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Join our study & get $50

by Claire Song  Email 
from vancouver
 2024-11-21 21:54:17 CA

🔍 Research Study Participants Wanted! 🔍
Are you a young adult aged 18-24 with a history of clinical depression diagnosis? Do you identify as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or White? Can you read and speak English fluently? Participants must be able to actively engage in think-aloud protocols (where you'll verbalize your thoughts while reading questionnaires) and participate in focus group discussions conducted in English. Additionally, participants must not have any sensory impairments that would hinder their ability to fully participate. If you meet these criteria, we want to hear from you!
Join Our Study on Cultural Influences and Depression, conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia.
🌟 What's in it for you? 🌟
Share Your Insights: Join us for a unique two-part study on depression symptoms, starting with a personal session where you'll voice your thoughts aloud, followed by a group discussion with others.
Rewards: Get a $50 gift card for your time!
📅 Flexible Timing: You can complete the Think-Aloud session, where you voice your thoughts individually, at your own pace. Additionally, the Focus Group will be conveniently conducted online via Zoom.
🤐 Your Privacy Matters: Your identity will be kept confidential, and recordings are securely stored.
📚 Contribute to Science: Help us understand and raise awareness of mental health experiences.
🌟 Interested in participating? Contact Claire Song (PhD Candidate, UBC School of Nursing) at . Your story matters! 🌟
🛑 Privacy Note: Interacting with this post (likes, comments, follows) will be public. For privacy, please contact us directly through private messages or email:
This study, part of Claire Song's PhD thesis project at the University of British Columbia, is conducted under the guidance of Principal Investigator Dr. Havaei, School of Nursing. We are committed to contributing valuable insights into mental health through rigorous scientific research. (Ethics certificate #: H24-00368)


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