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How to find a Japanese girlfriend 教え下さい
by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2012/02/13 16:24:40

I have trouble to find a Japanese girlfriend in Vancouver.

Can anyone teach me? I need your help.

Res.1 by Coach from 無回答 2012/02/17 14:45:31

Perhaps you're aiming too high?

My recommendation would be to aim low and work yourself up. Try to find a girl who has a facial disfigurement or is blind. Or better yet, someone who is both facially disfigured and blind.

If a girl like that rejects you, you can try posting on the 英語を話したい section. That's where the filthy, disgusting bottom feeding scum of the city look for Japanese girlfriends.
Res.2 by Girls from バンクーバー 2012/02/17 17:05:16

No way, because we don't like Canadian men. Many Canadian guys ask us on the street "Are you Japanese?"...So what? What do you want? How strange they are. It's almost everyday! That's enough!! Please don't come near us.
Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2012/02/17 21:21:58

Yes! We don't like u!!
Res.4 by Tak from バンクーバー 2012/02/19 08:24:25

You can buy a t-shirt that says "looking for Japanese girlfriend" in the below...

but if you do, you're pretty desperate.
why Japanese? why not Korean, Chinese or French?
Do you want someone to clean your house? make you dinner? so you can brag to your friends you had a one night stand with a "yellow cab".
trying to find a girlfriend based on a stereotype, in this case race, you have to think back and look at yourself... did you live in a hole your entire life?
I'm a Japanese guy and have dated Japanese girls.... and if you looking for a girl based on that stereotype, you probably want to look back at yourself and think what's wrong with me than think what's wrong with everyone else. Maybe you should read a book or something...
Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2012/02/19 18:33:15

Why Japanese girlfriend?
Not Canadian, French, Korean...?
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2012/02/22 16:25:49

Go to Japan.
Res.7 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2012/02/23 23:13:38

Go to massage salon
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