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by カル from バンクーバー 2005/08/04 20:34:25


Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2005/08/10 16:34:44

Res.2 by from バンクーバー 2005/08/10 20:44:52

Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2005/08/10 21:48:41

Res.4 by カル from バンクーバー 2005/08/11 17:38:54

Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2005/08/11 20:59:42

Res.6 by 無回答 from 無回答 2005/08/12 23:56:10

Lowly liberal arts degree is once again the business world’s preferred basic training
OTTAWA - The master’s degree in business administration -- once a ticket to stratospheric wealth and success -- is falling back to Earth.
Management gurus deride them, television ads make fun of them and some employers have unofficial policies not to hire them right out of school -- let somebody else teach them manners.
Meanwhile, the hot new ticket for some Fortune 500 companies is the lowly liberal arts degree.
The most vociferous opponent of the MBA culture is Henry Mintzberg, professor of management studies at McGill University. His recent book, Managers Not MBAs, argues most management programs train the wrong kind of person at the wrong time to do the wrong kind of thing. Instead of teaching students in the art and craft of running a business, they churn out self-interested young people who have little ability and less concern for the long-term interests of the firm that hires them.
Disaster ensues, he says, from the corrupted Enron culture, which hired about 250 MBAs a year, to the administration of George W. Bush (Harvard MBA, 1975), which has begun a war in Iraq with no appreciation of the historical context.
Mintzberg, named one of the Top 10 management thinkers in the world by the Financial Times, has, with several colleagues, developed a sort of anti-MBA program open only to working managers. The series of two-week modules spread over 16 months and five countries, including Canada, cover Managing Self, the reflective mind-set; Managing Relationships, the collaborative mind-set; Managing Organizations, the analytic mind-set; Managing Context, the worldly mind-set; and Managing Change, the action mind-set.
Companies are loath to admit they stay away from MBAs, but some universities’ reactions to their complaints are revealing.
Ken Morse, managing director at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Entrepreneur Center, teaches, among other things, "charm school" for MBAs.
A few years ago MIT’s career development office and some students came to him saying they needed some pointers on proper behaviour. The MIT grads were smart and hard-working but, in job interviews, they were going down in flames compared to the Harvard Business School grads.
Harvard grads were better in the interviews, but they were just as obnoxious once hired. Morse suspects plenty of firms stay away from recent grads.
"I think that a lot of people do say, ’I’ll let somebody else tumble them in a ball mill and get their rough edges off.’
Are they rude? Unmanageable? Arrogant? "It’s worse than that," says Morse. They have a fundamental misconception of their place in the world.
"That obnoxious, outrageous, egregious sense of entitlement comes from two sources. First, they come that way. Then, for two years, you do three classes a day in which you’re solving important problems in a company. After a while of drinking your own Kool-Aid, you actually think you know what you’re talking about.
"So what we teach is: ’Look, guys, when you go to work for a company, for the first year or so you’ll know less than all the secretaries, so get a grip.’ "
Most MBA programs encourage students to work for a few years between their undergraduate and graduate degrees, and they try to fold in a large professional component with co-op programs and intern placements.
Envy plays a role too, says Morse. "In large companies, because they are low growth, you tend to have average people doing average jobs, and they don’t like people to rock the boat or change the clock speed."
Sylvia MacArthur, director of Madison MacArthur Executive Search Consultants, says MBAs may be a little tarnished but they are hardly worthless in the job market. Certainly, it will likely beat a simple undergraduate degree.
But if the MBA follows an undergraduate Bachelor of Commerce, recruiters are not so impressed. "They see them as interchangeable," says MacArthur. "It’s only one way of thinking. Whereas if they had a liberal arts undergrad degree, that would really be better."
Liberal arts degrees were considered a waste of time for years, but no longer.
"There is a big swing back to them because they teach how to research and read and ferret out, how to think. A liberal arts degree teaches you how to learn."
Res.7 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2005/08/13 00:12:26


Res.8 by しん from バンクーバー 2005/08/13 12:22:21

ぼくもMBAの取得を考えています。確かにTop school以外の評価は微妙なところもありますし、金銭に見合った投資かは疑問が残るところがあります。またカナダにはtop50に入る学校も少ないときいます。具体的にどこを狙っているんですか?単にMBAというだけであれば、お金さえあれば取れるところもありますよね。勉強は今どのくらいまでいっていますか?僕も最近準備を始めたばかりで、2ヶ月必死でTOEFL必要最低限の250をを、取ったばかりです。これからGMAT対策に入りますが、よかったら情報交換しましょう。  
Res.9 by カル from バンクーバー 2005/08/15 17:17:35

Res.10 by Shin from バンクーバー 2005/08/18 12:36:55

this is Shin,Please send me e-mail directly.I am thinking to take MBA.My bachelor degree is chemistry so there is no relationship with management.I already have money to go to University.Do you have enough money?MBA costs a lot.  
Res.11 by カル from バンクーバー 2005/08/21 10:01:06

Hello Shin. I sent e-mail last week, but it might not have worked well. I tried sending it again just now. I hope you can see my message. In case you can’t get it in a couple of days, send e-mail directly. This is my e-mail address.
Thank you.  
Res.12 by カル from バンクーバー 2005/08/22 00:22:18

Hello Shin. I’m sorry I gave wrong e-mail address.
It’s correct.
Res.13 by MBA卒業生 from バンクーバー 2005/09/05 00:44:58

MBAといっても色々な専攻分野があるので、どうして、MBAが取りたいのか、実際何が目的で、何を勉強したいのか、将来のキャリアをどう積み上げていきたいのか、などを明確にして学校を選ぶことをお勧めします。また、語学力やGMATのスコアだけではなくて、社会経験の有無、現在の経歴などによっても、適切・不適切なコースがありますので、本当に自分に合ったコースを探すのには、卒業生に会って話をきいたり、MBA Fairなどに参加して、各学校の特色を熟知する方法がいいと思います。また、学校によって留学生の受け入れ方も異なるでしょうし、学生の平均年齢や経歴なども、様々ですので、自分のプロファイルにマッチするコースを選んで下さい。ちなみに私は約8年のカナダでの管理職の経験を経て入学しましたが、それでも課題をこなしていくのには量と質の面で相当の努力を強いられました。英語圏で仕事の経験が無い場合、かなりの覚悟・気力と体力がないと早いペースについていけない可能性が大いにありますので、入学前から、コミュニケーション力を高めるために、実地経験を積んだり、とにかくいい書物を沢山読みこなす練習をしないと英語が母国語の人と対等に討論したり、論文をまとめたりは出来ませんので、充分に準備をなさって、頑張ってください。

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