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グルメ in Canada
Article for the Georgia Straight ご意見を聞かせてください!
by 田舎ボーイ from バンクーバー 2006/03/03 23:45:45

My friend is writing an article for the Georgia Straight on places where Japanese exchange students eat Japanese food. She is looking to answer these questions:

1. What are the good, cheap Japanese restaurants in Vancouver popular with exchange students? What dishes do you recommend at each restaurant?
2. What do Japanese students think of Japanese food in Vancouver? What is authentic? What is modified for Canadian tastes?


友達が「Georgia Straight」の新聞記者として日本人留学生に人気日本料理レストランについて記事を書いています。以下の質問があるんですが、みなさんのご意見を聞かせてくださいませんか?




34万人のGeorgia Straightを読んでいる人があなたのレスを待っています!

Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/03/04 17:21:38






Res.2 by 田舎ボーイ from バンクーバー 2006/03/19 12:47:22


Speaking about things you can eat in Vancouver, generally Canadians think of Japanese food as "sushi". But really, this downgrades Japanese food to the level of fast food or junk food.

If one wants to talk about sushi, we should keep in mind a respect for the way of washing rice, choosing fresh fish in season, and forming the sushi. It’s a kind of art, or craftsmanship -- a world which is held in high regard by Japanese people, yet completely different from the sushi we’ve been talking about. Well, actually it’s possible to buy sushi in a convenient store in Japan, but, for example a sushi restaurant that also serves gyoza is unthinkable. The same goes for agedashi tofu served in sweet & sour sauce. I’m happy that Japanese things are becoming more widespread, but this is like a Hollywood star who, mocking "Japanese" custom, strikes an Indian "namaste" pose instead.

I’m not objecting to the idea of modifying a cuisine as long as it tastes good -- for example, if Italian pizza is made with an unauthentically thick crust or made into a pastry, or Mexican food is distorted by Taco Bell into a hard-shelled taco wrapped in a soft shell (as shown in the commercials). But I do object to the idea that Japanese cuisine, demoted to such a vulgar level, is considered by many as: "THIS is Japanese cuisine" or "THIS is the pride of Japan."

Of course, in Japan the competition among restaurants is intense, so the quality has to be high. Therefore, it’s understandable that things are different abroad. But I’m saddened by the fact that the quality of Japanese food here is on the level of any old grub stand at a ski resort or beach.

Well, I’ve complained a lot, but actually, izakayas like Zakkushi, Happa, and Kitanoya Guu are quite similar to those in Japan. They remind me of the places where people might stop by and hang out with their friends after work, or the kind of places I might go after picking up a coupon from the local paper.

I’d really like to know where the good restaurants are, so I’m looking forward to the article!
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