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by トピ主 from バンクーバー 2008/02/27 01:20:46




Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/02/27 01:24:02

Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/02/27 09:59:31


平均値を取ってそれに従ったら、統計通りの結果がでると本当に思っているんですか??それに従って計画を立てるのは、逆にMisleadingだと思いますよ。まず、授業を受けてみて、もしくは、Course outlineを何度も読んでみて(授業でカバーする内容が載っています。それと中間テストの日にちなども)、それからどのくらい勉強する必要があるのか自分で見極めなければ、勉強の計画なんて立てられませんよ・・・人それぞれなんですから。

Res.3 by  無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/02/27 10:04:06

Res.4 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/02/27 23:14:32

Getting good grades at College level all depends on the course marking structure, regardless of subject. In most cases, course in Sciences will likely look something like this: 10% attendance including quizzes, 45% Midterm 45% Final exams. In other words, even if you study XYZ amount of hours, it doesn’t matter if you can’t do well in exams. In case of courses in Arts, again, it all depends on the course and the instructor, but most likely most of your marks will come from your essays, which has to be "Academic" essays. If you don’t know how to write an Academic essay, then you will easily lose a grade or two for not having written your essay in an Academic way. ie: say that your content is good and the paper is worth say B+, but because you did not write it in an Academic format, your grade will easily slide down to about C+ or C, or worse C-. Also, it’s a good idea to go and talk with your profesor about your paper, but don’t ask stupid questions like how do you write an acamdeic essay! Discuss about the content of your thesis etc.

With regards to exams, there are samples of past exams (not all ) at Student services. You can’t take out the samples, but you can take a look at it, and make sure that the sample that you’re looking at matches your prof. and the course. But remember, your prof. may not give out similar exams. At least it will give you a sense of what to expect. Also, in Arts, there is most often a portion where you have to write a short essay, and it will have to be Academic in style. If not, you will get marks taken off as well.

The best thing would be to make friends with other students in your class, and at times, some students will talk about some friend of theirs who took the same course a year before with the same prof, and will likely talk about what kind of things to expect, what the prof. likes (eg, the number of footnotes etc in an essay), and the kind of exams etc. It really does help to network with fellow students. So don’t be like one of those typical Rits students that come all the way from Japan and only hang around with thier own kind. If you’re serious about learning in Canada, then make friends with the locals. You will learn a lot more.

As for writing Academic essays, you will learn that in first year English. Everyone who goes to UBC has to take first year English regardless of Faculty. If you’re coming to UBC half way through your studies, then you may end up not taking first year English, if so, take a look at the text book used for first year English. Go to UBC Bookstore and there will be a text book that explains how to write an academic essay. Of course, if you’re taking Sciences, you may not need all that. I think you can also find them at the Library at UBC. Go and ask a Librarian there, and I’m sure you will be able to find it.  
Res.5 by トピ主 from バンクーバー 2008/02/28 10:41:15

I truely appreciate your courteous response to my kind of stupid question. Thank you! I’m gonna take a second degree in Arts so it seems Academic essays will be crucial for grades. I took English courses at college so I know basic things to do but still I’m not an excellent writer.I will definitely go to the Student services to get sample tests. Since I’m gonna have to work with taking courses, I am not sure how much time I can spend but I’ll try to study with good quality. Thank you very much again for your generosity!  
Res.6 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/02/28 19:13:17

I didn’t mean to imply that your questioning was stupid. Only that if you were to ask a question such as how to write an academic essay to a professor, then he/she would very likely think that you’re stupid. Thus, you would be leaving a bad impression on the prof, which is not what you want to do.

I’m sure you have heard of the LPI test if you’re going to UBC. But do you know why such a test was implemented? The reason being, too many professors complained about the lack of academic writing skills among the local students. You learn briefly how to write an academic essay in Grade 12 here in BC. But it doesn’t help at all when you go to college because the standars there are so high and it’s actually a lot different than what is taught in Grade 12. Perhaps things have changed since the introduction of the LPI, but academic writing is no easy task. The good news is, that there is a set pattern to writing an academic essay. Once you master it, then you will know how to structure your essay. But, depending on the course that you take, the way that you footnote will vary from subject to subject. For example, the way that you footnote in Sociology is totally different from say the kind that you write in English class or even Psychology. The structure of academic writing itself does not vary so much, however.

I know that you seem to be worried about time spent for study. Well, since you’re in the Arts, I think it will all depend on how much you can do with the time that you have available. What year will you be in? What course will you be taking? During first or second year, the "standard" number of pages to write in an essay for a single course would be about 15 pages, double spaced. But here’s the thing. For each course (most likely), you would have to write about 2 or 3 15 pages or so essays. So if you’re taking 5 courses, well, you do the maths. That’s a lot of essays to write. Also, you can’t just get any old sources to quote from in your essay. You have to know what is considered to be "good" sources etc. So you would be spending a lot of time in the Library getting hold of material for your essay. Then, you have to shift through the material and then, you have to organize your notes to shape it in an academic format. You have to do that for each essay that you write. If you’re in third or fourth year, then you have to write about 20-25 pages on average per essay, and depnding on the prof. you have to put in about 100 or so footnotes. Some profs really like a lot of footnotes, so minimum 2-3 footnotes per pages is usual. Some times, a prof. will indicate how many pages you have to write. The best thing may be to ask approximately how many pages is required for your essay. Also, ask about footnotes as well.  
Res.7 by  無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/02/28 19:56:44

上の方がLPIの事をおっしゃってます。G12ENG が成績80%。あればLPI は、免除です
SFU の校長が以前言ってました、高校から入学して来る学生の大半はENG12は高得点なのに入学後はくまったく良くなくて学生の40%以上がENGが出来ていないとおっしゃってました。

Res.8 by トピ主 from バンクーバー 2008/02/28 23:26:14

Thank you for the helpful information. As it’s my second degree, I’ll start from the third year. I didn’t really have to go through college courses to transfer, but hearing your information, I’m glad I did. I worked really hard to be used to MLA and APA formats at college. Without the experience, I would have no idea what academic writing is. I don’t think I can get Ok grade without really hard working there though.
I believe the biggest essay I’ve ever done at college is 2000 words essay and it is the only essay in the course. So I am a bit scared of the amount of essays you informed me of. But giving me those examples is very helpful for me because I can guess how much time I should spend everyday. I think I am a slow learner and always consume much time to complete essays so I really have to be ready for that. Also, I found I should not take more than 3 courses at the same time. Thank you very much for details! Probably, I should start looking up to the course outlines (if they’re avaible) and see the requirements.  
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