Vancity Soran 新メンバー募集のご連絡です!
7/30(土)Oppenheimer Parkにて行われる日系最大のイベント、パウウェル祭にて12時からステージがあるので、よかったら見に来てくださいね!
Vancity Soran is recruiting new members!
We are a Japanese group united to dance yasakoi-soran, which is a mixture of traditional yosakoi dance from Kochi prefecture and soran from Hokkaido. Interestingly, most of our members started learning yosakoi-soran first time in Vancouver, but we are all very passionate about introducing Japanese culture through enthusiastic dance moves in Canada. Our performances can be seen at Canada Day Parade, Powell Festival, Hokkaido Jinkai, Vancouver Japanese Language School events, Japan Fair and more. Recent activities involve lots of charities toward the Japanese earthquake as well.
Our regular practice is on Sundays from 3pm to 4:30pm at Robson Square, downtown.
Please check our Facebook page ( for pics and footages.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you are interested!
We will be performing in Powell Street Festival on July 30th from noon at Oppenheimer Park, so please come check us out!