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The things I dislike about Vancouver
by anonymous from 無回答 2018/02/03 16:33:14

-people are rude and not educated
-too many homeless and bumps
-public transportation isn't punctual and unreliable
-high living cost
-expensive rent and dirty place
-people aren't well organized
-too many creepy and strange people
-too many poor people asking for spare change on the street
-stupid government only care about their own benefit and person interest
-people are liars and trick others
-Everyone are fight for small amount of money

Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/03 16:42:04

then leave.
Res.2 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/03 21:27:42

Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/04 06:08:17

I think you put yourself in that situation. I usually don’t experience those... of like Res1 said, leave!

-don’t go to certain areas
-don’t depend on the public transportations. Buy your own vehicle or use a cab
-make more money to cover your living cost
-rent a better place/area, or buy your own
-be around more educated professional people. They’re typically more organized
-repeat: don’t go certain area
-goverment corruption is a norm all over the world
-be around more sofisticatrd people

Res.4 by M from 無回答 2018/02/04 13:59:31

I feel the same.
I guess it is difficult for many people to get their own stable life in Canada. Also, with this rainy and cold factors... I had lived in another countries and I liked there much better in terms of people (not all), weather and living cost. However, sometimes I have some good time here as well. It depends on persons.
Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/05 01:47:27

-too many homeless and bumps→too many poor people asking for spare change
-expensive rent→high living cost
-own benefit→person(al)interest
-everyone (is) (fighting) for small amounts of money

yea i see what you meant by people aren't organized lol
Res.6 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/05 13:15:26

That's a bit cruel, don't you think?
You're just pointing out someone's mistake, which is probably coming from the language issues, not the ability to organize.
I'm sure you can find errors in my writing as well !
Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/05 13:53:43


ってかability to organizeって何ですか?

Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2018/02/06 13:26:39

-too many homeless and bumps -->> bumpsは皆さんご存知の”street bumps”などに使われます。
homelessの対象語はbumsでしょうか? 以下の作文で勉強しましょう。

The place where I work is located on a fairly busy street corner. This means a lot of foot traffic and a lot of homeless people hanging around. I've come to know a couple of them since I see them all the time. My favorite is a guy named Hawk. He's a guy I would classify as "homeless" and not a "bum". Bums are the ones on street corners. Homeless people may beg, but they're not in your face about it, or may do odd jobs for a few bucks.

Res.9 by 無回答 from 無回答 2018/02/06 14:47:42

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