When you use more than the data included in your plan, you will be charged a fee for the extra data you use. The amount charged will vary from service provider to service provider and will typically be identified on your bill as a data overage charge. These can add up quickly and can be expensive so it’s a good idea to monitor your data usage. A service provider must suspend data overage charges once they reach $50 within a single monthly billing cycle, unless the account holder or authorized user expressly consents to pay additional charges.
phone boxという会社は初耳ですが、携帯プロバイダーは、顧客自身がデータをどのくらい使ってるかモニタリング出来るシステムを提供してるはずで、アプリとかに普通あると思います。
私はFidoですが、アプリで完全にデータ把握できるし、Fidoはshock freeを導入してるので、明細見てビックリ!と言う事はありません。