jpcanada.comについて / 広告募集中 / トップ

by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/03/30 01:47:16














Res.1 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/03/30 15:16:10

Res.2 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/03/31 20:25:19

Res.3 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/01 16:58:38

Let’s join us!  
Res.4 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/02 13:07:41

今週の日曜日には、みんなでノースバンクーバにあるLynn Cyanion Parkへピクニックに行きます^^

Res.5 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/03 22:24:56


A goal or objective consists of a projected state of affairs which a person or a system plans or intends to achieve or bring about — a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

Goal-setting ideally involves establishing specific, measurable and time-targeted objectives. Work on the theory of goal-setting suggests that it can serve as an effective tool for making progress by ensuring that participants have a clear awareness of what they must do to achieve of help achieve an objective. On a personal level, the process of setting goals allows people to specify and then work towards their own objectives — most commonly financial or career-based goals. Goal-setting comprises a major component of personal-development literature.

Goal-setters may make goals/objectives more explicit by following the guidelines associated with the SMART acronym:

 Specific: one should precisely define objectives or goals rather than tolerating diffuseness or nebulousness
 Measurable: one should define a method of measuring the objectives/goals
 Agreed-To/Achievable: all parties need to agree to the objectives/goals, and to their achievability
 Realistic/Rewarding/Relevant: one must define realistic objectives/goals, the accomplishment of which must make sense
 Time-bound: completion must occur within an agreed time-scale

Individuals can have personal goals. A student may set a goal of a high mark in an exam. An athlete might walk five miles a day. A traveler might try to reach a destination-city within three hours. Managing goals can give returns in all areas of personal life. Knowing precisely what one wants to achieve makes clear what to concentrate and improve on.

Goal setting and planning ("goal work") promotes long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses acquisition of knowledge and helps to organize resources.

Efficient goal work includes recognizing and resolving any guilt, inner conflict or limiting belief that might cause one to sabotage one’s efforts. By setting clearly-defined goals, one can subsequently measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. One can see progress in what might have seemed a long grind.

Cultural attitudes to the desirability and efficacy of personal goals may differ. For example, the idea of personal goals may clash with the trend of eliminating/transcending the personal self in some forms of Buddhist thought.

Achieving complex and difficult goals requires focus, long-term diligence and effort. Success in any field will require foregoing blaming, excuses and justifications for poor performance or lack of adequate planning; in short, success requires emotional maturity. The measure of belief that people in their ability to achieve a personal goal also affects that achievement.  
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/04/03 22:31:17

Res.7 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/04 12:54:21


Res.8 by K from バンクーバー 2008/04/05 23:33:28

Res.9 by from バンクーバー 2008/04/05 23:46:45

話し合うトピックなどを とてもしっかり用意してくださるおかげで
Res.10 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/07 01:30:21


Res.11 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/09 00:19:11



The Royal Canadian Mounted Police began as a temporary experiment to help the government bring law and order to the rugged frontier outposts west of Ontario.
Over 120 years later, the RCMP-Canada’s first federal police force-is recognized around the world as the ones that “always get their man”.

Perhaps no other symbol of Canadian culture captures the world’s imagination like that of the “Mountie,” the name by which members of the RCMP are often called. With their brilliant red jackets, broad-brimmed Stetson hats and towering horses, the Mounties have gained a romantic reputation for daring courage in their never-ending pursuit of criminals.

Over the years the heroic adventures of the Mounties have been the subject of many popular series of books and movies. These have helped earn the RCMP colourful nicknames like “the Scarlet Force,””Riders of the Plains” and”the Red Coats”. While this fictional account of the RCMP story may be suitable for Hollywood, the truth about the beginning of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is far from glamorous.

Canada at the time of Confederation was a much different country than it is now. Most of the land between the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes was under the control of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Settlements were often nothing more than fur trading posts. With no police force to establish law and keep the peace, the posts often erupted in violent conflict.

On December 1st, 1869, the Canadian government bought this land from the Hudson’s Bay Company in hopes of expanding Canada’s interests west towards the Pacific. Sir John A. MacDonald, then Prime Minister of Canada, decided to set-up a federal force of “Mounted rifles” to police the west. On May 3, 1873, MacDonald stood in the House of Commons and introduced a bill calling “for the establishment of a police force in the Northwest Territories.” The passing of the bill by Parliament May 23rd marked the beginning of the Mounted Police.

Sir George Arthur French became the first commissioner of the new force. His first task was organizing the group of about 300 young men into six divisions of 50 men each. During the summer of 1874 the men marched west from Ontario to their new post in what later became Southern Alberta. This established the presence of the force in the west for the first time.
The Mounties spent much of their early years patrolling the frontier, collecting customs along the border, preventing whiskey trading and maintaining law and order. In 1920 their name was changed to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Much RCMP activity today is focused on the control of organized crime, illegal drug smuggling and international espionage. What began as a temporary force that would disappear once the prairies were settled has instead become a very important part of crime prevention in Canada.  
Res.12 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/09 13:22:38



途中のお花見から参加もOKですので、参加希望の方は3時にTim Hortonsに来てね。



Res.13 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/10 15:48:24

Res.14 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/11 21:57:06

そして、英会話のあとに参加者でお花見にスタンレーパークにいきます!ここから参加したいっ!という方は、3時にTim Hortonsへ来てね☆楽しいですよ〜^^

Res.15 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/14 15:15:09

先週の土曜日の英会話には、なんと過去最高の23名がTim Hortonsに集合しちゃいました!!ある意味、Tim Hortons占領ww


Res.16 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/17 12:18:22


Let’s go Organic?

Defining “Organic”

Organic foods are produced according to certain production standards, it means they were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. For animals, it means they were reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified.
Organic food production is legally regulated. Currently, the United States, the European Union, Japan and many other countries require producers to obtain organic certification in order to market food as organic.
Historically, organic farms have been relatively small family-run farms ― which is why organic food was once only available in small stores or farmers’ markets. However, since the early 1990s organic food has had growth rates of around 20% a year, far ahead of the rest of the food industry, in both developed and developing nations. As of April 2008, organic food accounts for 1-2% of food sales worldwide. Future growth is expected to range from 10-50% annually depending on the country.

Environmental impact of organic food

Several surveys and studies have attempted to examine and compare conventional and organic systems of farming. The general consensus across these surveys is that organic farming is less damaging for the following reasons:
* Organic farms do not consume or release synthetic pesticides into the environment ― some of which have the potential to harm soil, water and local terrestrial and aquatic wildlife.
* Organic farms are better than conventional farms at sustaining diverse ecosystems, i.e., populations of plants and insects, as well as animals.
* When calculated either per unit area or per unit of yield, organic farms use less energy and produce less waste, e.g., waste such as packaging materials for chemicals.

Taste and Nutritional Value

A 2001 study by researchers at Washington State University concluded, under judgement by a panel of tasters, that organic apples were sweeter. Along with taste and sweetness, the texture as well as firmness of the apples were also rated higher than those grown conventionally. These differences are attributed to the greater soil quality resulting from organic farming techniques compared to those of conventional farming.
Some studies have shown higher nutrient levels in organic fruit and vegetables compared with conventionally grown products. However, due to the difficulty with designing such experiments, the evidence is not considered conclusive.
A new report published in March 2008 by The Organic Center claims that organic food is on average 25% more nutritious than conventional food.


Organic products typically cost 10 to 40% more than similar conventionally produced products. Processed organic foods vary in price when compared to their conventional counterparts. An Australian study by Choice magazine in 2004 found processed organic foods in supermarkets to be 65% more expensive, but noted this was not consistent. Prices may be higher because organic produce is produced on a smaller scale, and may need to be milled or processed separately. Furthermore, there is an increase in shipping costs from more centralized production in otherwise regional markets. In the case of dairy and eggs, the animal’s requirements such as the number of animals that can be raised per acre, or the breed of animal and its feed conversion ratio affects the cost.

So, are you ready go for organic?  
Res.17 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/04/17 18:13:26

Res.18 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/22 17:55:06




Res.19 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/24 00:17:40

4月26日(土)のギリホリ英会話は2時〜スタート !!

*This week’s topic*

"Fans gone wild"

celebrations for the Montreal Canadiens’National HockeyLeague victory over the Boston Bruins turned into rioting late Monday night,leaving the city with a morning hangover yesterday of broken windows and burnt-out cars.
A damaged car is seen in downtown Montreal yesterday.Celebrations for the Montreal Canadiens’NHL victory over the Boston Bruins turned into rioting late Monday night.

Police said they arrested 16 people,including three minors,on charges ranging from public mischief to assault,as roving bands of rioters broke shop windows and burned police cars after thousands of hockey fans streamed onto downtown Montreal streets after the game.

sixteen police cars were damaged,including five that were set on fire.Vandals also broke windows at 10 of the dozens of clothing and footwear shops that line Ste.Catherine Street,which is just a few blocks from the arena.Rioters grabbed bottles from a liquor outlet after smashing its windows.



名づけてっ☆"Tim Bits"争奪☆
"Capacity of your vocabulary games!!!"(希望者のみ参加)

略して"capa voca"をやってみましょう!


Res.20 by kose from バンクーバー 2008/04/25 17:28:00



2時にTim Hortonsに集合です!  
Res.21 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/04/27 01:22:15


今回は、過去最大人数の30名がTim Hortonsに集まってしまい、ハンドルしきれないと判断。人気の英会話になってしまい、場所を確保も難しくなるので、今後しばらくの間は、宣伝を控えさせていただきますm(ー_ー)m

Res.22 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/05/20 12:01:34



興味がある方は、僕に電話してもらうか直接2時に、アルバーニにあるTim Hortonsへ来て下さい★  
Res.23 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/05/25 22:38:08


Res.24 by T from 無回答 2008/06/15 01:20:48

Res.25 by KOSE from バンクーバー 2008/06/15 06:04:47


このイベントに参加しなきゃバンクーバー生活を損してるっ!って思えるほど参加した人には人気の英会話です。よければ、来週の土曜日も同じ時間にお決まりのAlberni St.にある、Tim Hortonsでやってるので参加してくださいね。  
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