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by KT from バンクーバー 2011/03/19 22:12:16

東北震災の被害に遭われた方々のことを思うと、胸が痛みます。 そして、皆様が母国のため、募金活動にがんばっていらっしゃることに大変感動しております。




最後に添付してあるビデオは、国際ジャーナリスト、ベンジャミン フルフォード氏のビデオです。 彼は以前、世界経済誌フォーブスのアジアパシフィック支局長をされていて、今は日本を守るため、命がけで真実を伝えている方です。
彼いわく、今回の東北地震は、アメリカによる海底爆弾により発生したとのことです。 これが真実であれば、ショックを超えた怒りを押さえられません。



For those of you thinking about donating to the Red Cross I implore all of you to take the time and research this “Charitable Organization.” From its inception to present day it has been a front for the elite criminal banking family the Rothschild Dynasty. The Rothschild family has permeated all banking institutions under the private central bank system of all nations. The same individuals behind the banking scheme and scam of fractional reserve banking also control the media to promote their charitable fronts. If one searches you can find negative press on these “institutions and charities”.

I am motivated to post this information because these International Banksters are not only bankrupting the Japanese people by stealing retirement savings and strong-arming Japanese politicians to bring to fruition their goal of a One World Government-New World Order but also profiting off this triple disaster the Japanese people are currently having to endure.

I do not profess to know a reputable charitable organization I will be swiftly and carefully researching alternative agencies that are not profiting and exploiting the victims of this disaster. I hope others come up with alternative options for getting money to the people who need it most– the Japanese victims. This may mean grassroot independent domestic charities that do not come with a charitable tax receipt.

Here is some History

Matsukata became Home Minister in 1880. In the following year, when Okuma Shigenobu was expelled in a political upheaval, he became Finance Minister. The Japanese economy was in a crisis situation due to rampant inflation. Matsukata introduced a policy of fiscal restraint that resulted in what has come to be called the "Matsukata Deflation." The economy was eventually stabilized, but the resulting crash in commodity prices caused many smaller landholders to lose their fields to money-lending neighbors. Matsukata also established the Bank of Japan. 1882, which has issued paper money instead of the government since that time. Matsukata Masayoshi was Rothschild’s agent

When Ito Hirobumi was appointed the first Prime Minister of Japan in 1885, he appointed Matsukata to be the first Finance Minister under the new Meiji Constitution.
Matsukata successively held offices as president of the Japanese Red Cross, privy councilor gijokan, member of the House of Peers and Lord keeper of the Privy seal of Japan Later; he was given the title of prince and genro

The American Red Cross is indelibly associated with its founder and president, Clara Barton. The International Red Cross was formed in Europe in the early 1860s. Inspired by the ministrations of English nurse Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War, a group of Europe's leading humanitarians created a quasi-official international agency whose activities were sanctioned by the Geneva Conventions. Most of the nations of Europe had signed the conventions but an isolationist United States Senate refused to ratify them.
Through the 1870's and early 1880's, a small group of Americans inspired by Clara Barton lobbied for Congressional approval of the Geneva Conventions. They often met in Solomons' home, where he helped craft a draft Senate resolution endorsing the conventions. Eager to be ready when ands if their efforts were successful, Barton and Solomons drew up the first constitution of the American Association of the Red Cross. At the first meeting of the organization in 1881, Barton was elected President and Solomons a Vice President, a post he held for eleven years.

For postings here on out the term Illuminati and Rothschild can be used interchangeably the Illuminati are the 13 ruling families of power in our world and Rothschild occupies the highest seat and power.

Is the Red Cross another Illuminati "charity" front group?

The Red Cross has a well documented history of fraud. Another catastrophe is always another chance to cheat the good hearted citizens of the USA.
Time and again the Red Cross has been caught "red" handed in their theft of donations -- or at least withholding them until everybody has forgotten where the money went.
During the September 11 disaster, the Red Cross collected untold millions of dollars which have never been accounted for -- $564 million in donations under the auspices of the Liberty Fund.
Months later, the Red Cross had distributed only $154 million to the victims of 9/11. The Red Cross said the rest would be used to "fight the war on terror."
When asked "where did the money go?" Dr. Bernadine Healy, the president of Red Cross said, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund. It has evolved into a war fund."
In 1989, after the San Francisco earthquake, the Red Cross passed on only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised.
Donations for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 1997 Red River flooding also disappeared into the fiscal black hole of the Red Cross.
Even the 2004 Tsunami relief was fraught with financial shenanigans by the Red Cross.
Even earlier the Red Cross was used as a front group to help overthrow the Russian Czar in 1917, according to historian Antony Sutton, author of "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution."

When you're tempted to be generous -- Just Say No to the Red Cross scam.

Or ask them -- where did all the blood go, let alone the money, which they "collected" during 9/11?
And never forget -- the Red Cross. that Illuminati front that masquerades as a "charity," supported the notorious mass murderer and genocide perpetrator Pol Pot of Cambodia...
THOUGH IT is technically a nonprofit, the Red Cross is run more like profit-hungry corporation than what most people think a "charity" would act like. The most deadly example of this was the Red Cross' criminally negligent response to the early stages of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.
The Red Cross has been for many decades, and remains today, the largest blood bank in the country. In 1982 and especially 1983, when it would have possible to contain the outbreak--or at least stop the spread of the disease through infusions of infected blood--major blood banks, led by the Red Cross, opposed national testing of blood for HIV.
The Red Cross' opposition was based on the financial cost. As investigative journalist Judith Reitman wrote in her book Bad Blood: "It appeared it would be cheaper to pay off infected blood recipients, should they pursue legal action, than to up the Red Cross blood supply."
Earlier this year, the Canadian Red Cross pleaded guilty to distributing contaminated blood supplies that infected thousands of Canadians with HIV and hepatitis C in the 1980s. This scandal is a large part of why the Canadian Red Cross was removed from running the country's blood supply in the late 1990s--but not the American Red Cross.
Enron-style bookkeeping, deceptive advertising and outright theft of funds have also been a big part of the Red Cross' recent history.
For years, the organization has been criticized for raising money for one disaster, and then withholding a large chunk of it for other operations and "fundraising." For example, the Red Cross raised around $50 million for the victims of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake in San Francisco, but it's estimated that only $10 million was ever turned over to the victims.
Similar charges were made against the Red Cross following fundraising operations after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and a San Diego fire in 2001. There was also a huge scandal involving the embezzlement of millions of dollars in donations in the New Jersey chapter in the late 1990s.
These scandals and the potentially embarrassing political fallout from them were muffled by the media and the Red Cross' political allies. But the truth couldn't be contained after September 11.
Soon after the attacks, Dr. Bernadine Healy, who was appointed president of the Red Cross in 1999, appealed for donations to help survivors and the families of those killed. In record-breaking time, the organization raised nearly $543 million.
Then the controversy began. A congressional investigation revealed that--though it had promised that all 9/11 donations would all go to victims' families--the Red Cross held back more than half of the $543 million. During congressional hearings, Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.)--soon to become a lobbyist for Big Pharma--declared: "What's at issue here is that a special fund was established for these families. It was specially funded for this event, September 11. And it is being closed now because we're told enough money's been raised in it, but we're also told, by the way, we're going to give two-thirds of it away to other Red Cross needs."
Healy was forced to resign, and her successors promised to allocate all of the money to September 11 survivors and their families.

Some numbers on the Red Cross

Their CEO receives a salary of $651,000 a year plus a lucrative benefits package worth hundreds of thousands in bonuses etc. Salaries for their managers, directors, etc average over $100,000 a year. Aid breaks down to Red Cross 39 cents out of every dollar .

Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross...for her salary for the year ending in 2009 was $651,957 plus expenses. Enjoys 6 weeks - fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids. including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family, for life. This means out of every dollar they bring in, about $0.39 goes to related charity causes.

I hope this generates more investigating and solutions to,” How do we donate to the people of Japan?”

Here are a few links to videos with alternative views – we live in strange times and must get educated fast


Res.1 by namae from 無回答 2011/03/19 22:33:10

Res.2 by mm from バンクーバー 2011/03/20 02:54:50

皆さんが募金されたお金、努力して募金活動をされて集めたお金は、100%被災者のために使われて欲しいですね。Red Crossについて、一体何割のお金が実際、救援活動に使われているのか、調べてみてもなかなか事実が分かりません。どなたか他にも情報をお持ちの方は、その内容と出所を教えていただけますか?お願いします。
Res.3 by るいち from 日本 2011/03/20 08:26:12

Res.4 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/03/20 08:48:57

Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/03/20 09:29:59




Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/03/20 09:58:22

Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/03/20 10:45:52


Res.8 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/03/20 11:44:08

Res.9 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/03/20 14:17:24

Res.10 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/03/23 16:38:01

Res.11 by from Surrey 2011/03/23 19:19:09




Res.12 by Yamato from 無回答 2011/03/23 20:29:51

The man who brought the first nuclear destruction to Japan

Stuxnet –Assault on Japan to usher in a second Nuclear Attack-possibly attacking the Siemans computers in the Fukushima Nuclear plant

Dominique Strauss-Kahn head of the IMF was scheduled to fly to Japan just before the 11th to Mafioso style pressure Japan into taking loans form the IMF-Did he know something in advance?

Israel has the technologies to cause earthquakes – HAARP

On the Israeli festival of Purim

Res.13 by KT from バンクーバー 2011/03/25 15:45:29

Res.14 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/03/25 22:08:12

昭和39年に終了いたしました。 その後、日本国内では、これまでも大規模な自然災害が

支援が行き届き、ユニセフと 日本ユニセフ協会が提供できる内容の支援が被災地では
必要ないと判断される場合)、ユニセフが実施する他国・ 地域での紛争・自然災害などによる

Res.15 by KT from バンクーバー 2011/04/07 13:00:57

Res.16 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/04/07 13:58:01


地震のテレビ解説なんかでよく見るような図式化された地殻の重なりの絵を見て、人工的に地震が起こせるように思うのは無理はないし、理論的には可能なことだから、巨大地震の可能性が高いカリフォルニア州では、前から地震予防対策の一つとして研究されてきた。時々人工的に小さな地震を起こして、ガス抜きをしておけば巨大地震は防げる理屈なので、一時はすごく期待もかけられたようだ。 東海大でもやっているはずだ。しかし実際に研究が始まってみると、まだデータもなければ技術もないことが多すぎて、現実化する段階には程遠いということがわかった。それ以前にやたらに海底で爆発を起こしてみても、多額の金が無駄になるのがおちだ。


Res.17 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/04/07 14:19:53

Res.18 by 私は信じる from バンクーバー 2011/04/10 10:26:01


Res.19 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/04/10 11:26:56

東日本大震災トップ 新規投稿 トップ
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