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☆  新しい世代が、世界に到来する  ☆ 
by M M from バンクーバー 2009/10/04 07:47:36

☆  新しい世代が、世界に到来する  ☆  

☆ 「核なき世界へ」安保理が決議採択 ☆


★国連安全保障理事会ー(北朝鮮制裁決議、全会一致で採択へ) ★


☆ 「米国」:議長を務めたオバマ大統領は「米国は中心的な役割を担い、核のない世界という目的を果たしたい」と述べた

☆ 「日本」:日本の非核政策を「唯一の被爆国として果たすべき道義的責任」と説明し、「日本は核廃絶に向けて先頭に立たなければならない」と決意を表明。(世界の指導者はぜひ広島、長崎を訪れ、核兵器の悲惨さを心に刻んで頂ければと思う」と訴えた)。

[ Peace Picnic ] 

☆TopーPeace Picnic  12M中 ーGoogle 【jpcanada 掲示板】お仲間発見!
☆TopーA dangerous dilemma −3.7M中 Google 

「 A dangerous dilemma  」


あなたの知恵で、世界を変えよう 「 恒久平和えの道 」


ドギュメント製作、アシスタント :(日本語環境、数名)
翻訳者:日本語から英訳 (初期アルバイト程度)

担当 プロジェクト A dangerous dilemma 係り

☆ 「 Peace Picnic  」 ☆

( It takes new imaginative power to meet new changes. )

At this moment, the road to a lasting peace does not seem that steep. Does anyone, anywhere really want war? Even the Bush administration is a thing of the past.

Right now, if someone were to sound the call to war, would anyone listen?

This is what I believe—Peace is Possible.

“A Picnic for Peace”

Peace doesn’t need funding.


Canada has the image of being one of the peace-loving nations. Another one is Japan, the country that experienced the atomic bombings only sixty some years ago.
Right now, if these two countries were to stand up and put forward a joint appeal for peace, the world would have ears to listen!

The young people alone of these two countries could take the first steps. This is because world peace now would be a gift to the next generations.

It would be a lasting peace brought about by the young for the young.

A “Peace Picnic” for youth and all the people – wouldn’t this be enough?

A “Peace Picnic” that starts out in one city and spreads through all of North America. And then, naturally, to all the other continents.

This would be enough!

This is all it would take for the circle of peace to reach out and encompass the whole world.

And this “Peace Picnic” is free!

The city councils of the world are waiting for you.
A movement like this, in itself, would make it possible for the leaders of all the countries to get fully active. The United Nations has been waiting the longest of all.

Don’t forget that the United Nations exists for you!

This is what I believe.

M M Sep 01 2009.

Here in this City of Peace, Vancouver, the TV and news media are eagerly awaiting the chance to publicize something like this.

That has been my experience up to now.

Note: Right now we must not miss this opportunity to restructure the systems for building peace.
If, by any chance, there are nations somewhere that actually prefer making war, or that oppose our “peace picnic,” we can share this information with our friends all over the world, and think about what to do about it together.

Things like volleyball, Frisbee and fabulous music would also fit perfectly into our picnic.

To the young people of Vancouver, Canada: Let’s look to the future and give it all we’ve got!  M M


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