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Sept. 28-30: Last chance to see Ichiro, great time to go shopping!
by john from バンクーバー 2007/09/23 00:13:49


The baseball season is almost finished. I want to go to Seattle for one day on Sept. 28, 29 or 30 to watch baseball and go outlet mall shopping.

Also, I plan to visit Pike Place Market and 1st Starbucks store. And if we have time, we will visit Bruce Lee’s grave or resting place.

If you would like to join me, please send me an e-mail (in English) and tell me your name and telephone number. My e-mail is

If you are shy, please invite another friend to join us. Or when you send me e-mail, I can ask one of my Japanese friends to contact you and give you more information about me and Seattle trip. I have many Japanese friends in Vancouver and in Japan.

If you are not shy and want a chance to practice your English, you can telephone me. My mobile is 604-817-0178. My English is very easy to understand.

I look forward to talking with you.



p.s. I enjoy making new Japanese friends and if you are from Fukuoka or Okinawa, I get really excited. ha ha ha!

Res.1 by ops from オタワ 2007/09/23 04:01:13


u r creapy though...

pls go there alone.  
Res.2 by john from バンクーバー 2007/09/23 12:14:04

That is not a nice thing to say. The next time you criticize someone, learn how to spell. The correct spelling is "creepy."

And maybe you are right. I would rather go alone than with someone negative like you!  
Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2007/09/23 16:21:21

Your positive thinking is nice.
We also go to Seatlle from Sep 27 to 28th with the same purpose.
Good luck to find your buddies.
Have a nice trip!!  
Res.4 by john from バンクーバー 2007/09/23 16:38:50

Thank you for your kind comment. I really appreciate it. If you need help with your Seattle trip, please call me. I know Seattle very well. Johnny  
Res.5 by >SL32 from バンクーバー 2007/09/23 20:31:51

oh come on
u just wanna something with bithch right?
oopsSL32 / バンクーバー-->  
Res.6 by john from バンクーバー 2007/09/27 21:12:29

Hi everyone, this is Johnny again. I will be going to Seattle this Saturday (one day trip) with my new jpcanada friends Rina, Hideki and Tomoko. My personal friend Aya will also join us. Maybe we have space for 3 more people. Don’t be shy! If you are interested, please contact me. I know many secrets about Seattle attractions. Johnny  
Res.7 by Tom from 無回答 2007/09/28 08:03:22

U hav to tell us y u wanna invite some japanese to go there.
I know the reason y.....
Res.8 by john from バンクーバー 2007/09/28 11:41:10

Hello Tom, the reasons are very simple. I want to invite some Japanese to go there because I have many things in common with Japanese people. For example, I have been to Japan many times. I have many Japanese friends and enjoy Japanese food and culture. My favourite player is Johjima Kenji. Japanese people know baseball and appreciate Ichiro and Johjima.

There are many Japanese people/students in Vancouver. Some of them want to make Canadian friends and practice English but they are too shy. I welcome them to make new friends with me. This trip is open to guys and girls.

It’s also easier for Japanese people to cross the border.

So Tom, here are my reasons. Would you like me to give you more?  
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