good-bye to the selfish and be happy in life.  
Res.6 by たまたま隣に from オタワ 2003/04/03 19:12:49

座っていた夫が、このトピを覗き込み、Res5の方と全く同じ事を言ってました。「What!!!???そんなことCanadian wayのわけないじゃん!今すぐResしろ!」と激怒してました。(その他もろもろYukiさんの彼氏を非難してましたが、人様の彼氏のことなのでそれをここに書くのは気が引けるので。。。
Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/04 13:37:36

Canadian wayという意見が多かったら、まぁ納得するのでしょうが、今のところ返答には、Canadian wayではないという意見が多いようです、「Canadian way
he is strangeという意見が多かったらどうなんでしょうねぇ・・?あまりまわりの意見に流されないように、自分がどうしたいのか見極めたほうが良いとおもいます。

さて、私としては、彼のとった行動はCanadian wayではないとおもいます。

お金の貸し借りに関しては、感情論を持ち出すと余計にややこしくなるので、だれかれに関わらず一定のポリシーをもって行動した方が、後々トラブルが少ないものです。彼のポリシーが何に基づいているのかはわかりませんが、”he IS NOT strange”です



Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/04/04 13:58:06


Res.9 by おとこ from バンクーバー 2003/04/04 14:51:58

Res.10 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/04/04 15:05:31

YUKI さんの彼氏の取った行動、私にはちょっと考えられません。その日中に返すという約束を守るべきなのはわかりますが、気分が悪いと言っているのに、買ったものを人質みたいにしなければ納得しないなんて...。1年つきあっていてそれほどの信用すらないのでしょうか? 
ちなみに、今まで「この人はケチだな」と思ったことはありますか? そうでなければ、単にお金にシビアというよりは、信頼がないとしか私には思えません。本当にお金に対して細かい人なら、決して人にお金は貸さないと思います。

あなたがどれだけ傷ついたか、率直に彼に言ったほうがいいのでは?。ちなみに私の夫も、どこがCanadian Wayなんだ!と怒ってます。  
Res.11 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/04 16:51:29

Canadian wayっていうのは彼の一番手っ取り早い言い訳だったんじゃない?



Res.12 by Yuki from バンクーバー 2003/04/04 19:29:04



Res.13 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/04 23:07:41

Res.14 by D from 無回答 2003/04/06 09:53:48

I’m a Canadian guy, and that boyfriend of yours is totally wrong about it being a Canadian thing! His manners do not reflect Canadians in any way, shape or form.

Just a few questions: How old is this boyfriend of yours?? Is he 8 years old? Has he not learned any social skills in life? Unless it was A HECK OF A LOT of money, he shouldn’t have taken what you bought as a ”hitojichi” or ”horyo”.

Now, I don’t know ALL the details of the story. If I knew more details about your relationship, my opinion might or might not change. For example, have you ever asked him for money before and not paid him back? Did he need the money to pay off a gambling debt the next day? How much money was it? How strong is your relationship? Are you dating others?

At any rate, if there are no other important details in your story, then you are completely right and he is completely wrong for you and everyone else too! If there are more details, let us know so that we can consider ALL the facts. If the two of you DO trust each other completely, then he should definitely not have acted that way. I guess that’s the bottom line.

P.S.I’m the husband of a beautiful and intelligent Japanese wife, and I NEVER would have done that to her, because we have ALWAYS trusted each other, even before we were married. If you don’t have trust, you don’t have a good relationship. So, if there are no other crucial facts you are forgetting to mention, then you are absolutely correct, and should get rid of the bum. Take it easy.  
Res.15 by erika from トロント 2003/04/06 11:03:17

はっきりいって、そんな男は最低です、友達としてもいやだな、そんなのカナディアン ウェイのはずないじゃん。まず、彼はYukiさんを信頼してない、一年間付き合ってて、信頼されてないってのも悲しいね、それから、買ったものを物質にしたら納得したっての、これもホント、なんか心狭いっていうか。まーよく考えてみて、全然見も知らぬ人だったら、こういう風に言われるのはわかるけど、あなた達は付き合ってる。次の日に返すのと、その日に返すのに違いが出るほど、彼は、お金に困ってるの?何百ドルもするものだったら、話は変わってくるけど。わたしは、もし、彼のそんな部分見たらもう終わりだな、これから先の事も考えたら、こんな人とやってけないもの。別れましょう、そんな男。  
Res.16 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/06 13:35:27

でも、Yukiさんが彼にどうして先日あんなふうだったのかと聞いたとき、責めるような感じや、威かにも借れだけが一方的に悪いという雰囲気を出していたとしたら、彼は話半分、BF will request his GF to pay back at the same dayだけを聞いて後半は利く耳持たないまま答えるような可能性は十分ありますよ。

Res.17 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/04/06 15:30:06

Res.18 by ? from バンクーバー 2003/04/07 13:55:07

Res.19 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/04/07 19:43:14

Res.20 by mike from バンクーバー 2003/04/09 15:36:09

you have to put yourself in his shoes. have you done this before? mabey he thinks he is being used. you told him you would pay him back right away, mabey he needed the money that night, and was imbarased to tell you he didn’t have more money. i coould be wrong and he might just be an asshole, but you should talk to him and see why he acted like that.  
Res.21 by Loving Emmer from Alberta 2003/04/12 12:32:07

Canadian way? What the hell is that?!
That was just convenient for him to say that. Well, you guys have been together for a year right? And he has no trust yet or what? This is so wrong. I don’t know what happen to him in his past, but still doesn’t matter. If he can’t care about your feeling after ONE year relationship, he has serious problem, I guess. If my boyfriend was acting like this, I’m leaving him in a secoud!
Res.22 by friend from バンクーバー 2003/04/15 14:57:33

Hi Yuki!
As a Canadian guy I can tell you that this is definitely not the ”the canadian way”! This is a very wrong and blatantly stupid excuse. Anyways,it sounds like a strange situation. I cannot tell you why he did that. That is something for you to work out with him. Good luck and take care!  
Res.23 by easy sis! from バンクーバー 2003/05/12 01:11:03

what’s your point?
i understand that you were pissed because of your boyfriend’s behavior, i think everybady thinks that’s wrong! that’s not the canadian way or whatever.
i am shocked that you are saying like ”people, my boyfriend is stupid and doesn’t have any commen sense!”.
why don’t you just break up? you will never be able to get along with.. never!  
Res.24 by little shrimp from バンクーバー 2003/05/19 00:13:15

when I heard your story i can understand you very well.Maybe we are in same case.But i am a boy.I think your bf doesn’t like you so much,he just wanna play with you.Forgive my frank words,i don’t wanna make you sad.
so i think you should break up with him,why not find a bf who really love you. it is very important for a girl.
By the way i don’t konw why japanese girls like canadian so much although they are dirty and rude. Anyway i hope you can find a good bf soon,good luck.  
Res.25 by Azz from バンクーバー 2003/06/05 01:57:30

Well, it’s already been said, but there’s nothing Canadian about that situation. I don’t know all the details either, but he sounds like a loser, so here’s what you do.

A) Crack his head open with a baseball bat, or get a friend to do it.

B) Steal his wallet while he bleeds(That’ll give him some money problems to think about, and when he goes to the hospital all the nurses will laugh because he won’t have his CareCard).

C) Break up with him. Trust me, there’s no shortage of Canadian guys just clamouring for Japanese women around here. Canadian men obsessed with Japanese women are to downtown Vancouver what cockroaches are to Japan.  
Res.26 by R from 日本 2003/06/25 01:28:37

Res.27 by azz is a piece of shit from バンクーバー 2003/10/17 18:58:54

Azz sounds like ASS or ASS HOLE or Fuck head who should cut his fucking wrists open and die a slow mind numbing death alone by himself. Think U got the shit boi. One day I hope we can meet in person as to educate his violent ways and make a peace lover of him.  
Res.28 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2003/10/18 10:21:24

うちのダンナ(カナディアン)と一緒にこのトピを見てたのですが、トピ主さんの彼がこれをCanadian way と言った直後、ダンナがぶちっとしてしまいました。彼曰く、”It’s not a Canadian way,it’s an ASSHOLE’s way.”と。そして、もっといいカナダ人男性はいっぱいいるので、早く見つけてね。と2人で願ってますよーー。  
Res.29 by john from バンクーバー 2003/10/19 00:26:04

I think you should find people from your hobbies not from Internet since the place you find this guy is bad you will face these kind of problems next time find someone from not bar  
Res.30 by 無回答 from 無回答 2003/10/19 14:00:08

It’s not a Canadian way, but it is a western way, you should have known that before you went and fell for a white dude.

I wouldn’t say they are cheap, but they are frugal and are much more cautious about money than Asian guys.

PS: what’s your boyfriend’s ancestral background?
Being ”Canadian” doesn’t say much unless he’s Canadien.  
Res.31 by ぺこ from 日本 2003/10/21 08:05:21

Res.32 by That`s because from バンクーバー 2004/06/18 19:55:47

he is a jew.

Some jewish people do that action.

They are extremely greedy for money.  
Res.33 by s from 無回答 2004/06/20 11:35:23

Res.34 by 無回答 from 無回答 2004/06/24 14:03:15

Res.35 by Please read it and understand it from 無回答 2004/07/11 16:25:10

Hi Yuki,

I’m very sorry for you that you have this kind of people around you.
Your story is just unbelievable!!!!

How come after one year he did that with you? very cheap guy.....If you were a Canadian girlfriend, would he do that with her?????

I have one question for you, if the way he did it with you was a western way as you thought, are you going to accept it???????? If so, excuse me to say you are a silly Japanese girl.

The short answer Yuki is not to break up because we just break up with people but he is an ugly insect so just leave him without any disappointment.

Hope you find a nice guy and sorry for the time you have spent with him.  
Res.36 by ヘロオ from バンクーバー 2004/07/11 22:06:31

A friend of mine told me about a friend who said it was ”canadian” to kiss someone on the lips to say good bye, even when they are just friends.She was very surprised when I told her he was lying.

I think it’s convenient to say that to a gaijin in canada, because they dont know the truth. Guys like that are pretty sick.

And after reading the bit about lending money, I personally wouldnt even ask for it back. Us guys gotta treat the ladies every once in a while.. now THAT is the canadian way. At least if your a gentleman.

Money sometimes brings out the worst side of a person unfortunately.

Anyways, i’ll put a shameless plug in for language exchange here, sorry hehe!

ラングエッジ エクスチェンジ募集中★

Res.37 by 無回答 from 無回答 2004/07/14 18:42:08

sound good!
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